FAC Weekly Update 2024-11-18-When You Feel Like You Don’t Fit In Anywhere
Recording ID# 290.
Dear Members and Advocates,
This Weekly Update is focused on the power of belonging to a family, whether related by blood or by circumstances. When you are surrounded by people who care and understand you, it makes a world of difference in your life.
We receive calls everyday from people who finally found Florida Action Committee (FAC), often after years of searching for hope. The first thing we say to them is “Welcome to FAC – this is your organization, and we are a family with lots of support, encouragement and hope to go around for everyone.”
A common line we hear over and over again is…”I don’t fit in anywhere.” Because of a past offense, they no longer feel like they can enjoy what once gave them a sense of belonging. They no longer feel accepted at a place or activity where they once “fit-in” naturally. Whether it is a Veteran hesitant to go to the VFW, or a woman shying away from a girls-night-out, or a star athlete afraid of signing up to run a marathon.
If you are feeling this way now, as you are reading this, please STOP alienating yourself. There are many VFWs that welcome you, plenty of woman that would bond with you, and enough marathons to keep running for a long time. Sometimes, the biggest barrier to “fitting-in” is the barrier that we build for ourselves.
While FAC’s mission is to educate the public, media and elected officials, and fighting for reform of laws, even the removal of the registry, we can’t expect our members to be ready to advocate for the cause until they can advocate for themselves. Acceptance, confidence, and self-assurance come from a sense of belonging; from being part of community that focuses on the future, not the past, where you can be yourself and be respected for who you are. It comes from the support you get and you give back to one-another.
Bringing people together in support groups has been one of our Outreach priorities for our members and the results are driving our advocacy further than we ever expected. For example, five years ago when we started the Support Group for Family Members, the attending spouses, parents and siblings could barely form words to express how the unintended consequences of the registry have impacted their families. But today, groups of family members have been guest speakers in college classes, probation training days, and podcasts to educate audiences on how their treatment of persons on the registry has a direct impact on the families, including the children, of registered citizens. They are no longer hiding behind their self-made barriers. Instead, one-by-one they are standing up and speaking out for you.
Not enough can be said about the women’s support group, SHINE-VOICES. They are making appearances on the east and west coasts, in university classes, at professional conferences, and on podcasts, with plans to do so much more. Other support groups for Veterans, Men Discussion, and Parents of Youthful Offenders/Young Adults are beginning to build momentum, with a new group starting up for LGBTQIA+ individuals. Their first ZOOM call will take place Sunday December 8th at 7pm ET.
If you are interested in joining any of the peer-led support groups, contact membership@floridaactioncommittee.org or leave a message at 833-273-7325 Option 1. We will connect you to the group facilitator.
FAC is a family that accepts you for who you really are, which is a human being and not a label.
Consider participating in a support group to break down your self-imposed barriers, build your confidence, find your voice, and “fit-in” with others who care and understand where you are today.
The Florida Action Committee (FAC)
Meet and Greet Sat Nov 23 from 1-4pm in Sebring. RSVP to fac.highlands2@gmail.com or leave message at 407-270-0432.
Holiday Party Sat Dec 7 noon-4pm in Apopka. RSVP to membership@floridaactioncommittee.org or text/call 904-438-8322.
Meet and Greet Sun Dec 8 from 1-3pm in Tampa. RSVP to daphne.fac@gmail.com or leave message at 757-570-2060.
Meet and Greet Sun Dec 15 from 2-5pm Gainesville. RSVP to media@floridaactioncommittee.org or call/text 352-448-8989.
Legislative Delegation Meetings – Sign up to read a 90-second speech at a delegation meeting in your county or surrounding area. Contact media@floridaactioncommittee.org or leave message at 352-448-8989.
What a great message to read this morning and THANK GOD for the Florida Action Committee!
I’ve been on the Florida registry for 27 years now, since I was 26, and the cumulative impact on my mind has resulted in a type of PTSD. More like an Ongoing Traumatic Stress Disorder because the threats never end.
Getting out there and refusing to hide is one of the best things I can do to “treat” this unfortunate mental condition. My wife and I still get rejected sometimes but, as the message states, there is a lot of life to live and money to be made out there in many forms!
Carpe Diem – Seize The Day!