Florida trailer park entirely inhabited by sex offenders

Pedophilia is a clinical diagnosis which does not apply to most people who commit a sex offense, but there is a small percentage who do suffer from this condition.  Why?  What makes them different?  Are they truly bad people wanting to hurt others?  The science on this subject gives a resounding NO!


For over a century, numerous treatments have been tried without a single one found to change a pedophile to a non-pedophile.


Dr. Cantor, a neuroscientist specializing in atypical sexualities, studied brain MRIs of known pedophiles and discovered a dramatic cross wiring in the connective tissue, showing that pedophilia starts in the womb and is not a “learned” behavior.  He found that it is not that areas in the brain are formed differently, but that the network that is supposed to form is not connected properly.  Conclusion:  Pedophilia begins in the womb.


Not all pedophiles are molesting children, though, as some are non-offending.


If society wants to prevent future sex crimes involving children, then it needs to follow the science: supporting and giving help to this select group of people rather than ostracizing them.  But our society prefers to “cut off its nose to spite its face” on this issue rather than doing anything to help possibly one of the most shunned group of people, not to mention future victims.


Helping this group of people is probably our only option if we truly want to reduce sex offenses against children.  In Europe, an individual with sexual desires for a child can receive clinical help without involving the police.  In the United States, clinicians are required by law to report to the police any person seeking help in dealing with their pedophilia.  According to the registrant in this 60 Minutes Australia report, the individual would then be arrested.  Therefore, a non-offending pedophile cannot reach out for help in the United States.


Because the United States is very resistant to passing research-based laws in many areas, not just pedophilia, we have more people incarcerated per capita than any other country in the world, along with the largest overall number of people behind bars.


This story on pedophilia needs to be told, but it is unfortunate that people in the UK, Australia, and elsewhere choose to use the term “pedophile” for anyone with a past sex offense.  Research shows that most people on the registry are NOT suffering from pedophilia.


19 thoughts on “Florida trailer park entirely inhabited by sex offenders

  • October 3, 2021

    May I suggest you change the title of this article to simply
    “Pedophilia is a clinical diagnosis”?
    (I have no idea what your article has to do with trailer parks.)

  • October 3, 2021

    ⭐⭐⭐ I have always been attracted to younger boys/males. Even when I was a young adolescent.
    (No, I was never molested. Really, no. Not ever, in any way.)
    This is just how I have always been since being a young child. I have ALWAYS been attracted to boys who are more petite/smaller than me, and typically, somewhat effeminate or androgynous.
    This is entirely natural and normal to me. I have never known otherwise.

    (I’m tired of having to pretend otherwise. This is me. This is who I am. This is who I have always been. No shame.*)
    I have to assume that there are others out there with similar attractions.

    (Now, having said this, I should note that I have NO intention of EVER harming any boy in any way. I have NO interest of ever following through – in any way – on any attraction.)

  • October 3, 2021

    It’s a bit strange to me that the whole LGBTQIA+ acceptance movement is about accepting people for who they naturally and normally are – with regard to sexual attraction (or affectional/romantic interest).
    And yet, this does not often extend to people like myself who are attracted to younger individuals. Instead, we are frequently considered dismissed and maligned as “creepy old men” and it is entirely acceptable to disparage and despise us. (I never chose to be as I am. This is simply who I have always been – all of my life.)
    Am I the only one who is aware of this inconsistency?? 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • October 3, 2021

    If anyone has the chance, watch the documentary Pervert Park about this very same place in St Petersburg. ( it is on Netflix I believe) It was very insightful, compared to this fear mongering piece of “journalism” from Australia. Also, until mental health care in this country gets the attention and support it needs, the research done by this doctor will be a moot point.

  • October 3, 2021

    David, you are not alone in realizing the hypocrisy of the LGBT…….(and the initials continue to build) community. They are many of the ones telling everyone else to accept them and their views (ie born this way, men can have babies, men go through PMS, etc). Yet, when you invoke your own rught, they will say you are prejudiced and intolerant. I for one am a proud straight, white, conservative male who is forced to register under threat of imprisonment if I don’t. Yet, to them, I am a monster who cannot be tolerated. Oh, the hypocrisy. One final note, I don’t understand what this article has to do with people forced to register living in a trailer park.

    • October 4, 2021

      Former Disney child star Tommy Kirk died this past week and some on Twitter were decrying the fact that the evil Walt Disney fired him “because he found out that Kirk was gay.” Funny how these people on SM backpedal when you tell them that Kirk was 22 and sleeping with a 15 year old boy. Disney hired him back later and fired him again when he was busted for weed.

  • October 3, 2021

    Given the resentment directed at LGBTQ, below, let’s set some things straight.

    LGBTQ, registration, and pedophilic disorder have nothing to do with each other. LGBTQ pride acknowledges among other things that acting on LGBTQ sexual impulses, consensually, is a legitimate thing to do. Whereas those with pedophilic disorder realize (I hope) that acting on THOSE urges cause harm, often permanent, and cannot be consented to. There can be such thing as a gay lifestyle, and one can perhaps take pride in that lifestyle, but there must never be such a thing as a pedophilic lifestyle. I am grateful that those who suspect they may have this disorder, are joining the fight against child sexual abuse, but their pride, if anything, would come from REFRAINING from urges that cause harm. That is not the same as the source of LGBTQ pride.

    LGBTQ movement also is not the same as the registry reform movement. Criminal history and sexual orientation are two totally different things. You can be part of both movements if you want, but they have two totally different objectives. That doesn’t mean LGBTQ are hypocrites for not calling for the abolition of registries. Are Florida Action Committee members such as ‘Forced To Register,’ hypocrites for not joining Pride marches?

    • October 4, 2021

      I’m really sorry that this discussion regarding the LGBTQ relationship to the registry arose in the context of a very bad, fear mongering segment about pedophilia. The relationship between the fight against the registry and LGBTQ pride is that both involve civil and human rights. I do take issue with LGBTQ+’s comment regarding sexual orientation and criminal history. They are indeed different, but one must remember that gay sex, as opposed to merely having that sexual orientation, was once unlawful. It has been less than 20 years since that issue was finally resolved in the Lawrence v. Texas decision. The gay orientation was once considered a mental disorder.

      If pedophilia is indeed a sexual orientation, I have great compassion for those afflicted. Unlike for gays, this orientation must never be expressed. David and others must be severely stressed not only because of unfulfilled sexuality, but because they are forced to permanently hide in the closet, and are vilified even if they never act on their urges. I had to dive into the DSM-V to discover that pedophilic urges themselves are not considered pathological. The pathology arises from either serious stress due to those urges, or by acting on them. Both society and those with unexpressed pedophilic orientations would be best served by open discussions about the orientation and how to avoid harm. Open the closet door.

      Now, on to the topic of the gay pride and registry reform movements. The comment by LGBTQ+ regarding criminal history is akin to “if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.” Well, virtually all of those on the registry have done the time and paid their debt to society; and if statistics are to be believed 95% have been rehabilitated. Although it is punishing, the registry is not officially considered to be punishment for any crime. Ostensibly it exists to enhance public safety. However, much data belie that assertion. It is a form of both official and social suppression just as much as antiquated anti-gay strictures were.

      The registry reform movement is reminiscent of the pre-Stonewall gay rights movement. That barely existed because of unwarranted fear, hatred, moralizing and violence against gays. The LGBTQ and registry reform movements can and should join in solidarity simply on the issue of liberty and human dignity. Pedophilia is a separate issue, and should not become a red herring to disrupt that union.


  • October 4, 2021


    This was an article that I stumbled upon, and has some sense to it. There are other examples where so called victims have voiced that they were in no way harmed, but society simply ignores their voice as a whole. History shows that people will always have an outclass society of people, and we are right up there.

  • October 4, 2021

    Imagine if they changed the headline to “Trailer Park Entirely Inhabited By Blacks” or Whites, or Gays, or anything other than “Sex Offenders.” People would be justifiably outraged for bias and prejudice in this “news” report. But because this article targets sex offenders, there is no outrage. That’s the problem. That’s the hypocrisy.

    • February 1, 2022

      Please! Most of these parks are in middle class neighborhoods where both parents work and kids get off the school bus and play outside together unsupervised! Disaster waiting to happen!

      • February 1, 2022

        Guess We Got Another ‘Lauren B-Like Troll’ Spreading False INFO!

      • February 1, 2022

        I’d be a bit concerned about who’s alone with the children when their parents are at work. But that’s regardless of whether there’s a trailer park nearby. The trailer park residents simply aren’t going to prey on any kids playing outside (or anyone else, for that matter).

      • February 1, 2022

        Could you please clarify your comments. What exactly is the disaster waiting to happen?

      • February 2, 2022

        Most places I’ve been trailer/mobile homes are in low income or rural areas. Not against anyone who lives in one, but that’s my opinion based on experience. However crime can occur anywhere, so parents need to teach their kids what do if their in danger.

  • October 4, 2021

    I’m not part of LBTQ community and I have no idea what it’s like; however if someone needs to talk I’m here to listen. We might have different orientations but I support you as a human being and a registrant.

  • October 5, 2021

    I wonder if the reporter from 60 Minutes thinks that watching action/horror movies is akin to having someone murdered? Maybe that trailer park does have all child molesters, but equating everyone who committed a sexual offense as one is pretty F*ed up. Plenty of people who raped an adult, were nude in public, screwed their slightly younger girlfriend, or looked at CP would hardly be considered a “child” molester. I don’t think it was mentioned, but that’s the same as calling everyone with a sex offense a “predator.” We don’t call every drug offender or thief “home wreckers” or “murderers” because some users overdosed or sold everything for dope so why call everything involving human nudity a “sex offense?”

    • October 6, 2021

      Does the buck still stop in Ohio? Those lists are sure making communities safe…. NOT


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