FDLE’s compilation of sex offense statutes and registry requirements
We are frequently encountering members who are unsure of the registry requirements, which statutes are applicable to their situation, the statute numbers, etc. FDLE has published a guideline to assist law enforcement in navigating the confusing web of registration laws. This publication can also be a helpful tool for registered citizens to have.
Unfortunately, people just released from prison do not receive from their probation office all the information included in this publication. Compounding the problem is the fact that “ignorance” of a law is no excuse in our criminal courts, which is unfortunate since many criminal defense attorneys are not aware of all the laws listed in this publication.
It takes an 84 page document to provide information and explain SORNA but it is not punishment because all you have to do is register.
It’s interesting law enforcement agencies like the FDLE find it necessary to publish these compendiums to explain the law to those enforcing it, yet people who are sometimes living on the street and with diminished capacity are expected to follow it to a T.
Found one thing odd, on page 39, talks about email,phone etc must be reported to Probation Officer in person within the time frame. It gives a Statue but can not find that in there. Or I am missing it.