Florida GOP Chair being investigated for sex assault

The Chair of the Florida Republican Party is being investigated for a sex assault of an adult.   Christian Ziegler, R-Sarasota, was alleged to have been engaged in a consensual three-some until it was no longer consensual.  At some point, one participant believed the acts no longer reflected consent and was cited in a heavily redacted police report as describing them as “rape.”  This is early in an investigation that involves multiple people with multiple stories and multiple experiences.  

Regardless, someone seems seriously aggrieved and the claims merit investigation.    

It is hoped the individual is fully heard and understood and authorities act without regard to the position of others involved.  This is a tragic situation that requires seriousness to understand what happened as the future of several lives are at stake and since it involves justice. 

Governor Ron DeSantis has called for Ziegler’s resignation.     

This story broke yesterday afternoon.  It was picked up by national news sources quickly.  Early Friday morning, a review of The Capitolist and FloridaPheonix, two websites that specifically cover Florida politics, Tallahassee and the comings and goings of powerbrokers across the State had no coverage of the story on their front landing pages.  A later review, had some coverage of the story that the Governor requested Ziegler’s resignation. 



12 thoughts on “Florida GOP Chair being investigated for sex assault

  • December 2, 2023

    Nothing has been confirmed except the accuser’s words. This should never have made news. Like the news of the death of Reba and Keven Costner . The reports are highly over exaggerated. Just ask them. Yet these are just two of the things you might run in to on the web.

  • December 2, 2023

    The weaponization of sex offense law was bound to bite the handlers eventually. Given the general immorality of society today, I expect more will fall in this political cycle.

  • December 2, 2023

    Found guilty before being found before having a trial.

    [Partially moderated for irrelevant political bashing]

  • December 2, 2023

    Just a thought:
    I hope the police are thinking about this:
    After 3 years of a consensual relationship, suddenly consent is withdrawn? … Why?
    Did she ask him to do something and he told her no? (Maybe something nefarious? …maybe get rid of the wife, for instance? Or maybe some extortion?)
    That’s what I would be investigating.

    Or maybe she just wanted to move on and he couldn’t handle it so he battered her.

    Under Florida law his wife can be forced to testify to anything other than a confidential communication between her and her husband. But whatever he said in front of the third party is fair game for the prosecution (commonlaw polygamy being illegal, after all).

  • December 2, 2023

    Sometimes the jokes just write themselves.

  • December 2, 2023

    How could you make him resign. It’s all hear say. It could be made up by a crazy person out to get him.

    • December 2, 2023

      Nowadays, when it comes to sex crime, the facts don’t matter. Once an accusation is made, the accused is guilty, period. Any “investigation” is strictly to give the appearance of fairness. And no matter what the “investigation” concludes, the accused is always guilty.

      Even if there is no evidence to support the accusation or if evidence of innocence is found. The perception in those cases are that the accused found a loophole that must be closed.

      • December 3, 2023

        I can see where you’re going but I have faced 2 false accusations. Nether person making the false accusations could provide any evidence type of evidence whatsoever to back up the accusations. So no investigation was started. Had the two people I am talking about actually filled out a police report I would have filed to have criminal and civil charges brought against them. Needless to say they could not provide any credible info/evidence that a crime was committed to warrrant an investigation.

        Just being accused is not enough for an arrest and investigation. There has to be some type of proof that a crime took place.

      • December 3, 2023

        Hey Dustin. That is so true! Accused = guilty, when it comes to sex crimes.

        How often have you heard on the local news something like this”

        “A 35 year old man was accused today of molesting a 15 year old. This predator was taken into custody this afternoon by sheriff’s deputies….”(etc)

        At least let the man have his day in court!


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