Federal agent gets probation for smelling girl’s panties.
Just goes to show that ANYONE can be a sex offender. Teachers, coaches, clergy and law enforcement officers!
What’s confusing is the judge cited his “work as a federal marshal” as a mitigating factor. Shouldn’t the fact that he’s been in a position of authority be an aggrevating factor?
What the hell!!!
Only one word….wow.
Frankly can’t judges refuse to accept plea deals? Furthermore, why would a prosecutor agree to a plea deal, then ‘unwrite’ it by asking for SO evaluation in the case? They should never have agreed to it in the first place. This pervert must have some pretty good friends over at that prosecutor’s office.
This system has been corrupt for a long time, and now we are reaping what has been sown. Great work FAC for bringing this one to light!
James…So Very On Point!
WOW!…I mean WOW!…You CAN’T make this stuff up…totally Surreal!
I advocate for the rehabilitation of this person..
All Non-Law Enforcement Peoples Will Never have a Wallet Big Enough to DEFEND THEMSELVES, while the Real Guilty Donut-Eating Scum NEVER ARE SERVED JUSTICE…ITS IS PERVERTED JUSTICE!
You think he won’t get jail time. But without even evaluation or treatment, he will re-offend. And when he does, this episode will come up again, and he won’t be so lucky.
That is the standard that they apply to register citizens. While my response may not be well received by our community I will say that while the agent needs therapy he did not harm anyone. Sniffing panties is not considered an appropriate behavior for anyone you are not intimately involved with it is not unusual behavior for those involved in a committed relationship. The problem in this case is the contextual circumstances. This agent needs help to address his behavior before it ruins his life. We are all
too quick to condemn those who suffer our challenges when they are “on the other side” and consequently fail to realize that our issues are universal issues which will never be solved by pointing an accusatory finger at others. We are a product of our development and that is the root of the problem. So like many other issues facing our society we need to address the real issues or we will be destined to act out In a disfunctional way only one of which is related to sex. One can only hope that this agent gets the help he needs before he ends up on the registry, wishing anything different for him is a reflection of anger and pain that we all feel based on our personal circumstance.
I agree.
It’s not so much as wishing those who consider us scum working for the law to suffer as revenge, it’s more about people like them with power becoming what we are labeled as, and possibly using that influence to possibly make a difference just like informing the general public can.
Thats not right he should be a felony jail time registery consider a sex offense. Not right people
I love it when the outcome is that they get a taste of what they put other people through. Remember folks, these are the “professionals” who refer to us as “dirt bags” and “scumbags” just like John Walsh does.
The Judge obviously knows the punitive nature of the sex offender registry,, A upstanding cop with no where to live and or work.
Unfortunately it really wasn’t much of a crime with no victim present. Too bad they couldn’t search his computer before he destroyed it. Prosecutor was stupid to offer such a lenient plea bargain. The offer should have made psychological treatment a mandatory part of the deal. Sad thing is that his union probably demanded that his supervisor give him a good job reference.
I also find the video very disturbing and agree that guy should not be in law enforcement. But we apparently want to hang the guy based on what we presume is in his head, and that goes against everything we fight for here regarding the registry.
We simply cannot get to the point where we criminalize thoughts. Yes, he’s probably a pedophile – there’s no other conclusion to draw from that video. If sniffing panties keeps him from actually, physically assaulting a child, he can have them. I’ll buy them myself. If he actually, physically assault a child, then yes, let’s hang him. I’ll tie the noose. But as long as he doesn’t, we can’t punish him as though he had or on the presumption that he will.
As sick and disconcerting as it was, I don’t see anything beyond misdemeanor trespassing; he was invited under false pretenses. The judge was right about that, at least. But I also agree with FAC that his federal marshal service should have been an aggravating factor, not mitigating. Assuming the maximum penalty for misdemeanors in Texas is two years, that should have been in confinement. Nor should he be on the registry. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, regardless of their offense.
I’m guessing a lot of hate will come my way based on the above. Go ahead and bring it. But to argue that this person should be subjected to the same restrictions and obligations that we oppose is pretty hypocritical while complaining about how cruel, unfair, and ineffective the registry really is. Putting him on it is just as counterproductive as anyone else.
Dustin, I agree. Where was the crime against a child. There was none. This is extremely disturbing and considering he threw away his computer tells us a lot. To me this story should have followed up with…”if you have thoughts involving children please contact 123-4567 for help” or something to that effect if you know what I mean.
If you are someone with issues like this guy, this story just further shows you how you need to bury/hide them which does not allow one to deal with them. We should be encouraging seeking professional help. Going to prion is not going to help this guy. I would like to have seen some kind of private mandated treatment.
I do agree his history should be an aggravating factor.
“The court feels that to impose sex offender terms in addition to the terms of the plea, would be to essentially unwrite the plea.”
“Mitigating factors:”
1) Lack of prior crimes – check
2) Military “experience” – check
3) Sincere in his remorse – check
Gee, where was that wisdom when all of us were sentenced??? No mitigation for us!
Look hard enough for a connection between “judge” Cooper and “agent” Moon and you will find one.
Anybody else notice on the map, this guy worked as a marshal in Floriduh?
“Threw out his computer.” Damn, I wish I had done that. Better to face obstruction of justice charge than die on the registry.
Two years UNsupervised probation!!?? WTF!! Maybe he can be transferred to work at the U.S. Marshals’ “Angel Watch” Program? Or maybe he can head a new unit – call it “Angel Sniff”! 😣
I was finally able to watch the video …. so the judge accepts his “remorse” and doesn’t think he’s a potential threat? But we are??? To hell with all of them!!!
Use this as a case reference when fighting OUR fight.
Do we all have to have been law enforcement agents to get a slap on the wrist?
Personally all of them whom got off being some kind of official or public servant ALL there Bullsht needs to be presented as well
in a court when court battles are going on to prove beyond a reasonable doubt its know you know and who you blow and why they get a walk on the same charges other serve a life time registry
I’m going to lol go out on a limb here and say, that in his defense he assumed they were an adult pair, but we all know that to be a damn lie. Now comes the old favoritism of having worked in law enforcement in regards to his punishment by the judge. Pathetic!
Lol just watched the video and all I can say is 😂 when he realized he was caught. What a dumbass and boo to the judge.
It’s Texas, where those that everybody needs protection from are actually protected by the legal system, while they mislabel, prosecute, and impose harsh punishments on innocent people and others who are not real threats to anybody. It’s all about who you are, who you know, and most importantly: MONEY.
The case was prosecuted, and trial held in, Arizona. He is just allowed to serve his probation in Texas because that’s where lives now. At least that’s my understanding from the story.
I’ve been sitting here for 10 minutes trying to frame a response and I can’t. How the state could bargain down to
misdemeanor trespassing when the evidence is so blatant is mind boggling. He may or may not have any victims that he physically touched yet but that’s one of his next steps…. plus not knowing what was on his computer. This guy is a ticking time bomb and yet they are more worried about what restaurant my wife and I go to for dinner. My own grandchildren can’t stay overnight at my home and this guy will devolve into an even more dangerous predator.
Talk about hypocrisy at its finest! If this guy was a regular citizen the court would’ve thrown him in prison and made him register him as a SO.
The fact that the judge didn’t do that tells me that she and everyone from the justice system truly understands the punitive aspect that Registrants go through…secretly.
In reality they won’t subject their own people the same sh!t Registrants are forced to put up. This just proves that they can’t take what they dish out.
This guy is obviously sick. He needs to be in a mental hospital. But not on a sor almost nobody does. He definitely does not need to be in law enforcement as many others that are there.
It’s troubling to think of how many other cops are out there with serious mental problems. We see examples in the news practically daily.
The judge didn’t do him any favors by not mandating therapy. I also have to question why any realtor would let a client just wander by himself in the home, but that’s irrelevant. Perhaps, he dazzled the agent by his law enforcement credentials. This whole scenario is a good example of the inequity of justice that occurs with these types of offenses.
His position in law enforcement allowed him to walk away mostly unscathed. I don’t think anyone responding really thinks he should go to prison or be on the registry. Like me, they are angry that many on the registry committed similar or lesser acts and are crucified by law enforcement and general public. The inequities of what he was sentenced and what the average person is/was/would be sentenced is enraging. He will escalate without treatment. He got away with it. To get the same thrill he will have to take it a step further.
Ok, the guy has problems and was likely cut some slack because he was a US Marshall. But some of these comments read like the hysterical diatribes written about us! He wasn’t even charged with a sex crime and I’m reading about SO treatment, and registration, which are the very conditions we object to.
The Arizona felony trespass statute requires that he was “unlawfully” in the residential structure. He was legitimately there with a realtor. How did he enter or stay unlawfully? The prosecution may have had a very weak case for a felony and without that a “sexual motivation” aggravating factor is irrelevant. Tossing his computer is certainly suspicious, but not evidence of a crime. Gymnastics videos aren’t illegal, nor is sniffing panties.
A judge can’t impose SO conditions for a non sex crime. I think the judge and prosecutor did about all that could have been done under the law. The alternative is for the legislature to increase the scope or number of registerable offenses. Do any of us want that??!! Let’s not poison our own well.
Agent’s actions were not exactly kosher, but I concur with Ed C. Let’s not advocate for every stupid act to be put on the registry.
Tossing his computer is certainly suspicious, but not evidence of a crime. Gymnastics videos aren’t illegal, nor is sniffing panties*
1) If any of us ever tossed anything electronic, we’d be up shit’s creek for abstraction or tampering with potential evidence. And I mean only when we are initially CHARGED with a crime.
2) Although gymnastics videos aren’t illegal, let’s look at this man’s actions of sniffing those panties and ask the question: Why was he so interested in having gymnastics videos of young girls on his computer? It’s one thing to look at them on YouTube. It’s another scenario to have DOWNLOADED them onto his computer from YouTube.
3) Refer to #2.
No one here is trying to be like those who come against us for being registered or what we did to get registered. What we’re saying is that he got a slap on the wrist for being a POTENTIAL threat to young girls. The courts, LE and the registry scheme like to play mind readers and ASSUME that if we did something ONCE, we’re gonna do it again. And they’d use something as harmless as sniffing panties to say that we will eventually progress into creepazoids who lurk in the shadows waiting for the opportunity to act out our apparent fantasies.
The court didn’t see this man’s actions the same way it would see any of our actions and gave him a slap on the wrist. Meanwhile, some states make it a sex offense to urinate behind a bush. Go figure.
If someone peeing in the bushes in a public park will get you on the sex offender registry, then sneaking into a little girls room to sniff their dirty underwear should definitely get a noose around your neck.
Judge should’ve ordered eval & treatment. Why can’t she?
Thankfully, judges don’t have unfettered sentencing authority, but are limited by law. I don’t know Arizona law, but it might not be possible for a judge to order psych treatment for a misdemeanor trespass conviction. It also might have been precluded by the plea agreement.
I’m not trying to minimize this guy’s sliminess or that he was treated differently because he was LE. Many of us here had no prior record and are remorseful veterans but got no consideration. The system isn’t fair or rational, but it is what it is until we can change it. Veritas.
Thank you for a voice of reason with a subject that hits us all deeply. Again, thank you.
Capt Charles. I agree he shouldn’t be put on the registry, but it’s frustrating as all hell when a piece of shit like this guy gets off with a slap on the wrist knowing he’s the kind of guy that talks about registered citizens like we we’re scum of the earth. There is a slight bit of vindication when cops like this guy have to eat from the same pot that we do!
Dan, I understand your frustration and concur with your thoughts but we must remember that it was frustration on the part of victim advocates that lead to the registries and restrictions that many RSO’s have to endure nowadays.