FL police officers continue to avoid sex offender registry
In case after case, law enforcement officials in Florida are not being placed on the sex offender registry while any other Florida citizen committing identical crimes would be. This problem is particularly acute in Southern Florida.
In 1997, when I was 25 years old I engaged in a consensual (yet inappropriate) relationship with a 17-year old for about a week. My life was ruined. I was charged with violating F.S. 794.05(1), “Unlawful Sexual Activity with a Minor 16/17 Years Old,” sentence to 2 years of house arrest and 8 years of sex offender probation, and required to register as a sex offender for life even though the registry did not exist at the time of my offense.
My offense did not involve multiple victims, choking, false imprisonment, abuse of power, or taking pictures of the victim. Why did this man, who is clearly far, far more culpable than I, get this sweetheart deal when I got no deal and my life ruined? Is this justice is America?
Same here dude, I was 20 with a girlfriend who was one month from 16.
Mine was in 1991 and the registry in Florida came out the exact week I was released from Prison in 1997. Retroactively applied and was given 24 hours after release to register (unless it was a weekend).
Like most of us, I did my time and don’t mind having an ex-felon label but to be called a sex offender for the rest of our lives infers we are still offending. If someone did drugs in the 1980s but got clean, years later in 2025 are they still a druggie?
The reason is because Law Enforcement personnel KNOW to ask for the caveat that the registry is not a condition of the plea agreement. They KNOW it is not going to be discussed as a part of the plea agreement (which is a dishonest way of doing business by the prosecutor).
In my case the registry was never mentioned and my attorney told me he read through the agreement and that it was as described: 2years house arrest, 2 years probation. No mention of any registry nor programs and living restrictions etc. Immediately after the gavel came down, they escorted me to the first floor of the courthouse (Ft. Lauderdale). They asked for my fingerprints, picture and a DNA sample. I called my attorney immediately and he said there was absolutely no mention of this in the plea agreement. (You would think that would give me grounds for an appeal… but nope, not when it comes to sex crimes.)
Over time my attorney got me nullities to void the “group therapy”, then he got a court order to nullify and void any living restrictions, use of electronic devices, and so on. I’m actually quite blessed in that regard. Aside from taking the ridiculous trip to the courthouse to re-register every 6months and getting a brief visit from local P.D. (whom are all aware I was previously law enforcement myself. There are no other conditions that apply to me.
It’s the best of a bad situation, but it begs the question:
If the SO registry is just and fair, why do you have to hide it, lie through omission and sneak it in at the last minute to have defendants agree to something that they had no idea was even in the plea agreement at all?
Just like myself plenty cops land on the registry for lack of knowledge.
Why? Because the word is getting out. The registry is extended punishment you can’t recover from. It’s a prison with no walls.
They know it’s social death and future-ending.
Do as I say, not as I do mentality. No one is above the law. We cannot even seem to get off the registry and yet these groups are able to avoid it altogether. Where was our second chance at a normal life without harassment?
I had a few more choice words to say but I did not want to have an aneurysm. (Brain Swell)
Wow cops committing sex offenses and other twisted and unethical behavior. If the sin entanglement is not bad enough the pharisee law to justify the actions are just as morbid. Guess its better for cops to sit behind a computer and pretend in these internet sex sting operations than the hands on approach to save face in a court of law.
Course one wonders who’s saving face. Where is due process today even for the average citizen caught up in these actions.
Where is Ron Book or his daughter on this? Why are they not speaking out?
Why is Grady not lambasting this gent? Is it because it would be hypocritical of him to do so of a fellow (now former) LEO who Grady knows there are more of in local LE offices, including his, which would be an embarrassment to him?
Why is the press not taking him to task on this? Is the FAC membership going to take Grady to task on this? Is it not good enough for the blue too? Where is the Gov on this and his allegedly hard hitting stance on this matter and using this gent as an example? Should this not be used as a foundation to call for defunding the blue as other instances are called to be used as such for the same action?
So many questions that need answers of this situation in this location to bring the matter to the forefront for addressing. Again, another person in a position of trust abusing it with willing minors (who knew what they were doing but cannot be thought of as being smart enough). Perfect situation to highlight to those from the Tallahassee Mansion to the local LE office and others in between to show the hypocrisy of it all.
The Middle District of FLA US Dist Atty (Mr. Handberg) should be asked why he is not charging this same gent with manufacturing such material and distributing it while also charging his fellow officers with receiving/possession of it. There should be uproar over this in the lack of accountability overall by all who use this topic and people to step on in their upward climb of power.
Nah, the Gov needs the LE endorsement next time he runs for political office regardless of this matter. Don’t have rule of law on matter such as this if you are not going to apply them evenly.
Why are the other LEOs not being charged with possession if they received the videos he manufactured? They have them so charge them. Makes me think this area condones this behavior in their LE offices. Mayor needs to be asking for the chief’s resignation over this.
Let me say this first, I am NOT taking up for corrupt cops in any regard. But they aren’t the only ones who get sweetheart deals from prosecutors and judges nowadays in exchange for guilty pleas. A lot of people are avoiding the “hit list” and getting their sexual abuse charges reduced to child abuse, thereby avoiding registry requirements. This is happening more and more unfortunately. It begs the question: if the registry is not punishment, then why are prosecutors asking judges to approve these sweetheart deals?
Im glad he’s not gonna be on it. Because it does zero to increase public safety or help him become a normal law abiding citizen again. Its sad that he had a real victim and and got off so lightly and many who didn’t were sentenced to much harsher penalties. The hypocrite Grady Judd would be holding a press conference for many who were set up on stings with no real victims.
After reading these comments again and also this article one would have to say many are stupid even myself. While many can say police gets off with a sort of sweetheart deal. Those in law enforcement can be just as bad. What about the police misconduct in inducing these internet sex sting operations that sway one into a corner of a sexual way.While I was induced or challenged to talk dirty if I came down to meet seems the ends don’t justify the means.
Although its water over the bridge now. I’m sure many where induced to a type of plea deal to avoid police misconduct as in a force in many of these actions. And they say the action was traveling down to meet, use of a computer, etc and than add more issues according to the chat log.
Law enforce hold a code of honor but behind the scenes its a lot different. I’m sure Cherokee and Vito can tell you I’m sure about police misconduct. Sounds like this registry is more of a human rights issue to me in this bait and catch ordeal.
Agreed 100%
I know of a police officer here in Duval County that avoided being placed on the sex offender registry by committing suicide during an investigation of his alleged crimes of having child pornography on his computer. I always thought it was quite telling that a law enforcement officer would choose death rather than going through the process of Investigation, arrest, incarceration and finally lifelong placement on the sex offender registry. Maybe the punishment’s a little too harsh if it drives people to suicide? There was also another local case in the last couple of years where a local Republican donor and close ally the local sheriff’s department also committed suicide after being placed under investigation for an alleged sex crime. I see both of these suicides as being under the shadow of the sex offender registry and it’s unintended and ever expanding consequences. Both of these occurrences can easily be found by doing a Google News search of the Jacksonville Florida area.
Shortly after my arrest, a BSO ICAC Deputy was found masturbating to his government issued workplace laptop full of CP that was used in uploading and downloading CP to “capture pedos”. During his suspension and investigation, he committed suicide with his service weapon.
Law enforcement should receive double the sentence since they are supposed to be the people the public trusts to protect the public and uphold the law and not badge-bearing criminals arresting criminals.