Flat Rock Middle employee arrested, terminated on charges of having registered sex offender on campus

A Flat Rock Middle School employee has been terminated after her arrest by the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office on charges of having a registered sex offender on campus, according to police.

The Sheriff’s Office was notified Dec. 16 that Maria Edina Walker is married to a registered sex offender, Jeffery Lynn Walker, and that he had been seen in a vehicle on the school campus, according to a HCSO news release. It is illegal for a registered sex offender to be on school property at any time.

“We immediately notified the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office, and began an internal investigation in cooperation with law enforcement,” McGowan Gorsuch said in the statement. “As a result of that investigation, we confirmed that the individual in question, Jeffery Lynn Walker, is a registered sex offender and that at Maria Walker’s invitation, he had been on the Flat Rock Middle campus.

“Ms. Walker’s actions were grossly inappropriate and inexcusable. We immediately terminated Maria Walker from employment for her actions, which are a violation of state law and Board policy. … We will continue to investigate this matter to ensure the safety of all Flat Rock Middle students and staff.”

[FAC NOTE: The husband’s offense took place more than 20 years ago, adjudication was withheld]


56 thoughts on “Flat Rock Middle employee arrested, terminated on charges of having registered sex offender on campus

  • December 17, 2021 at 4:27 pm

    This is one of those smooth move exlax, as both parties no better.

  • December 17, 2021 at 4:30 pm

    You sometimes see such stories out of NC, which I think mandates a statewide ban of registrants from school property. FL and it’s counties, by contrast, apply a more nuanced approach to registrants on school grounds (the policy in FL is, “it depends”).

    Mrs. Walker is not just having her name and face dragged through the mud. She has been, I believe, arrested, charged with more than one felony, fired from her job, and rendered barely employable. All because she allowed her husband to come to her school workplace.

    • December 17, 2021 at 4:50 pm

      Someone should start a Change.org petition and hopefully her students’ parents will sign on.

    • December 17, 2021 at 9:38 pm

      Somebody was out for them. I find it hard to believe that a random person just so happen to identify Mr. Walker and suddenly fear for their lives. IF they have children there, they can say that the dad was picking them up. Of course, it would behoove them to be on good terms with the principal.
      All this concern about the “children’s safety,” then why don’t they have a drug offender registry or one for domestic violence? Stranger danger is as myth, but being offered heroin to buy is very real.

    • December 17, 2021 at 11:55 pm

      I’ve actually been wondering about this very subject. The Florida state statute says certain people on the registry can’t be on school grounds when it’s “in operation” but the school board for our county has an FAQ that states people on the registry in “released” status are allowed to attend events open to the public. Our county has no additional provisions outside what is mandated by the state. I’m still not sure what “in operation” specifically means or if we actually can attend our children’s recitals, sporting events, etc.

      • December 18, 2021 at 8:31 am

        please reference the statute and the county

        • December 18, 2021 at 9:46 am

          I think it’s safe to say that FL, unlike NC, did not impose a blanket ban on registrants accessing school property. Had they done so, they would have harmed more families and children. But FL is a home-rule state, and policies may vary by school district as to who may access, for what purpose, where they may go, and who (if anyone) must be notified. It’s a common sense approach.

          If in doubt, ask the principal, and they can check their school district policy. Or ask your local registration office.

          I personally have worked with four or five different FL principals for my kids’ schools. Not one has requested the details of my case, made disparaging remarks, breached our family’s confidentiality, or prevented me from accommodating my childrens’ basic needs, although the school district has certain limits and restrictions. In NC, by contrast, it appears that the school law punishes entire families without distinction or common sense.

  • December 17, 2021 at 4:35 pm

    More terrible collateral damage. ☹️

  • December 17, 2021 at 5:39 pm

    Absolutely ridiculous.

  • December 17, 2021 at 5:52 pm

    Wow I’m so glad those two terrorists are off the street. (SARCASM IMPLIED) I’m mean what would have happened if they weren’t arrested.
    I’m just kinda speechless.
    And what agency is HCSO?
    Where is Flat Rock?

    • December 17, 2021 at 8:42 pm

      HCSO is the Henderson County
      Sheriff. I believe Flat Rock is in the Western part of North Carolina. I Live in North Carolina, and I am shocked that the wife was arrested. I wonder who snitched.

      • December 18, 2021 at 9:26 am

        Flat Rock is south of Hendersonville in Western North Carolina, home of Rep. Cawthorne. Not being political, just stating facts.

      • December 18, 2021 at 3:13 pm

        It doesn’t matter who snitched. Now they’ve lost an employee and get to have more education dollars taken away so their state can lock up these poor folks with felony convictions. Smart allocation of resources!

  • December 17, 2021 at 6:17 pm

    Sadly, both are being charged with felonies, even though he apparently stayed in the car. No indication or allegation that any children were approached or endangered. Interesting point is that his registration in North Carolina is for 10 years, but his actual crime was 22 years ago. On the one hand, North Carolina apparently believes that he would no longer be a threat to the public 10 years after his release for that crime. But on the other hand, since he didn’t serve time for the original crime, he has been offense free for 22 years. It does seem to me that his arrest now violated the spirit of a law that defines 10 years of good behavior in the community proves that you are no longer a threat to society.
    Just another example showing that registry laws don’t make sense. Michigan just got rid of school exclusion zones because they make no sense. Yes, it was stupid for him to have been there, but the law is stupid too. Just as stupid as Florida’s, where a visitor can be placed on their registry for life regardless of how long his registration in his home state is.

    • December 18, 2021 at 3:11 pm

      This sounds like another good case for relief. This is the same state that made all social media illegal for registrants until SCOTUS under Packingham put them back in their place. They just don’t know the difference between innocent civilian behavior and criminal apparently and need a law to make it easy on their brains (i.e. make everything illegal). Oh well, NC, you better get ready for another piece of garbage legislation to get struck down. Your AG office must like the overtime it seems.

      • December 18, 2021 at 4:58 pm


        I think a law suit should filed against Nextdoor. If being on the registry is NOT punishment, how can we be banned from a website? I could understand under probation. But many of us did our time long before there was a nextdoor. They (Whoever they are) keep getting away with more and more non punishment -punishment.
        Punishment is usually when you have something taken away like a right, a permission , your freedom, sanctions, banned from something and so on. Sound like punishment yet? Basically probation on crack cocaine,

        • December 20, 2021 at 6:17 pm

          Someone just needs to come up with an alternative NextDoor. From what I’ve heard about it, they’ve set a very low bar to beat. Anyone IT developers what to take this on?

  • December 17, 2021 at 6:29 pm

    “Grossly inappropriate and inexcusable?” Really?!? Good grief!

  • December 17, 2021 at 6:36 pm

    Another sheriff to add to Phase 3 of the Media Blitz.

  • December 17, 2021 at 7:24 pm

    Soooooo, his constitutional rights are not being violated by retroactively restricting where he can go and what he can do (his freedoms) why?

    This is like Florida retroactively telling me im not allowed to work at some places. I can understand making a law against hiring certain people by certain business’s or agencies (putting the burden on the business/ agency) , but to retroactively take one’s freedoms is definitely unconstitutional.

    • December 18, 2021 at 12:51 am

      AND, they certainly don’t like it when we have successful relationships. When I started dating my wife, my PO stopped by while I was working and grilled her about why someone with her standing (she only had her graduate degree at that time) would be involved with someone like me. Fortunately for me, she has a backbone and questioned why HER choices were HIS business.

      With this most recent attack on me (vigilantism due to my presence on the registry) , the state called into question my wife’s credibility and tried to paint her as some sort of accomplice or, at minimum, enabler to my supposed wickedness. She lost her job and her reputation took a huge hit. These are the things the state does to try to intimidate anyone who could provide us with stability and give us a bit of shelter from persecution. Hell, they have certainly black- balled us registrants so that we can’t even work at most fast food places (businesses are more afraid of the hit they’ll take if/ when it becomes known that they employ a registrant than fear of a registrant committing a new crime. ) Fortunately, she weathered the storm and, after vindication of the accusations against her, has a job in the same field that she loves even more.

      I bring all of this up because in this article it shows they are persecuting the wife fire allowing a registrant on school grounds. It sounds as if she had him remain in the car so that she could enter the school by herself. (Does this possibly mean there was no mens rea on her part?) In all of the schools around me, the school is fenced of from the visitor parking area with gates that force you to pass through the office. That would be keeping students separate from any unvetted visitors. This would seem to suggest that by having him remain in the car, she thought she was following the law by not allowing him into the school. Of course we know it’s likely that some bitter and hate- filled person saw him sitting there and decided that, although he was remaining in the car, there was some bullying to be done and called authorities.

      So, does this mean a registrant in North Carolina can’t drop off and pick up their own children? Craziness!

      Sorry for the rant, but this kinda resonated with me.

      • December 18, 2021 at 9:01 am


        You are not alone. I won’t go into detail but I lost the love of my life in a similar situation. They showed up at her home, her work, and told her if she did not stop dating me, they would find a way to send me back to prison and it would be “HER Fault”. When she broke up with me, she would not explain. She just said to “Leave her alone”.
        It was not until years later I ran into her somewhere and she explained what happened. She was protecting me. I was on probation at the time and was no longer when we met again. She had since gotten married and I told her she was probably better off since living with someone on the registry was not an easy road.
        I gave up on dating years ago as that was not the only time something like that has happened. You tell the truth and they say it doesn’t matter, until suddenly it does. I have been alone now for 11 years. (Other than living with my parents. Fun times)

        • December 18, 2021 at 1:18 pm


          I’m blessed that my girlfriend, her parents, siblings, family members, and her employers have been supportive. If anyone messes with me or Anne you might as well mess with a badger, she’ll rip one to shreds.

      • December 18, 2021 at 9:31 am

        I understand, I m in a similar situation. I live in North Carolina. I have a two teenage kids, one still in high school. God forbid something necessitates me going to campus to get my child.

        • December 18, 2021 at 6:41 pm


          I can see it now. The call goes out there is an active shooter on campus. You come to pick up your kids because of it. As soon as you arrive, the Police Commander for the incident calls over his radio “Forget the shooter, all units respond to my location. OMG there is a registered sex offender on campus, send back up and all available units”.

          • December 19, 2021 at 10:30 am

            Great call . Love it.

  • December 17, 2021 at 8:36 pm

    Wait, so ” It is illegal for a registered sex offender to be on school property at any time.” but a non registered sex offender who has the same or maybe worse charges are allowed on campus?

    So the registry which is supposed to be a safety net, arrest people who are doing something that it totally legal. Legal for most including a former sex offender that is not registered. So the line in the sand is, a non registered former offender is not going to offend, but a registered sex offender is still offending?

    My head hurts. Now I know why there is push back of getting off the registry. One word ,CONTROL !

    And yes I know we are not allowed on school property. I know quite well. I was detained once for over an hour for walking PAST a CLOSED school on the sidewalk, just passing by. Since it was a weekend, FDLE said they could arrest me but they were not sure, and if they were wrong, I could personally sue the arresting officer for false arrest. (The officer was on speaker phone hoping they would help him, instead it helped me, I was let go after a nasty unprofessional chewing out)

    • December 18, 2021 at 4:39 pm

      North Carolina allows people to petition to be removed from the registry. I personally don’t think that the restrictions are as detailed as Florida’s nitpicking, but I was told that if I went on school property to get my son, I had to notify the principal immediately. So said the deputy I registered with, but my paperwork explicitly said no being on school property. I hope that in ten years I can. My charges are from Florida, so I will see if it’s possible for me to get that. I tend to think that this particular incident is about something more than just being a registrant. I’m still stunned that the wife is being charged.

  • December 17, 2021 at 8:37 pm

    I do want to be honest (Yell at me if you want) The wife put her own job in jeopardy and has no one to blame but herself.

  • December 17, 2021 at 9:06 pm

    Hmm ? Anybody think to ask why he was there ? Might they only have one car and he had to pick her up from work ? Or maybe her car broke down and he had to pick her up. Especially since according to the way its written it don’t appear he ever got out of the car if that’s the case it is un excuse able that they only have one car (sarcasm meant ) or how dare her car break down and her call her husband to pick her up what a threat to society ! sar-

    • December 18, 2021 at 8:50 am

      Unfortunately, depending on the judge he gets, He/She is likely to use the “My hands are tied due to the Law” excuse. I already knew what I am about to say but this confirms it. Most judges are not up on what they can and cannot do concerning sentencing of registry violations and leave it up to you to spend 1000s of dollars in appeals.
      To that point, recently someone on here won a release from the registry. Having said that, they said it almost didn’t happen. The judge tried to say the AWA (Adam Walsh Act) prevents them from being removed. Fortunately, that person had an attorney who knew the law and challenged the judge with proof that it cannot be applied Retro-actively.
      I would have never gone to prison if I had a lawyer who was not afraid of a judge. I do like the lawyer I had, he cared about me but was afraid of the judge and crumbled under pressure to the point of getting sick and having to leave the courtroom. How do you think I felt? I should have asked for a change of venue but at the time, had no idea what that was.
      You get ONE chance at this, don’t screw it up.

  • December 18, 2021 at 7:55 am

    Couldn’t the resource officer see if he was there to pick up his wife or drop something off for her? Now his wife is unemployed all because of her spouse being in a car on school property. If registrants can’t be on school property why make us pay for their taxes.

    • December 18, 2021 at 9:14 am


      I just got through reading the entire Florida statues on Sex offense law and requirements and my head is spinning. I can understand why some judges make mistakes (Although that can screw someone for life) in sentencing or appeals concerning sex offenses. The statues at times even seem to contradict themselves. There are numerous sub sections to sub sections.

      That is why you have to be careful what lawyer you hire when going on an appeal for relief. If you hire and “One stop” shop attorney who does it all, you are not going to win. I think in my opinion, that most of the lawmakers couldn’t tell you what half of the registration laws mean. Who can do what, when and where and why.
      And the public is even worse. I get told by the neighbors all the time I can’t be living so close to a school bus stop. I tell them that I lived here before that bus stop was even created. Funny, they moved the bus stop one street farther, but the kids still have to walk past my house to get home LOL AND after school they play right in front of my house. Insanity people.

      • December 18, 2021 at 1:10 pm


        Insanity happens when laws are passed quickly with no or little debates just to appease the public or make a name for oneself. If lawmakers can’t tell you in plan English what a law requires how can anymore else. I’ll watch out for any spinning heads in Maryland, wait that’s CherokeeJack from Florida!!

      • December 18, 2021 at 9:16 pm


        Just admit you have a trunk or telegraph ( I believe you posted you had a flip phone, so I chose telegraph instead of a laptop) of all Florida statues, ordinances, and case law. Confession is good for the soul.

        No offense and don’t throw a cheeseburger or produce at me.

        • December 19, 2021 at 8:46 am


          Actually Ill admit I lied to sound cool. One day I dream of getting a new shiny flip phone. For now I have to pull a “Green Acres” and climb the telephone pole to make a call. (Need to check if that is a registry violation)
          * Sorry if you are too young to remember Green Acres. One of my favorite shows. I think when the show ended, to celebrate they made bacon sandwiches out of Arnold Ziffel . LOL
          ** Man I feel old now

          • December 21, 2021 at 10:53 am


            “Green Acres is the place to be. “

            Might want to look up if you can’t ascend to a certain length, otherwise you maybe in violation of the Soaring ACT under subsection telephone/ election poles.

            Could you imagine if that was a law? Nothing surprises me anymore including tramping over the Constitution.

  • December 18, 2021 at 9:13 am

    In Maryland registrants can’t be on school grounds all year even during the summer. It sucks because some farmer’s market are on school property. Seriously what do they think I’ll do get urges being around produce.

    • December 18, 2021 at 6:51 pm

      Brandon, They might approve me to go to the farmers market. Have to get rid of the bananas and cucumbers so I don’t get urges.
      Kidding of course but how ridiculous is this.

      So, we cannot go to a farmer’s market when the school is closed, but what stops any of us from ravishing the population at the places we CAN go to? I cannot go on nextdoor but I can look at porn? I can’t be at a school bus stop but the kids get dropped off just feet from our house. We cannot go to many parks, and a list of other places. Again doesn’t this sound a lot like probation?
      Name any other group or class of people in the U.S who are NOT on probation that has cops come check on you 4 times a year and sometimes randomly “Just because they can” other times.

      • December 18, 2021 at 9:39 pm


        I better not have visions of you at farmer’s markets touching the firmness of cucumbers, melons, avocados, and other produce you have to check out before going bad. Hint if you see fruit flies run!!

        Here I can pretty much go anywhere. In October my mom was admitted to the hospital, so I asked if there were any restrictions and there aren’t any. Grateful I live in a sane state even if we get snow. If I can handle Minnesota winters I can handle Maryland. By the way I’m not Canadian Don’t ya know, a!!

  • December 18, 2021 at 9:14 am

    The things happening in this country make the things that happen under Korea’s Kim Jong Un’s rule look civilized. All he does Is kill people for watching K-Pop Videos. Here they destroy there families as well for doing far less than that.

    • December 18, 2021 at 4:08 pm

      My guess is he was picking her up from work and probably has been for some time.
      To all the Police that arrested these 2,
      {BIG BUST BOYS} The nit wits you are working for will probably give you a promotion and more pay.

      • December 21, 2021 at 4:36 am

        R Raff…

        I could only imagine having to living like that in FLori-Duh!

        Perhaps He Knew, Perhaps He did not know

        But the Bottom Line in FLori-Duh and in any other State Jurisdiction, You gotta know the laws…BUT….and in FLori-Duh, everything is based on Strict Liability of the Law…So, You are screwed both ways and on Sunnnny—-days!

  • December 19, 2021 at 2:37 am

    Maria Edina Walker, 50, was charged with two counts of felony aid and abet sex offender unlawfully on premises and jailed on a $30,000 bond.

    Saddest thing I’ve read all year…

    What a politically driven, fear mongering joke SORNA is.

    • December 19, 2021 at 8:19 am

      This was the the state’s statute that is to blame, not SORNA.

      • December 23, 2021 at 3:20 pm

        Respectfully – I would disagree. If SORNA isn’t in place, there wouldn’t be the state statute.. what would be the incentive to have the insane law in the first place?

        • December 23, 2021 at 3:25 pm

          Many states had registries in place prior to SORNA/AWA (2006) or even the Jacob Wetterling Act (1994).
          Florida’s registry was enacted in 1997, almost a decade before SORNA.

  • December 19, 2021 at 12:01 pm

    Of course, the great irony here is that what he did is not even a crime where this new “offense” took place. He was convicted of the exact same thing I was – F.S. 794.05(1) — for having sexual activity with a 16 or 17-year-old when he was in what appears to be his mid-to-late 20s. The age of consent in North Carolina is 16. So he is looking at years in prison for being inside a car in a parking lot at a school when what he did is not even a crime in that parking lot. That’s crazy if you think about it.

  • December 20, 2021 at 1:32 pm

    “that he had been seen in a vehicle on the school campus”

    One guess as to what precipitated this?

    All this could have been avoided with a cardboard “lost tag” on the back. of his vehicle.

    • December 20, 2021 at 4:44 pm

      Only problem with that is if he puts the right number it would still pop up. If he put no number they would start asking questions and he would be found out and it would be said he was trying hide who he was for sinister reasons. If he puts a wrong number the same bs would’ve used. They will never believe the true reason that we just don’t want to be harassed

      • December 20, 2021 at 5:09 pm

        All, this thread smacks of “how not to get caught.” Can we try not to go there. FAC’s position is compliance, even with laws that make no sense.

        He shouldn’t have been on the premises. She should have stopped him, if she knew. And NC should be challenged over this outrageous law.

        • December 20, 2021 at 5:34 pm

          Jacob, I was not insinuating to do so and not get caught. I was explaining to the other poster who saId it would have been avoided if he put a cardboard” lost tag ” on his car that it would not have avoided the issue and the fact it would have made things worse for him if he did and got caught and then all of us because they would have said it was for evil purposes and that we all think that way . I agree if he knew he shouldn’t be there then he shouldn’t have been . however my original point was we don’t know the whole story. He may have been told at one point he could go to pick his wife up there but then someone found out and started raising cane so they called on him. The smartest way to think of it would stay off property unless he had written permission from the school AND the police stating he could be there.

      • December 20, 2021 at 5:36 pm

        Yes, and it’s not like this guy was there with the intent to do reconnaissance on children or follow a bus. Probably wanted to meet up with his wife for lunch or something similarly benign, but instead, he found out the hard way just how messed up and sanctimonious the registry is.

        It’s too bad the school board officials and law enforcement doesn’t put this much vigilance, effort and time into thwarting and deterring the real threat to children on campus – active shooters. The disgusting aspect of all this is they wanted the same praise and glory from catching “one of those people” on their “hollowed grounds.”

    • December 20, 2021 at 5:56 pm

      I’m not sure how a cardboard “lost tag” would make a difference. PFRs in NC don’t have to update their license tag, nor is this found on the SOR.

  • December 21, 2021 at 8:20 am

    We can all agree he shouldn’t of been on school property and he put himself at risk; however it’s absurd that his wife was fired and arrested. She should of been told that he wasn’t allowed to be and she may not be familiar with the law. If she knew he wasn’t supposed to be there that’s another issue.


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