Florida Legislative Update – April 12, 2023

On Wednesday, April 12, 2023, Senate Bill (CS/SB) 1252 Motor Vehicles is on the Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism and Economic Development’s 8:30 a.m. meeting agenda.  This bill would require “SEXUAL PREDATOR “or “943.0435” to be printed in a distinctive format in the color RED on driver’s licenses or identification cards.


YOU CAN WATCH THE 8:30 MEETING LIVE AT:   https://thefloridachannel.org/


House Bill (CS/HB) 1085 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is a bill related to CS/SB 1252It has passed through two committees and is now in its final committee, the House Infrastructure Strategies Committee, but no meeting has been scheduled.  This bill would require all information otherwise required to be printed on the front of the license or identification card to be printed in RED.


House Bill (CS/HB) 833 Vacation Rentals has passed through one of its three committees and is now added to the House Ways & Means Committee agenda with no scheduled meeting.  This bill would require reporting stays of 24 hours or longer at vacation rentals.


The above-three bills all have a Call to Action posted at the FAC website.


The related/companion bills for these three bills either have no onerous language or are showing no movement currently through committees.


If you have NOT already done so, please contact the legislative members listed in the posted Calls to Action at floridaactioncommittee.org.



9 thoughts on “Florida Legislative Update – April 12, 2023

  • April 12, 2023

    This is a great Idea and will allow people to know who’s who. I see it no differently than a Black people who gets mistreated just because of the color of their skin, which they can’t change, and neither can you change the DNA CODING of a Pedophile. They are who they are, and we have the right to know who they are in our communities Nationwide. Now having said that NO one has the right to attack them just for going about their daily business.

    • April 12, 2023

      This is mistaken. The registry does not identify pedophilic disorder or DNA, and it almost never identifies who’s at risk of perpetrating sexual abuse.

    • April 12, 2023

      Oh please. Not everyone convicted of a sex crime is a freaking pedophile. That’s a horrible myth. Firstly, pedophilia is a diagnosable disease. Too many people lump all sex crimes into one size fits all. There are those of us who were arrested in online dating sex stings, cp, inappropriate touching and actual sexual assault. I don’t condone criminal actions and deeply regret the mistake that I made ten years ago. I was caught in a craigslist sting. Secondly, your comment about blacks seems to suggest that they should just take police and societal prejudice. That is unacceptable. As is the continued harassment of people on the registry who have done their time. Lastly, what is the source of your right to know? Why doesn’t it apply to drug dealers or dui convictions?

    • April 12, 2023

      Another thought, how or why do you need to see my drivers license? What level of protection are you expecting by me having a branded ID?

    • April 12, 2023

      I suppose since I was a juvenile who’s charges are over 30 years old I’m also a pedophile…Right? Seems to me I was attracted to the same age group, yet people still wann lump me into the same group. And I’m still being punished. So I highly disagree.

    • April 12, 2023

      D.A. I know you have been fed this ideology like a lot of the population has. Pedophilia is a diagnosed medical condition and the VAST majority of people on the registry are not pedophiles. That’s what the politicians who pass these Draconian laws
      Would want you to believe. Fact is the registry only serves to punish people into homelessness and worse. There isn’t a single documented case that I’m aware of where any crime was prevented by the registry. Almost of these laws are named after children who’s tragedies wouldn’t have been prevented by the registry. It’s lazy, fear mongering politics and a massive waste of resources.

      • April 12, 2023

        I totally Agree!

  • April 12, 2023

    Nice of that woman to speak against the bill, however the reaction from the senator’s is as expected. It simply falls on deaf ears. It shows their character, that they truly don’t care, plain and simple.


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