FAC’s Code of Conduct

Weekly Update 08 Jan, 2023

Dear Members and Advocates,

We are Back!

In case you were wondering, the answer is NO….you did not miss any Weekly Updates since the last one that we sent on Jan 4th.  The month of January just flew by but we are back on track now.  Thank you to the many readers that contacted us out of concern.  It certainly reinforced how much our members look forward to this email and the recorded version that is available by phone for individuals without internet access, and for treatment providers to share in their groups.

One reason for the break was for the Board to deal with comments that were deviating more and more from the purpose of our posts, and from the guidelines of our Code of Conduct, which is the tool used by the Moderators to determine if a comment is approved or denied. Several years ago, the FAC Board of Directors wrote the Code of Conduct (the “Code”) to ensure that 1) this organization retains a positive reputation in the community, 2) that information on the website is relevant to the mission and 3) that we convey the utmost respect to others.  The Code establishes how members are expected to behave, and how the Board of Directors are expected to behave in making decisions on behalf or the members.

Item #2 of the Code entitled “Dealing with Others”  reads in part: “Members are required to treat other FAC Members, politicians, police, probation officers, treatment providers, members of the media as well as all third parties with whom FAC interacts, with respect, dignity, honesty and fairness. Threatening, insubordinate, violent or obscene behavior by any Member towards another member or any third party will not be tolerated. Any conduct that encourages or permits an offensive or hostile environment will not be tolerated.  Members are expected to communicate with candor, courtesy, and respect. Members must realize that Registered Citizens are already perceived in an unfavorable light and for that reason we must conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects the highest ethical standards and most professional conduct in order to strengthen the public’s perception.“

For one post in particular, ACSOL proposes seven changes to the California Sex Offender Management Boardthat’s what was happening….conduct in the comments was encouraging an offensive and hostile environment.  Negative remarks about the ACSOL organization and their CEO were not factual, not respectful, and not relevant to the mission.  What you did not see were the additional comments that were denied by the Moderators.

During the Membership Call on February 2, the ACSOL CEO joined us to set the record straight.  That also put an end to the offensive, unsupported remarks.  We cannot always depend on having the subject authority available to respond, and we would not need to do that if we can count on our members to follow the guidelines for posting comments.

Item #9 of the Code entitled “Website Comments” reads in part: “We welcome all substantive opinions and encourage free discussion. Please stay on topic and be respectful of others. Do not attack, abuse, or threaten other contributors. When making claims of fact or law, please add references to the source or statute/ordinance for that information. FAC moderates the comments on its website to the best of our ability and limited time. FAC reserves the right to delete comments which do not comply with our Member Code of Conduct. FAC reserves the right to delete comments which are not relevant to the topic of the article or post under which the comment is made, which express political or religious viewpoints which may not reflect the beliefs of other members, which make statements of fact or law without reference to the particular source of the fact or law or which promote a commercial interest.”

Members, and the many commenters who are not FAC members, are encouraged to read the Member Code of Conduct in its entirety.

The next time that you submit a comment to a post, be sure to ask yourself “Is this remark reputable, relevant, and respectful?”  If not, it probably doesn’t have a place on the FAC site.


The Florida Action Committee

Please sign our petition!!! We have over 4,400 signatures If everyone shares it with 2 people we can get to 5,000 quickly.


Next Monthly Membership Meeting – Thursday March 2 at 8pm ET.  Call 319-527-3487.  Topic: “Getting Stories in the Media” with guest journalist Steven Yoder.   If you have trouble connecting, or being charged, text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 to received a call back and be connected to the meeting at no charge.

Next New Membership Orientation Meeting- Thursday March 9 at 8pm ET.  Call 319-527-3487.  No agenda.  Call in to ask about resources, the organization, volunteer opportunities,  or anything on your mind.  Trouble connecting? Text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 to received a call back and be connected to the meeting.

See Calendar of Events – Keep up with Meet-and-Greets in your area, Support groups, Membership Calls, and other events.  For questions and more information contact the Membership Team;   membership@floridaactioncommittee.org or call 833-273-7325,Option 1.

Click Here for Calendar and double click on the event to view details and RSVP instructions. Just some of the upcoming events below.

Sat Feb 11 – Meet and Greet in Pahokee following the Pastors Breakfast 9am-noon.  RSVP to Fac.Region4B@gmail.com or text/call 772-494-1947.

Sat Feb 18 – Meet and Greet in Sebring 11am-2pm. For location and details RSVP to fac.highlands2@gmail.com or leave message at 863-256-3026.

Sat Feb 18 –Meet and Greet in Sarasota 1:00-4:00pm  For location and details RSVP to jennifer.sarasotafac@gmail.com or  text/call 941-500-4706

Sat Feb 25 –Meet and Greet in Jacksonville 2:00-4:00pm  For location and details RSVP to fac.duval@gmail.com or text/call 904-300-0109.


Become a County Coordinator.  The only requirement is your desire to HELP us organize your county.  You will never be left alone because you will part of a team that supports each other.  If you are interested in joining the County Coordinator Team, leave message at 833-273-7325, Option 1, or email membership@floridaactioncommittee.org

Letter-Writing Campaigns – If you would like to participate in sending educational information to specific decision makers in Florida, please  contact Media@floridaactioncommittee.org.  Volunteers must be willing to proudly identify themselves by using their own name and return address on the letters.

Call for Topics and Staff Writers – We are always interested in receiving articles to post, and opinion pieces for Weekly Updates and other communications.  If you are a writer, or you would like to make a submission, please email media@floridaactioncommittee.org.  Sometimes its starts with just an idea, so we welcome your thoughts and ideas that a staff writer would develop into an article or Weekly Update.  We want to hear from you.


Teamwork Makes the Dream Work in Washington DC March 5-7

Florida Action Committee (FAC) is the Florida state affiliate for the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL).  FAC supports the efforts of NARSOL and other advocacy groups that share our mission. Several FAC members have already indicated they…read more

The destruction of trust

In a recent article written by Sandy, the communications director for NARSOL and editor-in-chief of the Digest, she shared a comment she once found on a YouTube video:  “It’s awesome that you were able to have a relationship as a kid with an adult that was truly just…read more

ACSOL proposes seven changes to the California Sex Offender Management Board

In a presentation this week, ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci proposed seven changes to the California Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB), which would involve certain tier placements and petitions for registry removal, and allow registrants to view their…read more

FIRSTHAND: LIFE AFTER PRISON Launches Monday, February 13, 2023

Beginning on February 13 and throughout 2023, Chicago’s WTTW’s FIRSTHAND: LIFE AFTER PRISON will look at the challenges facing returning citizens as they try to reintegrate back into society while carrying the stigma of a criminal record. This 5-part documentary will…read more

With Unity Comes Change -Get Involved and Volunteer Today!

Florida Action Committee



833-2-REPEAL     833-273-7325

One thought on “FAC’s Code of Conduct

  • February 9, 2023

    FAC is right folks as we all have to show respect. I have even written some posts and have also mentioned to FAC if my posts doen’t sound right don’t post it. Conduct and showing a bit of respect is good. at the same time I’m sure many are just as upset as the next with this registry. One can’t go around and deflate or degrade the other by some negative comment that has to be censored or moderated or considered no good for posting.

    Hey we all know the negative effects of being on the registry. The quarterly fingerprinting, this labeling,, the stigma of carrying the label, effects on jobs, family, etc but still we should show respect to others that are trying to rid much of this registry.There is nothing wrong with ACSOL,NARSOL and many more advocates.

    I was invited to D.C but have a previous engagement in my area on that weekend in March but with all other efforts from groups like FAC, ACSOL,W.A.R, NARSOL many positive results can be made.Posting is good if it is motivated with respect and geared right. As far as law enforcement well they have their downsides but one still have to some respect.


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