FBI Agent, Army Reserves Col. charged with sex crimes against children in Florida

An FBI agent who investigated sex crimes against children has been arrested and charged with multiple sex crimes against children across several states, according to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies said Supervisory Special Agent David Harris was tasked with investigating crimes against children,
including child pornography. But in February of this year, he was accused of exposing himself to a 14-year-old girl in a “lewd and lascivious manner,” while on vacation in St. George Island.

“In the course of this investigation, evidence was obtained that led to other felony crimes committed by Harris of a sexual nature with minors and adults in the States of Louisiana and Texas, five jurisdictions and three states in all,” deputies wrote. “Records were obtained from Harris’ issued government electronic devices finding conversation excerpts from Harris claiming his sexual preference to underage females and admitting to his exploits (including the St George Island incident).”


21 thoughts on “FBI Agent, Army Reserves Col. charged with sex crimes against children in Florida

  • August 30, 2021

    I remember reading about cops having sex in their patrol cars even with prostitutes and nothing happened to them. Guess they were just keeping the big O safe. Omaha wasn’t even a big city back then.

  • August 29, 2021

    AWA really protects children

  • August 28, 2021

    This is tragic but I believe not an isolated case. Those in law enforcement who are exposed to sexually explicit materials during their investigations are NOT immune to their affects!

    • August 31, 2021

      Robert, I don’t believe policemen are somehow induced to commit sex crimes by exposure to these materials. If that were true, police would be robbing banks or committing other types of crimes. Asserting that their environments were the cause is partially absolving them of their responsibility. I once asked a PhD psychologist–an expert in this field–about the psychology of persons who choose to investigate child sex crimes. She just rolled her eyes and shook her head.


    • September 1, 2021

      Robert that is is absurd and proven wrong. It is the same argument as violence in video games/movies or music. Individuals who are drawn to that are the ones who get into the field. They already have an interest in deviant behavior and that is why no one is really surprised anymore when yet another law enforcement person is busted for doing exactly what they busted people for doing.

      Why not take a short cut and simply investigate all the police who are working in the sex offender area. Save some time!

  • August 28, 2021

    Once again someone who is in a position of authority, and is N-O-T on the registry, commits a despicable act. But, since he’s a member of law enforcement, he’ll probably get probation. That’s just the way it is.

    • August 29, 2021

      Lobo, you’re wrong about LE getting off easy. In fact, the courts more often than not make an example out of them. Just recently, a Clay County deputy was given 30 year sentence in federal prison for a CP offense similar to the one I served almost 10 years for committing.

      • August 30, 2021

        I knew a policeman who got 30 years for a sexual assault.

      • August 30, 2021

        Not Cynical

        In Today’s environment, you are probably correct. Back in the day when I was in law enforcement, cops buried evidence, destroyed proof, hid the truth, lied etc. One of the reasons I finally left, I was disgusted with all the things they got away with.

        The Rodney King incident did away with departments using Pr-24’s (Military grade night sticks). I saw so many people beaten with those just for mouthing off to an officer. Then the officers would brag and joke about how they “Broke that mother *uckers jaw”.

        I mean, in all reality, some of them for sure deserved an beating, but I saw lots of homeless people getting their heads kicked in, old people pushed down stairs during evictions because they were not moving fast enough. And the written incident reports rarely told the entire truth with so much left out, change or redacted.

        I could not continue watching things like this knowing if I snitched, God only knows what would have happened to me. So sadly the career I wanted to love, turned out to be a nightmare.
        Thank God I was not still in law enforcement when I got arrested, although they were aware that I was a former cop when I got snagged.

        I think corrections officers get away with a lot more than street cops today because they inmates do not have cameras to film the evidence like they citizens on the streets do.

      • August 30, 2021

        And here’s a case from July of this year where an officer received only probation for possession of child porn:
        The truth is, more often than not, police officers and politicians DO get treated better by the justice system than do ordinary citizens. If you can afford a good lawyer, you are also likely to get a better sentence.
        Non Cynical’s comment DOES point out another problem with the justice system in this country. There is very little consistency in sentencing from one court to another. My attorney visibly rolled his eyes when he learned which judge was going to preside over my case. The other judge in my county was MUCH more lenient. Attorneys representing police officers often move for a change in venue to somewhere other than where the officer works and lives, arguing that the case should be heard by a judge who doesn’t know the officer. Those attorneys are skilled at choosing a venue that is favorable. An ordinary citizen rarely gets the chance to venue shop.

  • August 28, 2021

    I believe he will play it off as he was only doing his job and those actions created by him we’re in the interest of catching Sex offenders and not something he would ordinarily do…just a thought.


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