Former sex crimes officer facing 100 child porn charges told Tampa police he did not have internet access
Not for the purposes of shaming the individual, but solely for the purpose of illustrating that even those responsible for protecting children (in this case a former Florida sex crimes officer) can be a perpetrator. Add that profession to the list, along with teachers and politicians.
Remember, this individual does not represent all in law enforcement, the overwhelming majority of which will not offend. Similarly, recidivists do not represent all on the registry, the overwhelming majority of which will not re-offend.
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Anyone who has done time can remember someone talking crap like that officer. The guy that gave an absolute ridiculous excuse for why he was incarcerated. Inside, no one will believe him. But, he may not make it there. Cronyism may give him probation, no registry, and perhaps a transfer to another dept. Only if enough have to go through lifetime probation, (the registry) , will change happen for us. Once they realize, they are us. Different degrees, but still us.
We Shall See, If Convicted, If This Person Gets a Similar Punishment To Those Others That Committed Like Offenses….
Why is it that Practically ALL Judges are More Lenient on People Like Him and People Like Whiskey Blue?
Seeing how he worked in a sex crime department, he technically wouldn’t need internet access, as he has access to that stuff anyways.
He isn’t lying now about not having the internet connection. Grady Judd’s Judge that was arrested, numerous other LEO’S, all subject to the vices of man, or conspiracies of man.
But prosecuted as severely as the rest of us. I seriously doubt it!
In today’s day and age, everyone has access to the internet. You don’t need to have a router or modem in your home, or even a laptop. All you need is a smartphone, and even without a data plan, you can still access the internet by connecting to public wifi which is available almost everywhere. McDonalds, Burger King, bars, bowling alleys, and even some public parks offer free wifi to their guests.
I doubt his defense will hold water.
Did you get home detention?This cop was very well connected. Keep googling
No normal human being gets home detention for child pornography in the federal system. This guy was facing 46 to 57 months under the sentencing guidelines. More discussion can be found at