FAC Weekly Update 2024-04-22 – Veterans Support Group

Dear Members and Advocates,

Our focus this week is on the Veterans and their families.  Veterans, like any other demographic, can find themselves entangled in legal issues related to sexual misconduct. Here are a few potential reasons why veterans, specifically, might end up on the sex offender registry:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or other mental health issues: Some veterans may struggle with mental health conditions such as PTSD, which can lead to behavioral issues including aggression or inappropriate sexual behavior.
  • Substance Abuse.  Substance abuse issues are unfortunately common among veterans, and they can contribute to impaired judgment and risky behavior, including sexual misconduct.
  • Difficulties reintegrating into civilian life.  Transitioning from military to civilian life can be challenging for some veterans, and issues like unemployment, homelessness, or social isolation can exacerbate existing problems or lead to new ones.
  • Criminal Behavior:  Like any other group in society, some veterans may engage in criminal behavior, including sexual offenses, for various reasons.
  • Misunderstanding or miscommunication.  In some cases, veterans may find themselves facing legal trouble due to misunderstandings or miscommunications, especially if they’re struggling with mental health issues or transitioning back to civilian life.

For Veterans, this can be a complex issue. Not only do they, like all others, deserve fair treatment under the law, but the benefits from their years of military service are at risk. Efforts need to be made to address the underlying issues that may contribute to their involvement with the criminal justice system, while ensuring that the benefits of their service years are not taken away.

A new focus group is starting this week to provide a regular support forum for Veterans Forced to Register (VFR), families of registered veterans, and members of the public interested in supporting this focus group.


By joining this group, you can expect support and resource assistance for the concerns and problems unique to veterans and their families caused by being forced to register.  The group is facilitated by a Veteran on the Registry who is well informed on how to obtain or restore eligible VA benefits earned by registered veterans.  Together, this group could become a powerful voice to ensure lawmakers preserve their benefits.

The group will meet at least once a month by phone and will periodically schedule in-person meetings around the state.  To participate in the Virtual Meetings via Conference call on 4th Tuesday of each Month – Call 760-548-9898.  If you have any problem connecting to the call for free, you can text CALL ME to 760-548-9898 for a call back from Free Conference Call and you will be connected to the meeting at no charge.

To all of the Veterans, we thank you for your service and recognize the sacrifices you made to protect our Freedom. Now, we are here to support you and protect your Freedom, as well.


The Florida Action Committee (FAC)

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