Representative Matt Gaetz, the Florida firebrand under a federal investigation for the alleged sex trafficking of a 17-year-old girl, has sparked a local furor over his upcoming appearance at a high school in Okaloosa County, Florida, where he is expected to speak directly with minors about their career aspirations in the military.

Most of the uproar appears to be led by Women Against Matt Gaetz, a 10,000-strong Facebook group of (mostly) women who have “had enough of Congressman Matt Gaetz and his offensive aggression toward women,” and are speaking out against Gaetz’s Tuesday visit at Niceville High School, a top-performing high school in the district. While a grand jury is reportedly investigating allegations of sex trafficking a minor, “it is just inappropriate for a sitting United States congressman to engage with young people, especially young women,” said Samantha Herring, the founder of Women Against Matt Gaetz. Per Herring, as of last week, 80% of the group’s members lived in Gaetz’s congressional district. The group plans to call on Gaetz’s colleagues in Congress to have the conservative lawmaker “step aside” until the “investigation is completed.”

The Justice Department is currently investigating Gaetz for three alleged crimes: paying women for sex, having a sexual relationship with a minor, and for paying that minor to travel with him across state lines (which would be in violation of sex trafficking laws).



  • August 16, 2022

    And how long are they going to “investigate”? In my opinion, it is clear what the investigation is about.

    • August 16, 2022

      He paid to have sex with a teenage girl, that’s what is about !

    • August 17, 2022

      until the elections are over and he is forced to loose by implied guilt..

  • August 16, 2022

    Wow this is quite a conundrum…how can we arrange it so both of them lose?

  • August 16, 2022

    While Gaetz’s appearance is definitely in bad form, I have mixed feelings about the controversy. First, let me say that I think Gaetz is a slime ball. However, he has only been accused of improprieties, and is innocent until found guilty. He should have arranged for an aide to perform what is essentially an educational and public relations function. We object to pre-judging of registrants, and should apply the same standard to Gaetz.

    Having said that about him, I feel a need to thoroughly wash my hands or take a shower. With any luck, he will lose in the primary.

    • August 17, 2022

      I’m in complete agreement with you, and you said everything I wanted to say.
      I know nothing of the guy, and I am not going to judge him. Its only an accusation against him, and until or unless charges are brought against him, or he is convicted, everyone needs to just stop. We wouldn’t want people judging us because of an accusation.
      I do, however, strongly agree that until the investigation has been completed, he should not be giving speeches to minors. It really is bad form.
      If I were accused of arson, I wouldn’t be seen at the gas station filling up gas cans.

      • August 17, 2022

        I don’t like or support Gaetz, but giving speeches to high schools is so de rigueur for a politician that he would seem a little bit off brand if he avoided it.

        Although I question the appropriateness of having politicians in schools to begin with.

  • August 17, 2022

    The Press first reported on this “investigation” in March 2021. Since there hasn’t been an arrest, obviously it’s a political nothing burger. I wish someone would have given me a head’s up that there was an investigation going on. Rarely are these people treated like the rest of us.

  • August 17, 2022

    Guilty until; proven innocent and even past proven innocent.. The American Way

  • August 17, 2022

    Don’t read too much into there not having been an arrest yet. This is the feds. They can often take a lot longer than they’ve taken with Gaetz. I should know.

  • August 17, 2022

    He is surely not ‘innocent til proven guilty.’ That principle is for a court of law. A high school may consider credible allegations against Matt Gaetz in deciding whether it’s ok for him to socialize with 17-year-olds. And the press should be free to report that he’s socializing with 17-year-olds while such allegations hanging over his head. They need not declare him innocent OR guilty.

    If a deputy was suspected of beating inmates, would you keep him on the job because he is ‘innocent til proven guilty’? Would you want to see his union fight to protect his reputation?

    No, you’d want to put that deputy on administrative leave, keeping him away from inmates while the matter is investigated and until it’s resolved. You might even want his case reported in the press in the meantime, so that people are aware and to keep the pressure on. You wouldn’t defend such a deputy on the principle of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ unless you were his defense lawyer.

    See how this works? We do not need to rush to the defense of Matt Gaetz if that makes us uncomfortable.

  • August 17, 2022

    What frustrates me when it comes to allegations against politicians is the fact that I was arrested, transported by private prisoner transport services that almost led to my death, and forced to spend money to bond out and returned home at my own expense on charges that were later dismissed due to innocence, all because I looked like a potential thief.

    But if you’re a politician, you can have dozens of accusations but no arrests for years even with lots of evidence that is discussed publicly on the news.

    There is simply little to no accountability when it comes to these people. Worse yet, there will be many who would defend them simply because of political alignment.

    If Matt Gaetz was just a common womanizing drunk who likes ’em young he’d be stewing in a jail cell awaiting trial.

    It is still innocent unless proven guilty and all but it is clear that the rich & powerful don’t have to endure what most of us endure when accused of a crime.

  • August 17, 2022

    Glad to hear that a Congressman is facing the lynch mob of their own creation. Consider one of their children or loved ones on the registry, if they do not use their power to prevent it. Which I am sure they will do if they haven’t already.


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