Fearless Group

The program is aimed specifically at providing a supportive community for persons who are required to register, along with their family members and significant others who face the same challenges, which are immense. Fearless groups run independent of FAC and have no direct ties to the organization. The purpose is to encourage members to become “fearless” and strength to be an active advocate for organizations such as FAC.  You can read more about it in the Fearless Group pamphlet.

Three Key Goals of Fearless Groups:
* Ending the fear we experience as registered citizens or friends and family of registered citizens.
* Ending the fear of the general public due to false stereotypes and hype regarding registered citizens.
* Helping each other to overcome obstacles and succeed in life, in spite of the laws that keep us down.

The meetings are structured, beginning with the reading of the Fearless Group Courtesies and Manifesto, then moves to the two main potions:

1) a presentation that focuses on ways to take charge of your own life and affect change in the law.

2) a very quick check-in: where they are, what you may be dealing with etc. then proceeds to discussion and feedback on a range of topics.

 Sharing your story with others
 Coping with stress
 Taking care of ourselves
 Getting past fear
 Discuss a manifesto declaration
 Letting go of anger


Initially, the meetings will be by phone and we hope later to see small, local in-person groups develop throughout the state.

If you are unable to join this evening, but want to participate at another time, contact Daphne to let her know your availability, your concerns, and perhaps your desire to lead a Fearless Group in your area.  She can be reached at: daphne.fac@gmail.com or leave a message at 321-754-0446.

You can read more about Fearless Groups on the NARSOL site.

18 thoughts on “Fearless Group

  • January 20, 2021

    I am a level one so I’m Az. Do I need to let some one know everytime I leave the state.

    • November 27, 2021

      Hey Charlie. I would love to help you with the answer to your question. Please contact me at Daphne.FAC@gmail.com and I will point you in the right direction.

  • January 21, 2021

    Meanwhile, Twitter has been allowing CP to be traded on its servers and does nothing about it. See the link below.

    Lawsuit: Twitter States that Child Porn Video ‘Didn’t Violate Policies’ https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2021/01/21/lawsuit-twitter-states-that-child-porn-video-didnt-violate-policies/

    A letter on FAC letterhead on behalf of membership should be sent to all the legislators demanding federal and state investigations against Twitter for the sharing of child porn on their platform. This is needed because many of our members have been prosecuted for sharing child porn or allowing others to obtain it from open hard drives via the internet and programs such as Limewire. Under federal law 18 USC 2252A, this is a crime that provides for very severe penalties. Perhaps this should be specifically shared with Lauren Book of Florida.

    • January 22, 2021

      And Twitter kicks people forced to register off their network. What a bunch of hypocrites at Twitter.

      • January 25, 2021

        Who has been kicked off twitter?

        • January 25, 2021

          Who has been kicked off Twitter? Registered Citizens like myself.

          • January 25, 2021

            For what reason?

          • January 25, 2021

            I wasn’t given a reason. I registered the soncall “handle” as required and within a few months was kicked off. Never even posted anything. This was in 2017 and I haven’t used Twitter since. I have no accts on Facebook or Instagram.

        • January 25, 2021

          Registrants actively discuss registry issues on Twitter. A few registrants have upwards of ten thousand followers.

          Only instance I know of where a registrant was kicked off, it was because he was accused of violating the rules in a dispute. That was at least a year ago.

          Twitter terms of service specify that they may not be used to engage in sexual exploitation. Fortunately, no registrant that I know of has violated that rule in any way. Registrants are not the users you need to worry about.

          • January 25, 2021

            Correct – that’s what I thought.

  • January 22, 2021

    Any Group effort whether in FL such as FAC or VA such as Safer Virginia or other afflicates that are for the prevent or abuse of Governmental abuse is very welcoming. Yes many folks caught up in these ordeal’s don’t know where to turn. Whether one is a Christian or undersdtanding the OT much of this registry ordeal is a bit of a tumble weed.

    One can strive in many ways. Look at Paul in the OT. Sure he had a great commission to enlighten others on during that time. Yes meself for one thing even thought I don’t vote was for Biden and yes good things are gonna come wait and see. It is the hope of everyone on the registry to take steps to not only cut all this porn out but to help others keep from this snare or entraptment ordeal as it is a stain on governmental justice and this two wrongs don’t make a right angle.

    I’m just glad that their are groups that reach out to the many to undersstand this and to communicate their misfortunes.

    • November 27, 2021

      Hi Saddles. Thanks for your comment. I encourage you to attend our next meeting! You would be an inspiration to others and also may get some benefit from it yourself!

  • January 23, 2021

    This looks great on papper. But I gotta tell you. Iv been on the registry since the day it started and its been no walk in the park with the increasing penalties and punishment. I was 16 at the time of my alleged offence. Im now almost 48. Iv done very well considering all the hurdles Iv had to overcome. And its been a long hard road. Its very scary (speaking for myself here) to put all that hard work and success in Jeopardy by joining these types of groups. People just love to run you down when they find out about this kind of thing. Im sure you disagree but keeping your head down and following these rediculas laws to the T is how I’ve stayed out of prsion. If you start sticking your finger in the face of local law enforcement with any kind of (fearless) behavior I guarantee you it will end badly for you. Changing these laws are the only way to stop this nonsence. Im sure many here will disagree with me but that’s fine. Maby it will start a conversation that this post hasn’t done so far. I Love FAC and the work they do.. But this type of group like this I don’t see getting any traction. Maby im wrong. I hope so..But I guess time will tell.

    • November 27, 2021

      Hey Pariah.001. I beg to differ with you. I host this group and we just passed our one year anniversary! I have seen our members make great strides in how they view the world and tackle every day problems. I encourage you to join us at our next meeting and see for yourself.

  • January 25, 2021

    I understand and agree with the “keeping your head down” concept. I know we cant hide from the registry or any of its components. I do take part in reaching out to city council and various state representatives when i hear about about something that will be a concern for me (us). Just a week ago a gentleman parked his truck in front of my house and went house to house putting a flyer into each neighbors mailbox. I asked one of my neighbors what was hand delivered and was told, “Oh just something from the neighborhood watch.. it was nothing exciting.” The same neighborhood watch that has omitted everyone from my home due to my status.

    I am 3 years from petitioning the State to be removed from the registry. I am too close to a potential finish line to go showing my butt. Just my humble opinion.

    • November 27, 2021

      Hey Al in Jax. I encourage you to come to our meetings. It will give you a release that you probably need until the day comes that you will get released from the registry.

  • January 25, 2021

    The only way these laws will change in the next few decades is through court action. These groups provide support that registrants need until that day comes.

  • January 15, 2022

    Fearless groups are aimed specifically at providing a supportive community for persons who are required to register, along with their family members and significant others who face the same challenges. Three Key Goals of Fearless Groups:
     *Ending the fear we experience as registered citizens or friends and family of registered citizens.
     *Ending the fear of the general public due to false stereotypes and hype regarding registered citizens.
     *Helping each other to overcome obstacles and succeed in life, in spite of the laws that keep us down.
    A FEARLESS group is held every three to four weeks. Our next meeting is Monday, January 17th at 7 PM (est). If you are interested in joining, please dial (727) 731-2927 to be connected.


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