FBI Agent, Army Reserves Col. charged with sex crimes against children in Florida
An FBI agent who investigated sex crimes against children has been arrested and charged with multiple sex crimes against children across several states, according to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office.
Deputies said Supervisory Special Agent David Harris was tasked with investigating crimes against children,
including child pornography. But in February of this year, he was accused of exposing himself to a 14-year-old girl in a “lewd and lascivious manner,” while on vacation in St. George Island.
“In the course of this investigation, evidence was obtained that led to other felony crimes committed by Harris of a sexual nature with minors and adults in the States of Louisiana and Texas, five jurisdictions and three states in all,” deputies wrote. “Records were obtained from Harris’ issued government electronic devices finding conversation excerpts from Harris claiming his sexual preference to underage females and admitting to his exploits (including the St George Island incident).”
What is that saying ? “When the fox is guarding the Hen house?”
It will be interesting to see if they offer him a sweet plea deal to a lesser charge, a common occurrence where law enforcement persons are accused of sex crimes. The preferential treatment they receive from the justice system is a crime in itself in my opinion.
Sounds like a real classy image of law enforcement. Maybe instead of creating crimes, they should focus on the criminals in their department. New meaning of Serve and Protect by serving and protecting their image, while disservice to the public.
No one is innocent. It’s just that some have not been caught.
He’s in a Louisiana jail, where they really like FBI agents charged with such things. He’ll be just fine, treated like a prince, nothing to worry about.
I can’t see any reason why this would be surprising. Sex and sexuality isn’t the same as drugs, gangs or murder. Unfortunately I can see how it can be very easy for people who investigate this activity to fall into the same patterns and actions. If they are not carefully monitored and supported by their employers and families their thinking can become easily affected by what they see in their daily investigations. It is much more difficult to temper sexuality than it is to temper other addictions. And other addictions tend to be more easily addressed and treated. Employers need better debriefing and counseling for their people.
Drug and alcohol addictions are not tempered any easier than sexual addictions. Nor are they more easily treatable compared to sexual addictions. The shame and stigma of sexual addiction, makes it less likely that people will get help. There are groups out there modeled after AA, Sexaholics Anonymous for example, that exist to help people recover from sexual addiction. The number of face to face meetings is probably far less than AA.
It is a weak rational that someone working to stop sexual crimes can be easily tempted or worn down by continued exposure. Using that rational suggests that people who serve and manufacture alcohol are more predisposed to becoming alcoholics.
Or maybe those who have a sex “addiction” should partner up with someone who also desires a lot of sex. Wouldn’t that be a happy couple?
I honestly take issue with this idea of being “addicted” to sex. Sex is a NATURAL human behavior. And it feels good. So yeah, I can totally see how many people would like it more often.
I cannot compare sex to an addiction like drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Why? Well, because drugs, alcohol and tobacco are not something we would even desire if it were never introduced to us to begin with. Your sexuality vs a substance you put into your body are two different things.
The word addiction runs the risk of being both overused and misused. There are those that rink alcohol who never develop the dependency that “addicts” share with one another. Yes, sex is a base instinct. But at some point the behaviors of someone sexually active can become detrimental to their health and well being. And that suggests an addiction, that the person pursues sexual gratification above all other needs. Our bodies release endorphins and other chemicals to bring about pleasurable feelings. Since we neither inhale, swallow, or inject sex, the pathways to sexual gratification are the difference.
Or perhaps his proclivities were why he took the job in the first place. I agree with much of what you said, but I thought I’d offer an alternative.