Florida Sex Offender Registry Breaks 80,000
It’s not the milestone any State should aspire to reach, but the State of Florida now, officially, has more than eighty thousand names on it. 80,342 as of today, to be exact.
Florida is adding so many people to it’s registry at such a fast pace that we just flew past the 80K mark without even noticing it! Of course, more than 18,000 of those are currently locked up and not in the community, 506 are in civil commitment an indefinitely locked up, 3252 were deported to another country, oh, and 1304 are dead. Besides that, more than 29,000 list a permanent address in another state or country. There are 19 kids on the registry, but get this… we have 14 who are still alive and over 100 years old! Better keep a close eye on those centenarians, right?
Only California and Texas have been known for having larger registries than Florida, but last year California enacted a tiered registry, which affords lower tier registrants to be removed. Texas also allows people on the registry to petition for “deregistration” under certain circumstances, so long as they have only one registrable offense and they have met or exceeded the duration of registration under the Adam Walsh Act. So, it should not be much longer until Florida overtakes those states.
Eighty thousand is a big number. To put that into perspective for the lawmakers up in Tallahassee (population 191,000), that’s nearly 50% of the population of your city! So good job lawmakers. Whether your next milestone is 100,000 people registered or simply to be in first place, you’re on track!
Thank you Derek Logue for traveling to Florida and boosting our numbers!
I am sure there are other messed up scenarios like Derek’s where a corrupt LEO, Government official was a vindictive POS and had someone arrested. It’s happened to me twice!
This is why we need attorneys, resources and support groups to make sure this never happens again!
If anyone can suggest an attorney for Duval and false arrests please do!
I’m sorry that you had to experience that ordeal Derek!
Given enough time, the only people left to vote will be the politicians themselves…we know how righteous they are…and they will vote for themselves.
I rather be near a wild boar than put faith in any politician. All they care about is making a name for themselves, make money, re-elections, and putting the Constitution in the shredder.
So, Therefore, 52,062 People Are Not Loose in Florida…Some are Locked Up; Some Are Dead; Some Deported; And Most Do Not Reside in Florida any more
Therefore, ONLY 36% Actually are on the Hit List
Inflated Numbers Brings in Extra Monies, Which is Actually a Violation of the RICO Acts…Prove Me Wrong, Please!
Wow 39% of Florida registrants (those living in state) are incarcerated, not counting the civil commitments. That seems extraordinarily high, and probably intended I think.
I wish we knew how many of those 18,000 are locked up on FTR. We should be reminding legislators every chance we can about the increasing cost to the taxpayers concerning these administrative violations. If the legislators won’t hear, then we should (with wisdom) go directly to government spending watchdog groups and prison reform groups and tell them instead.
When it comes to wasteful government spending, I think we have more allies on this point than we realize.
Seems Florida and many other States have been digging themselves into the ground. Guess pride does go before the fall. Guess nudest colonies are forbidden in many states. Correct me on this one but weren’t nudist colonies legal back in the 50’s in some counties in Florida the sunshine state. Maybe in CA back then also. Although it was probably a phase that fazed out. Guess it doesn’t get any immoral than that.
Seems this sex registry has today a rating scale of a tier system or should one rating fit all as punishment is punishment no matter how you count it or are we all offenders in thought and deed? I’m sure many would like to know whats punitive in much of this registry or is the way they craft these crafty laws.