FDLE Warns of Scams Targeting Sex Offenders

Urgent News for Florida Registered Sex Offenders

The following email is being sent to registrants:

———- Forwarded message ———
From: EIS-Admin
Date: Fri, Feb 9, 2018
Subject: Please Be Advised
To: RegistrantsC1


Please Be Advised

FDLE has received reports of attempted scams targeting sexual offenders and predators involving a caller posing as a law enforcement officer and indicating that the sexual offender/predator has missing or out-of-date registration information. The caller directs the registrant to bring a gift or money card to a location other than the registration office in order to avoid arrest for failure to register. The caller may provide a call back number that appears to belong to local law enforcement’s registration office. If you receive such a call, you can report it to your local law enforcement agency directly. Click Here for contact numbers for law enforcement agencies around the state. FDLE does not have any additional information, please only contact your local law enforcement agency if you have been targeted.

8 thoughts on “FDLE Warns of Scams Targeting Sex Offenders

  • February 9, 2018

    Even though these messages from FDLE may help some folks, they are also visible to employers when a registered citizen employee receives them at work. I am going to email or snail-mail FDLE, if required, and request that they stop sending emails to me. I don’t see anything in the statutes that allows them to email me.

    • February 12, 2018

      Valid Point – those who use monitored emails or who are part of distribution groups have to endure humiliation every time there’s something circulated. There should be a way to opt out.

  • February 9, 2018

    How ironic to have a warning issued by the very organization who themselves target sex offenders every chance they get to annoy, abuse, and violate them.

    Especially since their stings and entrapment is what put tens of thousands of citizens on the sex offender registry to start with!


    • February 12, 2018

      There’s a thread on ACSOL about this. I share the popular opinion there that everyone who shared that video should be prosecuted and registered without exception as a matter of due process and equal application of law.

      Many (if not all) of those involved in this incident are part of the hang-all-SOs crowd, and registration would certainly make them rethink their opinions about the registry as a whole. After their likely “shouldn’t apply to me because I was trying to help” arguments fail the first few times, they’re almost certain to discover that their circumstance is not totally unlike those of the vast majority of other registrants.

      It’s not a matter of vindictiveness toward these likely SO-haters, though most are well-deserving. It’s a matter of demonstrating the unfairness and uselessness of the registry. It will also show the gross imbalance of authority of prosecutors’ disregard of law, primarily allowed in practice by judges who have reduced themselves to rubber stamps in the current justice system.

      Also, I’m pretty sure Facebook could/would be found criminally liable or negligent. I’m curious to see what kind of blowback they get, and how it affects their no-SO policy.

  • February 10, 2018

    No doubt because of the letter FAC sent….good work.

  • February 13, 2018

    RayO – I agree – I had not thought of that. However, I would never ever wish this hell on anyone

  • December 29, 2018

    This just happened to my husband and the people tried to track his location to make sure he was going to the police department. They told him he didn’t respond to a letter requesting a new dna sample and he hadn’t complied so there was a warrant out for his arrest. This was so upsetting for us and I hope someone can do something about it.


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