Former Inmate, Matt Duhamel Hosts Video Podcast On America’s Criminal Justice System


Already an established independent filmmaker with five film credits under his belt, Matt Duhamel has now set his sights on a weekly video podcast about America’s broken criminal justice system. ‘Solitary Nation’, which is available in both video and audio format on Google Play Music and Stichter, is an interview style show on important subjects such as sex offenders in the community, mass incarceration, collateral effects on family members, children of incarcerated parents and post prison success stories. Duhamel states that the main reason he decided to produce and host Solitary Nation is to help individuals and families that have been affected by incarceration in some form. He agrees that his own experience in federal prison for a computer sex offense was a catalyst in helping promote compassion and second chances for former inmates while crushing fear-based social stigmas, especially for registered sex offenders.

Metamora Films along with Metamora Media, has been Duhamel’s passion since the fall of 2012 which promotes personal transformation through thought-provoking films and journalism. A former weather news anchor and radio disc jockey, Duhamel now uses his experience  by helping others through the power of independent film and media. He agrees with the idea that film can help individuals, communities and entire societies by increasing compassion, tolerance, understanding and forgiveness.

“I can’t hide in my home because I’m a registered sex offender. I refuse to act like a social outcast. I’m a human being that has a honest desire to improve the world around us and to help others,” Duhamel states. He adds, “Sometimes the social stigma takes a toll on me, but I keep moving forward.”

His video podcast, which officially launched September 20, 2016 is off to a great start with interviews with Dr. Lisa Sample, President of Sexual Offense Policy Research and Charlie Engle, ultramarathon runner, author, and public speaker. Engle discusses in episode three of Solitary Nation his stint in federal prison and his lifelong battle with drug and alcohol addiction. Duhamel is also working on a new documentary titled, NOT FOR RENT!, which looks at the numerous challenges ex-felons face while trying to secure rental housing. The film highlights personal stories and Utah’s Good Landlord Program and the effects it has on the formerly incarcerated and their families.

For more information on Solitary Nation, Metamora Films and Metamora Media, visit
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Matt Duhamel

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