Former “Predator Hunter” Receives Deferred Prosecution – Prosecutor believes in “second chances”
In a very ironic twist of fate, Kyle P. Swanson, the former head of Predator Hunters which baited individuals online and then outed them as sexual predators, was arrested several months ago for unlawful restraint and obstructing justice. On January 12, Swanson detained and threatened a man he “enticed” into his vehicle, and then tried to destroy evidence in the form of cell phone videos.
Swanson and his co-conspirators would stage their own sting operations to allegedly catch people preying on children online. Police repeatedly warned that the tactics used by predator hunters were not only undermining their efforts, but likely illegal. We were very satisfied to report of Swanson’s arrest several months ago.
Today we are disappointed to report that Swanson struck a deal with prosecutors that allows him to avoid prosecution if he stays out of trouble. Equally disappointing are the comments from the prosecution as published in this article, which states: “It is the policy of this office to give first-time offenders, especially those with honorable military service, due consideration in the disposition of cases,” Haine said. “We seek to balance the demands of justice with a culture of second chances.” WHAT?!?!
Of course, the state doesn’t want this man interfering with their monopoly on unconstitutional stings. Those are a cash cow!
I hope he gets viciously gutted in civil court by his victims. His prosecutor buddy can’t help him in civil court. May he lose everything he owns and be left broken.
WTF lol waht a Joke shit this is im retired US military I sure as hell didnt get a break on underage dating scam extortion!
I would lmao if it weren’t for the fact that our justice system has become such a joke. I seen plenty of first time offenders including prior military get 25 years and more. Nothing mattered in the cases no evidence, alleged victim changing they’re story ? Did they drop charges ? No did they reduce charges ? No did they prosecute ? You bet . did they get a conviction ? Of course they did it was a sex charge . this ass clown gets special treatment why ? Because the prosecution is as much of a pos as he is. They are so concerned with “what would the public think if we go after someone trying to protect kids ” and when it comes to sex charges its ” what IF the person we let go commits a crime later?, I don’t want to be known as the one who let a sex offender go. Who cares if they are innocent better safe then sorry
What the hell happened to second chances for us?
People like him need some kind of rehabilitation. Pretending to be catching online child predators is a very sick addiction to some of them (I suspect for most or all who do this).
He is what is called a situational narcissist. He was pretending to be catching child predators to make himself look like a hero he is not. It was all about himself. It was never about protecting children.
The aggression he showed says it all.
The article says he struck “a deal with prosecutors that allows him to avoid prosecution if he stays out of trouble.” Folks, there it is. If he gets into trouble, then he’ll get hammered. Not saying anyone should be a vigilante but if he was caught on video doing something wrong or having contact with LE, well…I think you get the point.