FDIC’s toxic culture towards women

The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Commission) is a hot mess.  Normally charged with insuring bank customers’ deposits up to set levels, it has been revealed to be an organization with a highly toxic culture.  An investigation by the Wall St Journal has revealed numerous complaints of sexual harassment, boozy days and nights and an all around unsafe environment for female employees.  Most alarming is the openness in which this behavior was conducted without consequence.  Not one or a few, but many complaints were filed over many years with no action taken.

It is an explicit outrage when bad behavior is allowed to be known to exist, to be allowed to continue and to be done in a government workplace many consider to be one of the most essential of federal services.  Since World War II, everyday people have counted on the Federal government, at a minimum, to provide effective defense, social security checks for retirement, mail delivery and FDIC insurance on our deposits at banks.  

The behavior alleged at the FDIC is fully condemned if true.  However, knowing that people in positions of high authority are texting unwanted sexually explicit pictures of their private parts to their female coworkers without consequence reminds us that justice can be hollow and selective.  

The Wall Street Journal article is behind a paywall so a link on that story is found here.

2 thoughts on “FDIC’s toxic culture towards women

  • November 17, 2023

    It was like that in a lot of places. Lots of times when a woman would make a pass I’d blow it off cause I see what happens. You get involved discretely an next thing you know you have a harassment suit against you. No thanks, I’ll stay single unless you sign this 14 page document.

  • November 17, 2023

    “Do as I say, not as I do”.


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