Florida Internet Identifier Challenge Allowed to Proceed

The Federal District Court Judge presiding over the Internet identifier lawsuit is allowing the case to proceed despite the State of Florida’s claim that they amended the statute (the definition of Internet identifiers) and the suit is now Moot.

Among other motions for both sides that the judge dispositioned in his order, he acknowledged the registrant plaintiffs position that the 2017 amendment to the law does not cure the constitutional infirmities and the case should proceed!

Good news!


33 thoughts on “Florida Internet Identifier Challenge Allowed to Proceed

  • July 21, 2017

    I am so thankful for FAC. Without FAC we might all be a ship adrift in a sea of slim. We all need to help FAC be as aggressive as necessary to fight the forces that would deprive US citizens of their Constitutional rights.

  • July 21, 2017

    Thank you FAC!

  • July 20, 2017


    Please do not allow the corrupt hypocrites in Florida continue to trash the lawful constitutional rights of American citizens free speech!

    They can throw us away and ban us from living with the “good people” in the REAL world but how dare they try to intimidate and ban the very essence of what America is supposed to be about and that is freedom of speech.

    This madness must stop before anything else can change with SO abuse in Florida! Get the facts out there for all to see.

    Do NOT let the Florida state government use LIES and FEAR to manipulate reality! This is crucial. If we can’t win this one we might as well give up.


  • July 20, 2017

    More light at the end of the tunnel and it appears that it is not a locomotive.

  • July 20, 2017

    Does this mean the 2017 amendment is now enjoined and can’t be enforced?

    • July 20, 2017

      No, it does not mean that.

      • July 20, 2017

        Has anyone filed a motion to enjoin it?

        • July 21, 2017

          No – This case is in litigation. The new law was just instituted a few weeks ago and an amended complaint INCLUDING the change was filed. Rest assured it is being handled properly. We defer to the guidance of attorneys. We cannot publicly discuss litigation strategy in this open forum which the opposition is undoubtedly reading.

  • July 20, 2017

    Grats, guys 🙂

    • July 20, 2017

      Congratulations to the brave registrant and his legal team! We are cheering for your success across the nation in California.


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