Florida is one of three states with lifetime disenfranchisement

Florida, Iowa and Kentucky are the only states to impose lifetime voting bans for felons unless their rights are restored by the governor.

Prior governor Crist automatically restored civil rights upon completion of the sentence. Current governor Scott requires a long waiting period prior to an application. For a “sex offense”… good luck!

We have a bunch of rights impacting us daily, but voting is an important one. Without a say in government, how can we do anything to influence change?

Look for this to come on our radar soon.

9 thoughts on “Florida is one of three states with lifetime disenfranchisement

  • March 30, 2016

    BRING IT!!!!

  • March 30, 2016

    Actually Christ required RSO to fill out paper work and required a hearing

  • March 31, 2016

    I will simply say; not only is this un-American and horrific… What ever happened to “no taxation without representation?”

    We want registrants to pay forever without the only power we as citizens have., our vote is our voice. Every American should be outraged by this, are you next?

  • April 1, 2016

    The is The State of Florida Clemency Board job, not the sitting Governor. They research each application, forward to their Investigation team and then vote. Their recommendation is handed to the Governor. This process takes many years and the wait list in Florida is huge. Commuting death sentences is first priority. I have not yet heard of a sex crime conviction being fully pardened. Although civil righfs are being restored every day to felons. The clemency board works independently from the Office of the Governor.

  • August 30, 2016

    As the mother of a sex-offender who is being released in a few weeks, this article is of a great deal of interest to me. I have just found out that if I cannot find housing for him prior to his release in a couple of weeks, he will be turned out into the streets and become a homeless person! My/his home is inside the 1000 feet restricted area. Because of this I face having my son homeless and living under a bridge…or worse! This is completely unacceptable! We already have too many unfortunate persons in the homeless situation but because of the well meaning knee-jerk rulings he will be forced to join the ranks, His children have forgiven him. Can I do any less? My heart still aches from all the pain this has caused but he has paid his debt, his children victims have forgiven him and he will continue to pay for his actions the rest of his life because of the label he will carry to his grave. This matter simply MUST be addressed and made more humane in its punishments and the release conditions amended to a more livable level. .

    • August 30, 2016

      Colleen, become involved in FAC. We are trying to change things.

    • September 1, 2016

      Colleen Moore,
      if you can’t find housing if you can get an rv you can put it on my property it is in Osceola county


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