Florida Sex Offender Registry Breaks 80,000
It’s not the milestone any State should aspire to reach, but the State of Florida now, officially, has more than eighty thousand names on it. 80,342 as of today, to be exact.
Florida is adding so many people to it’s registry at such a fast pace that we just flew past the 80K mark without even noticing it! Of course, more than 18,000 of those are currently locked up and not in the community, 506 are in civil commitment an indefinitely locked up, 3252 were deported to another country, oh, and 1304 are dead. Besides that, more than 29,000 list a permanent address in another state or country. There are 19 kids on the registry, but get this… we have 14 who are still alive and over 100 years old! Better keep a close eye on those centenarians, right?
Only California and Texas have been known for having larger registries than Florida, but last year California enacted a tiered registry, which affords lower tier registrants to be removed. Texas also allows people on the registry to petition for “deregistration” under certain circumstances, so long as they have only one registrable offense and they have met or exceeded the duration of registration under the Adam Walsh Act. So, it should not be much longer until Florida overtakes those states.
Eighty thousand is a big number. To put that into perspective for the lawmakers up in Tallahassee (population 191,000), that’s nearly 50% of the population of your city! So good job lawmakers. Whether your next milestone is 100,000 people registered or simply to be in first place, you’re on track!
We have to be prudent in monitoring those dead registered citizens. After all they might come back as S.O. zombies, and nothing is worse than a S.O. zombie. We should be grateful that Florida is monitoring them. I wonder if they do a grave check twice a year?
Don’t forget the sex offenders who sometimes try to vote. That could be how we get pregnant chads.
Dennis, very good!!
Oh and Jeffrey Epstein is still on the list but he never ever made the list in the US Virgin Islands…google it….he only ever checked in once but his residency was the US Virgin Islands…..they Never did a compliance check on his private island….I have asked repeatedly and have been threaten to be arrested!
I am prohibited from contacting the head of SONRA or AG here about that or they will arrest me
Where do you see Jeffrey Epstein is still on the Florida registry? I did google it and I checked the FDLE website he is not “still on the list”. Please provide a link to his registration flyer.
so, Mathematically, there are 28,280 (approx) that are actually residing in Florida
So does the state take in extra monies based on a Fraudulent 80K plus number they say exist?????
I am so confused?!?!?
80 thousand on the sex registry. One wonders who offends in thought and deed or do we all. Sure we can all see the two sides to a coin even when its flipped to one sided Justice. Talk about love thy neighbor. Who is thy neighbor in much of this registry hi – jacking or harassing by some planned scheme of things. Sure prevention is good although safety seems to be a bit crafty and vain in much of this sex registry ordeal. Seems like the blind are leading the blind in Florida for vanity purposes that are somewhat vain encounters.
I would love to comment but I am sure my language would be filtered. Are we sure that Florida ever accepted the US Constitution? If they did at one time, today they use it for a floor mat.
Has there been any lobbying of state senators and representatives to adopt a tiered system. Florida paints all offenders with one wide brush. There’s a difference between one who urinated in public and a rapist.
If someone was convicted of rape years ago, but has been crime-free in the community for the past 15 years, will you still call them a rapist? What tier will you assign them?
Many states have a tier system, but only a few do them well.
Florida, incidentally, already has a tier system. We just have two tiers instead of three, and they’re both bad.
I have a 794.011(5) Attempted S Battery Without Force or Little Force depending what year you read it (Adult) for a Alleged outside of the shirt breast Grope!. I noticed it says per the Smart Office that this Florida offense does not meet Sornas requirement’s. Does anybody know if this charge will qualify for removal in the future? I’m still perplexed everyday how on earth this false charge is even a S charge with no Sex of any kind! If it doesn’t help with Florida does it do anything at the Federal Level? I see some states this would not even be a Felony or on the Registry. Thanks
OR, of those whose incident happened over 30 years ago with not so much as a speeding ticket since. Or the fact that there was no registry when we were sentenced, and later thrown in with everyone who committed a crime after the registry had been enacted.
Tiers should be avoided. They are just more pretending that the Hit Lists do something useful. No one should be pretending or abetting the terrorists.
Tiers usually are based on conviction and not current risk. Besides who determines the risk and are they a state employed psychologist. Even if a state has tiers what stops a legislator from moving more people to the highest tier. Tiers just like the registry are useless with both needing to be taken down by an axe.
Tiers are even more useless that the Hit Lists. What am I going to do differently if I know a neighbor is a tier 1 versus a 3? Not a freaking thing.
I treat every neighbor as if they are a serial rapist. So I don’t need Hit Lists at all. And certainly not tiers. As if I’d trust big government to tell me a tier that meant something useful, lol!
Will Allen
I am glad I do not live next to you LOL
Opposite of what you do. I try and treat all my neighbors with love and respect, even if they do not share that sentiment. Funny, several neighbors who cannot stand me have recently come over asking for help. I got their car running for them at no charge. Now they wave and say hi whenever they drive by.
A little kindness goes a long way even when we are not initially shown it. Do I still have some jerk neighbors? Absolutely. Are they going to change? Probably not. But I can only do my part.
Jack, you are right on. Kindness on the part of registrants and politicians will go a long way to restoring decency in citizenship. The Bible tells us to turn the cheek. If we want to receive kindness, we have to give it.
Yeah treating people the way you want to be treated is such a universal concept that I’m pretty sure every major religion, not just Christianity, has it as one of their tenets. Like the old saying, as a man thinks, so he is. If you see the world as negative, the negative is all you will see. But if you look for the positive, you will find it.
I guess I should have better explained what I meant, lol. I did not mean that I treat anyone badly. I meant that you don’t have any idea who is a serial rapist and who is not. That is very important to realize because it clearly shows why and how the Hit Lists are completely worthless and not needed.
If I have a “level 3” rapist living next door to me and on the other side I have just some random family with a dad, I don’t have any idea which of those 2 males has raped more people. More importantly, I definitely don’t have any idea which of the 2 might rape someone in the future. If a person does not KNOW that to be a FACT, then that person doesn’t know how to protect themselves or their family from sex crimes. No Hit List can be made good enough to ever protect such people.
I have and do protect my family from crimes very well. I’ve been completely successful at it. I have never used or “needed” the Hit Lists because I’m smarter than that. I know that ANYONE could have committed just about any crime and not been caught. They could be committing crimes today. We ALL see that just about every day. How much more proof do smart people need? It’s crazy.
And I will add that I truly believe that the smarter, more educated, and more successful that a person is, the safer that person (and his/her family) is and the less that they think the Hit Lists should exist at all. Smart people don’t need the Lists. Most “people” who support the Hit Lists are serious losers. Government will never be able to help those people enough to keep them safe, Lists or not. In my personal experience I can almost guarantee you that the person yelling the most and most zealously supporting the Hit Lists, is the biggest loser of the crowd. They are usually extremely weak and have low self-esteem.
Having said all that, I’m very kind to people. I’ll help just about anyone. Unless/Until I find out that they think Hit Lists are acceptable. At that point I don’t have to treat them like humans any longer and I won’t.
Amerika has embraced hate its entire history. I can’t imagine it will stop. The Hit Lists keep it going and are completely on-brand.