Florida police (Grady Judd) arrest 277 including cops and doctors in sex sting

No Florida Sex Offenders Arrested by Sheriff Grady Judd

Sheriff Grady Judd held another of his “cutesy titled” sex offender stings, “Operation No Tricks, No Treats”, where he posts fake ads online and waits for people to respond to them.

Florida Sting Arrests primarily for prostitution

This time he netted 277 arrests, including a Sargent from his own police department. Judd is quick to point out that some of these “human traffickers” are doctors, teachers, pharmacists and, with a snarky grin shares the marital status of those he is shaming.


Notably absent from his round-up… Anyone on the sex offender registry.

FOX News Player


44 thoughts on “Florida police (Grady Judd) arrest 277 including cops and doctors in sex sting

  • October 19, 2017

    Keep up the good work Judd !! All your doing is PROVING that the REGISTRY IS A JOKE, and that EX OFFENDERS DON’T REOFFEND !!. Gotta love people like this that try to “Hurt” a certain “Class” of people, But end up “HELPING” THEM INSTEAD !!! GO JUDD !!! HURRAH HURRAH !!. LOL,

    • October 19, 2017

      Definitely agree!!

    • October 20, 2017

      Unfortunately his only goal is add more names to the already bloated registry and he KNOWS that internet stings ALWAYS net people so he continues to use them to add to the registry and continue the growth.

      Florida doesn’t want low numbers. They want to keep those who don’t live in Florida on it…have no tier system so that those who are not a threat can get off of it…all to keep the numbers growing.

      The ONLY thing this sadistic clown wants is to use the registry as a tool for his own agenda which, by the way, is NOT protecting children!

      • October 20, 2017

        I bet he has some DARK secrets hidden in his closet
        !!. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out one day that he committed a sex Crime or 2 !!. Just like Jessica Lundsfords Dad !!!! He’s a sex Offender now because he got CAUGHT finally !. Time has shown that people that really “Push” things to the extreme, Usually have secrets pertaining to whatever their pushing.

        • October 20, 2017

          Jessica Lunsford’s dad was a scumbag who used his daughter’s death and his 15 minutes of fame to get stuff like freeVIP/backstage passes to concerts at the amphitheater in Tampa. Saw that with my own eyes.

          • October 20, 2017

            Oh, and why was Mark Lunsford not prosecuted for CP because his pictures were “viewed” and not “saved?” I had 5 random “lewd display of genitals” pictures on my computer that had been DELETED. That was 5 out of HUNDREDS of “legal” deleted pictures according to the police. Does that sound like a pattern to any of you?No attempt too see if they had been “saved” or “viewed” So because Lunsford was a media darling, he gets a pass for the VERY SAME THING that was part of my case. FDLE even bought in an “expert” whose specialty was supposedly identifying the age of people in nude pictures and he found a couple of others that he said were under 18. I suspect that the prosecutor probably thought something similar to what i did. How the hell do you specialize in something like that?!?!?!?! Wonder if that guy looked at Lunsford’s computer?

        • October 21, 2017

          Finanally, someone calls it what it is…public servants deflecting attention away from themselves while their dirty deeds fester behind closed doors. Have we forgotten who signed Megan’s Law? Notorious sexual predator Bill Clinton, who is known to have made several visits to registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s island to have sex with underage girls. Not to mention the woman who has persistently accused Hillary Clinton of molesting her when she was a minor.


          Have we forgotten that Congress protected child sexual predator and former representative Mark Foley? When the Florida Department of Law Enforcement was trying to investigate his sex crimes, Congress refused them access to his computer and other records to keep him from being prosecuted. He is still walking around free as a bird.

          Should I mention Dennish Hastert? The list goes on and on.

          • October 22, 2017

            Indeed…the list goes on and on and the hypocrisy is clear. Money buys your way out. Being powerful (or have powerful friends) keeps you from being classified as a sex offender and thus off the registry and it’s always increasing additional punishments.

            Of course if the war on sex would stop as it has failed just as the war on drugs has. If sex work aka prostitution, were made legal as it has been in many other countries it would be taken out of the dangerous back alleys and shady Craigslist ads and into the light of legitimacy where it should be.

            Clearly this will never happen in the hyper conservative christian country that the United States is. A country so advanced technologically and yet so repressed and behind socially.

          • October 23, 2017

            JS – I beg you please do not turn this into a Party debate. RSO laws have never been a Political Party issue – both sides have bought into the furor and are equally responsible. They have used the false statistics just like SCOTUS. The current administration is just starting and has already talked multiple times about “Law and Order” and being “though on crime” – where do you think that leaves RSOs? Your bias shows and you should be focusing on ALL the politicians because they are equally responsible.

        • October 28, 2017

          You can bet grady has some secrets. One I know of is that when he married his wife she was underage. There is plenty of information out there about the tactics he has used for these stings – many of them violate the rules set up by the feds for these stings. That is why so many of his arrests get thrown out. I also know (not sure how it has progressed) but there was a movement to get the feds to looks at Grady’s practices because they get money for these stings but thay have to comply with the rules and historically Judd does not.

  • October 19, 2017

    Surprise….no, no surprises , maybe some Judge will note that not one was a registered citizen.

    • October 20, 2017

      I have a problem with the term “registered citizen” as it applies to Florida as we have, for the most part, been stripped of all of our rights of citizenship. What appears to be an attempt to make us sound more human arguably minimizes our plight. We have no voice whatsoever, at least as individuals.

  • October 19, 2017

    As long as these sleazy sheriffs can add to their SO rolls and gain a little notoriety, that’s all that matters to them. I would love to see a case by case review to see how many are actually guilty of anything. If you throw feces at a fan, the splatter will inevitably hit someone.

    • October 20, 2017

      You got that right! These nobodies have found a way to not only get their 15 minutes of fame but also do their second most favorite thing which is legally abuse mentally (and often physically) someone weaker than them.

      Who better than some labelled a “sex offender” as the perfect victim for sadists like this loser Sheriff Judd. People who are used as scapegoats for everything. No sympathy…no facts or common sense either.

      This has got to end. This is not the American way. If we are going to make America great again then we need to respect the constitution once again. No American citizen should be punished in this clearly cruel and unusual manner. You are either locked up, on probation, or free.

      The registry is not being free. It is a cruel punishment that goes on for decades and often for life. Imagine that life sentence and yet some have the balls to say that is not punishment…Shit

  • October 19, 2017

    Another thing worthy of noting when it comes to these stings is that ,most likely, not one of those arrested was ever under investigation for soliciting a minor online prior to this. The whole “reason” behind these operations is that they are to address ongoing criminal activity… at least it sounds good on paper. In reality they are creating the illusion that this crime is far more common than it is. I suggest a public records search for the crime of travelling in (pick any county). The disparity between those arrested due to a police operation versus those who were not is shocking.
    Frankly, I’m not surprised to hear that # of arrests from Polk county. I wonder how many of the cases will be dismissed as a result of due process violations (objective entrapment) or suppression of evidence (failure to abide by operational order, overbroad search, etc.).

    • October 19, 2017

      I lived in Polk County all but 5 years of my life, Caught my charge in Polk County !, And during the fight to stay out of Prison, My lawyer contacted 20 other states, And have details of crime, 17 of those 20 States wouldn’t even persue my case(wouldn’t charge me). But Good ole Polk County Florida sure did !!. And I actually met a California Resident that was EXTRADITED FROM CALIFORNIA BACK TO POLK COUNTY FLORIDA for a Unpaid SPEEDING TICKET !!. It was a 10 over Ticket ! Yes, Polk County Florida issued a warrant, And went and PICKED HIM UP in CALIFORNIA !! And brought him back !!. I moved as soon as I completed my Probation (2010) and will NEVER move back ! I own 2 Properties there, All my family and most(all my lifelong friends) friends are there, Except for the few that was smart and moved away !. Polk County is the most crooked county I’ve ever seen !! Good Ole IMPERIAL POLK COUNTY, With Grand Master(KKK) Grady Judd running The show !. I honestly believe that “The Government” is trying to convict the entire Population, That way the “public” won’t have any “CONTROL” over them !! And Ole Judd is sure doing a great job at it !! Already 1 out of every 3 Adult males is under so sort of Corrections in Florida !!. That means over HALF the population in Florida are Felons !!.

      • October 21, 2017

        1 in 3? Where did you get that statistic? I know that nationally 1 in 7 men habe a felony record (22 million). Unsure of how many are
        S.o.’s however.

      • October 27, 2017

        I remember hearing that 1 in 4 black males is or has been under some type of incarceration or supervision, but that statistic was only limited to a single race. For the population at large I believe the figure is around 1 in 7. Regarding RSO, we number approximately 800,000 nationwide in a population of around 330 million, so approximately 0.25%, or one in 400

  • October 19, 2017

    Keep a close eye on Judd. Bet there will a political bid in his future. If there is…..”He should not be voted in”…..Scorched Earth Policy will turn into Hell On Earth for us in Florida

    These Christian Right Wing Politicians need to stay out of office. They will be the ones to ruin our country.

    Christians like those we knew 2 generations ago are a thing of the past. They were the ones who knew about forgiveness and love. Judd is NOT one of them!

    • October 19, 2017

      I have heard a rumor that Grady Judd has political aspirations to be Governor. We are all going to suffer even more. My son is a victim of one of his internet stings. That man ruined both of our lives.

      • October 20, 2017

        Judd would be WAY down the list of candidates. There are a folks named Putnam, Corcoran and maybe Bondi who are in line ahead of him on the Republican side.

  • October 19, 2017

    So great indeed, and Mike is right, if Judd is a Christian than count me out of his group. Maybe he should have gone to acting school instead. He certainly puts on a show, a truly obnoxious one. Just like the teacher arrested yesterday in Hillsborough, with no prior arrests; when will anyone say oh yeah, Now I Get It! The rate Polk county is going with their stings, they will hold a record for sex crimes. This man seems obsessed, not a worthy candidate for political office at all.

  • October 19, 2017

    I love it. Not one registered sex offender arrested. This should tell them something. The “Witch Hunt” is out of control. I’m surprised the so called “LEOs” are not .,burning people at the stake in stead of arresting them.

    • October 22, 2017

      I thought the same thing. After reading the entire report, It Said there was 2 Sex Offenders included in the people Arrested. I don’t believe that at all, because if there were any, They would of made “Headlines” !!!. I honestly believe that quote was slipped in quietly so it wouldn’t make Grady Judd look like a complete ASS !!. Because there has been NO MENTION of any Extra Offenders being included in that round up !!!. .

  • October 19, 2017

    SMH (shaking my head). Until all of us who are oppressed by this stuff learn to rise up and revolt, it will never stop. We will NOT be able to use the same justice system that oppresses us, to give us our freedom, but yet somehow, we still think we can. Sheeple…they’re really cute. Again, SMDH (shaking my damn head)…..and I betcha I know one way to stop Judd. But I can’t mention it on here because I might get investigated or something. In the beginning days of this country though, I guarantee you that’s how the citizenry dealt with idiots like this.

  • October 20, 2017

    Responding to adds allegedly placed by prostitutes has become “human trafficking” just like boorish people who sexually harass other adults in the workplace have become “sexual predators. Words have meaning……or not.

    • October 20, 2017

      Yes – the buzzword is “human trafficking”.

      By traditional definition, going to a third-world country, snatching women, smuggling them into the country, chaining them in a dungeon to serve as sex slaves is what is generally thought of as “sex trafficking” Now responding to an ad for a prostitute has the same meaning.

      All it accomplishes is that it makes it really easy for the guy who had a half dozen abducted Cambodian women in his basement brothel to explain away his crime. “Sex Trafficking… yeah… It was a lonely night, I went on back pages, called an escort…”

      • October 27, 2017

        Everything is a PC buzzword sex traffickers used to be called pimps but I guess pimp didn’t test well in the focus group they needed a word they could say over and over again without offering anybody. Hypocrites

        • October 27, 2017

          i may be wrong, but it seems to me that old Grady’s stings are targeting “potential johns” not “pimps.”

          • October 27, 2017

            It’s low hanging fruit.

          • October 27, 2017

            John’s are customers Pimp’s are facilitators or suppliers. The charge for such activity used to be called facilitation of prostitution or pandering which is what politician’s practice now

          • October 27, 2017

            Grady also arrests the person who drove the alleged prostitute to the sting location and charge them with sex trafficking if his department is targeting prostitutes

          • October 27, 2017

            It’s gotta suck driving for Uber or Lyft in Polk County.

  • October 21, 2017

    I wish we had a way to track all of those arrested in these stings to see how many are actually prosecuted. I have heard that many of Shady’s arrests go unprosecuted because he does not follow the “rules” for these stings. The money spent doing these witch hunts takes on a whole new meaning when the public finds out that only a certain percentage actually get prosecuted for these fake crimes. I mean a Sargent in his own department? That is very odd! I have always said how gullible the public is when it comes to these stings. If a person would just stop and think for one minute that if this was such a problem then why do you have to create the crime scenario? Why don’t we see all these arrests when there is a REAL victim? You won’t because the REAL victims either do not exist or they are being ignored.

    • October 21, 2017

      A bit of history here, Florida Statute 847.0135 Traveling to meet a minor for sex was codified in 2007. The odd thing about this particular crime is that the arrests for those who have violated this statute are exceedingly rare outside of a sting op. For example, one county in Florida had 4 arrests on record for traveling until January of 2012. That’s close to 5 years without any huge spike in arrests… until the stings. By March of 2012 this certain county had over 50+ arrests on record. Keep in mind that sting operations are conducted in answer to large volumes of criminal activity… er, right?
      Unfortunately this kind of information isn’t readily available to most that have been coerced into these arrests. Why? When these guys are released on bond they have internet restrictions so most likely they are almost entirely relying on an attorney to be in the know and then have the skills to use that knowledge.

  • October 21, 2017

    BTW – Grady is a pig.

  • October 22, 2017

    Just curious if anyone has starting a letter writing campaign to Polk County officials to try and educate these people on the facts?

  • October 24, 2017

    For those in Florida especially Polk Osceola orange county Volusia County or any counties in Florida who have been involved in a sting operation we should all get together petition or do a class action lawsuit with the federal court but we need a good attorney find a good attorney and we should fight this getting out of control we need to stop this so let’s all of us get together and let’s start this FIGHT! Any Suggestions. Because my son was involved in a sting operation in 2012 has papers from the court saying he is not on sex Offender probation but has to register because of the stupid statue that it falls under.

    • October 24, 2017

      There are no shortage of good attorneys. There’s a shortage of funding for such a lawsuit.

      • October 24, 2017

        There is a shortage of good attorneys here in Central Florida that would NOT want to be bothered on taking a case like this especially one that just takes your money and waste your time and not fights what’s right !! It’s sad. That’s how it goes What do you recommend for us as a group to do to get together and fight for those effected by these stings they do here in Florida?????

        • October 25, 2017

          Gil Shaffnit is in Central Florida.

    • October 27, 2017

      You should include Osceola county as well I would be glad to join

  • October 25, 2017

    if a minor is Not involved, How Do They gett convictions??

    • October 25, 2017

      That’s the fun part. “Statutory rape” is a strict liability crime in most jurisdiction. Reasonable mistake regarding. A person’s age I not defense in many places even if you were mislead with a fake ID, etc. Either the victim is a minor or they aren’t. EXCEPT when it is a sting. That for which you cannot be convicted if you actually commit the act becomes a crime if you ATTEMPT to commit it.


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