Florida Prison’s Deferred Maintenance Comes Due

If you have recently been released from a Florida DOC managed prison facility you will know this personally and intimately.  If you were released from a Florida DOC managed prison facility a long time ago, you would still have a personal awareness of how rundown these facilities are.  

A study prepared by consulting firm KPMG has reported that Florida prison’s require substantial maintenance.  Maintenance that has been put off for years is now coming due.  One would believe it can no longer be delayed.  Somehow, it seems there is always a perfectly good reason to not do anything about it.  A $2 billion spending program to make prisons better will undergo serious debate.

The second take on this study also shows that it would cost $580 million to air condition these facilities.  As a politician who wants to be seen as tough on crime would ask – isn’t this money better spent on salaries for DOC workers who have a record of high turnover?  The common-sense business consultant replied that salaries are only part of the reason for the high turnover.  The DOC employees suffer along with inmates in the same heat.  Many DOC employees are suspected to leave for such bad work conditions.  Just to close this thought: if conditions are so bad employees in these facilities which are often located in the middle of nowhere so no other job prospects exist, imagine the toll it takes on the incarcerated.  


3 thoughts on “Florida Prison’s Deferred Maintenance Comes Due

  • November 18, 2023

    From information on the internet of Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested 29 times and spent some time in jail but never went to prison. Most of his crime was misdemeanors and yes he was for civil rights. Only spent a weekend in prison during my intake and establishing bail which was a twenty thousand or so. My sister put up her house. Sad.. No one should go to prison for a lot of this registry.

    While in prison I had the mistake to tell one of the cell mates my crime and the guy was ready to kill me. In fact he told the guard if you don’t get this guy out of here I’m gonna kill him.
    How people interpret this sex offender thing unjustly. Course the prison ministry was good which I got to participate in that weekend and very inspirational here in Virginia.

    Course all that’s under the bridge and we all need to let those types of things go yet we still press on for our freedom.

  • November 18, 2023

    The one thing I will never forget is how nasty the mattresses and pillows were. They had stains and stunk to high Heaven. And even though the sheets were washed, the mattresses and pillows were rarely changed out. Oddly, after some time, you stop thinking about them and just accept it.
    I always tried to think it was better than probably being in prison in a 3rd World country.


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