FDLE Commissioner Glass Says Florida Is a National Leader in Public Safety Best Practices When It Comes to the Sex Offender Registry

Public safety is of great concern to all Florida citizens with the new state budget shoring up weak areas such as years of unsatisfactory funding to meet the needs of our incarcerated citizens. Prison wardens have been pleading for more money to ensure the safety of all inmates within the Florida correctional facilities, and they will finally be receiving some relief.

FDLE Commissioner Mark Glass has said the additional resources in the state budget will help to “better serve our citizens and law enforcement partners while allowing FDLE to serve as a national leader in public safety best practices.” (The Florida capital Star, Bethany Blankley, June 27, 2023)

Glass listed the sex offender registry, along with other programs, as evidence that the FDLE is a leader in public safety best practices.

Hopefully, Commissioner Glass will share with the public the research he is using to determine that Florida’s implementation of the sex offender registry (along with all its punitive registry requirements and state statutes and county ordinances) is considered an example of public safety best practices.


11 thoughts on “FDLE Commissioner Glass Says Florida Is a National Leader in Public Safety Best Practices When It Comes to the Sex Offender Registry

  • July 3, 2023

    10% reduction in crime? The only way I would believe that is if one of the sheriffs or a local politician was arrested since they commit more crimes then any of us.

  • July 3, 2023

    This article was nothing but propaganda. No insight or data. Just quotes from sherrifs and arbitrary number of 10% crime reduction with no links to specific study.

  • July 3, 2023

    The sex offender registry is mentioned only in passing near the end of the article. This is after addressing drug cartels and the fentanyl crisis. Wow, you Florida registrants must represent a clear and present danger to the state in order to be associated with cartels!

    That gratuitous reference was tossed in only because it elicits fear based on ignorance. Registrants are a soft target for politicians and law enforcement scrambling for money. The mere mention of sex offenders creates panic in the public and spooks the herd. Fear, whether real or imagined, is necessary for any politician running on a tough-on-crime platform. Politicians such as DeSantis (DuhSantis) trade in fear and not productive policies.

  • July 3, 2023

    What a load of bull.

  • July 2, 2023

    Sounds like he’s talking about a different Florida to me.

  • July 2, 2023

    If the money actually went where it’s needed like education true prevention instead of the registry it would be a start. It don’t matter how much they give to the prison system they will never be safe.And if it actually goes to the prisons It just means the higher ups will get raises. Yep I have faith in them ,NOT !!


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