Former “Predator Hunter” Receives Deferred Prosecution – Prosecutor believes in “second chances”

In a very ironic twist of fate, Kyle P. Swanson, the former head of Predator Hunters which baited individuals online and then outed them as sexual predators, was arrested several months ago for unlawful restraint and obstructing justice. On January 12, Swanson detained and threatened a man he “enticed” into his vehicle, and then tried to destroy evidence in the form of cell phone videos.

Swanson and his co-conspirators would stage their own sting operations to allegedly catch people preying on children online. Police repeatedly warned that the tactics used by predator hunters were not only undermining their efforts, but likely illegal. We were very satisfied to report of Swanson’s arrest several months ago.

Today we are disappointed to report that Swanson struck a deal with prosecutors that allows him to avoid prosecution if he stays out of trouble. Equally disappointing are the comments from the prosecution as published in this article, which states: “It is the policy of this office to give first-time offenders, especially those with honorable military service, due consideration in the disposition of cases,” Haine said. “We seek to balance the demands of justice with a culture of second chances.” WHAT?!?!

10 thoughts on “Former “Predator Hunter” Receives Deferred Prosecution – Prosecutor believes in “second chances”

  • November 5, 2021

    i was military. it was never bright to once in court. hm, how about that.

  • November 5, 2021

    FAC, your Share Media page stopped working awhile ago. Now it just gives the error message, “There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.” Are you still receiving shared media?

    • November 6, 2021

      What page are you referring too?

  • November 5, 2021

    “It is the policy of this office to give first-time offenders, especially those with honorable military service, due consideration in the disposition of cases,” Haine said. “We seek to balance the demands of justice with a culture of second chances.”
    Except they omitted something, “…unless you’re charged with a sex crime.”
    I served 8 years in the Marine Corps with an honorable discharge, and this was my first and only offense. Where’s my sweetheart deal?


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