Former sex crimes officer facing 100 child porn charges told Tampa police he did not have internet access

Not for the purposes of shaming the individual, but solely for the purpose of illustrating that even those responsible for protecting children (in this case a former Florida sex crimes officer) can be a perpetrator. Add that profession to the list, along with teachers and politicians.

Remember, this individual does not represent all in law enforcement, the overwhelming majority of which will not offend. Similarly, recidivists do not represent all on the registry, the overwhelming majority of which will not re-offend.



15 thoughts on “Former sex crimes officer facing 100 child porn charges told Tampa police he did not have internet access

  • April 3, 2022

    Does anyone know if this is a state or federal case? It reads like a state case, but the feds love to make headlines like this.

  • April 3, 2022

    I wonder if this is what ol Ron and Lauren had in mind when they talk about water boarding and fingernail pulling the bad people. One of their own doing what they despise.. Phuk those 2 terrible hypocritical people, I hope they both die and burn in hell!

  • April 3, 2022

    Seems that those who profess such repugnance and outrage to something are often involved in the very thing they demonize publicly.

    I think that they should stop doing on-line stings and creating criminals with fantasy conversations with nonexistent “victims” and simply concentrate on every LEO and politician who is actively using the registry as a political tool or diversion.

    Plenty of them just like this fine individual illustrates so vividly!

  • April 3, 2022

    So, I wonder if some of those “stories” that they found were “scripts”. for when he was doing sting operations?

    • April 4, 2022

      Good point JoeM. I also wonder if this was a setup somehow. I served federal time with two different guys who had exwives download cp in the house then file for divorce after the arrests and both wives got sole custody of the kids. Setups do happen. Don’t know if this was one but they do happen

  • April 3, 2022

    Well, I hope that he gets good counseling. With the Republicans pushing for stricter sentences for CP, I wonder how this man’s case will play out.

  • April 3, 2022

    “….did not have internet access”?? Oh, so the images were mailed to him?? Old fashioned U. S. Mail? 🙄


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