Falsely labeled a sex offender by Bureau of Prisons, Bronfman’s win upholds constitutional rights

On November 16th, after months of court proceedings against the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and a series of cases that raise questions about government and prosecutorial overreach, Seagram’s heiress Clare Bronfman successfully won the removal of a false “sex offender” label from her Case #No. 3:22CV838 file. Ms. Bronfman spent over two years in a higher security prison than her sentencing required after the BOP falsely labeled her a sex offender.

After months of administrative appeals, Ms. Bronfman’s attorneys, Ronald Sullivan and Duncan Levin, filed for a writ of habeas corpus, arguing that the false “sex offender” designation and its stigma violated her Constitutional rights.


12 thoughts on “Falsely labeled a sex offender by Bureau of Prisons, Bronfman’s win upholds constitutional rights

  • November 24, 2022

    “The mistaken labeling not only rendered her ineligible for good behavior credits under the First Step Act but also left her vulnerable to targeted harassment and violence from fellow inmates.”

    Ya don’t say….

  • November 24, 2022

    It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you have enough money.the most interesting is the last sentence of the article. Not being labeled a sex offender was more important than extra time spent in prison. Very interesting. But they say that is not punishment! What planet 🌎 are they from? 🪐

  • November 24, 2022

    “but most importantly, she will no longer carry the stigma of that classification,” Duncan Levin said.

    Seems to her lawyer that being a registrant is worse than harboring people illegally only to be sexually abused. Found out she used daddy fortune in the amount over 100 million dollars to ruin her victims life according to Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/willyakowicz/2020/09/30/clare-bronfman-sentenced-to-nearly-seven-years-in-prison-for-role-in-nxivm/amp/

  • November 24, 2022

    Very interesting! Thank you, FAC, for posting this article!! 👍🏻

  • November 24, 2022

    I would caution that this case holds no precedent for FAC members other than those who remain federally incarcerated on non-sexual convictions.

    Also this is a press release and as such ought to be taken with a grain of salt.

  • November 24, 2022

    I’m glad the Seagram’s heiress had sufficient funds to pay her lawyers to fight the corruption in the BOP. Not all of us can do that. I have personally witnessed the federal government’s corruption first-hand, especially how they label people as SOs and discriminate against people who carry that label. I was denied health care along with other inmates who were labeled SOs where we were housed. We also were denied RDAP good time credits and the list goes on. I’m sometimes criticized by a few who post on this site for my views about the feds being so corrupt. This case helps validate what I’ve been saying. Thanks for posting.

    • November 26, 2022

      Same experience with my loved one. RDAP, medical….same story. The amount of corruption within the bop is staggering. And it is not really any different in the other alphabet agencies.

      • November 26, 2022

        Mp sorry you have to deal with with the consequences of that awful bureaucracy. To have your health care decisions and other life decisions made by people who are (at best) indifferent to you and your family is just, I can’t even…I feel your frustration.

  • November 24, 2022

    So the label “sex offender” has a negative stigma and violates and individual’s Constitutional rights.

    Interesting…who would have ever imagined that! 🙁

  • November 24, 2022

    The government again broke the law and the FBI again caught planting evidence…shocking….
    On other notes the sex offender label and registry are not punitive so how can she win?

    • November 25, 2022

      The FBI hasn’t been caught doing anything. They are making an allegation in a press release, citing unnamed experts.

  • November 25, 2022

    It’s almost as if a label – the government claims is “civil and non-punitive” – actually upends and displaces one’s life. Yeah, nothing punishing about that…. /s


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