FAC Submits Public Records Requests to FDLE and FDE

The Florida Action Committee has submitted Public Records Requests, pursuant to Ch. 119 Sec. 1 of the Florida Statutes and the Florida Constitution to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of Educations.

We submitted these requests to find out the number of registered sexual offenders or sexual predators who have been arrested, charged with or convicted of a sexual offense which occurred on a school or day care property during 2016, including the county in which the sexual crime took place. (This request is for a list of only those who were already registered, not who committed a sexual offense on a school property and subsequently became registered.) and the number of County School Employees of any Florida County, who have been arrested, charged with or convicted of a sexual offense against a student of a School in any Florida County during 2016, including the County in which the sexual crime took place.

The purpose of this request is to see just how many individuals on the registry are entering school grounds to facilitate sex crimes vs. how many school employees are committing sex crimes against students.

This is important to determine whether policies and practices such as the one instituted in Marion County (to erect signs warning registrants to stay off the property) are addressing a legitimate problem. This is also important to determine whether the danger of sexual victimization on school campuses is coming from registrants or school employees themselves.

If Marion County is going to spend seven thousand dollars on signs, plus exponentially more on law enforcement officers visiting each registrant, in person, to notify them of the new policy, there should be a rational relationship to a problem this policy is trying to remedy.


29 thoughts on “FAC Submits Public Records Requests to FDLE and FDE

  • April 27, 2017

    I would like to see that report to.

  • April 27, 2017

    If history is considered, expect little to nothing coming from Tallahassee relative to your request. In fact, they may want to bill you for everything, down to a paperclip, for the collection and preparation process.
    On another matter, my daughters, their mother and me are pooling our collective resources to buy me a small house, hopefully in West Hollywood. Question to all: Are there any maps specifically designed or developed for Florida that actually pinpoint locations that I can or cannot live. I have a single count of possession of child pornography dating back to 1999 for which I served 5 years probation that ended in 2006 (took them a year and a half to bother to indict me). I don’t even know whether the 1,000 feet restriction even applies to me. Anybody????
    Last question: Why has no one ever bothered to categorize sexual offenses, say from a scale of 1 to 10? Guess that’s asking too much!
    Sorry for the rant. Time for my next anxiety pill…

    • May 4, 2017

      If your on the Registery, All laws apply !! Even if you were told different in court in 1999 !!. And there is NO MAP to show a Registered Citizen exactly where they “Can’t” live. You must call the local Sheriff’s​Office and give them the specific address, They will do a search and then let you know. I recommend calling several times and having the address checked if they say “Yes” the first time, Because I know several people that have been told “Yes”, Then after they moved in, The Sheriff came and Booted them out, And even ARRESTED one fella !!. Repeat every Footstep when dealing with Law Enforcement !!!. And the reason Florida won’t divide into Tiers, Is because they make too much MONEY on enforcing BIG laws on small charges !! Tiering it would cause them to loose a butt load of Revenue. Best thing to do is Move to another State where you have a small chance of a decent Life. If that’s even possible.

  • April 27, 2017

    Kudo’s to FAC wish i had the “Stones” to do it myself! but in the situation that most of us are in you can’t stir the pot to much 🙁

    • April 29, 2017

      Sure you can, complacency = death. They want to eradicate everyone on the registry because they have an obsession of hate, and the more complacent you are, the easier you make it for them. Donate, write/email politicians.

  • April 27, 2017

    Good idea! If only such considerations were made ahead of any new stipulation (or any old one). When has ignorance ever been a pass for committing a crime? I won’t avoid a traffic citation for by telling the officer that i didn’t know what the speed limit was(obviously that’s based on signs). This commonly known fact in itself should confute the idea that putting up signs is a valid course of actions. Where are our signs for reminding terrorists that their activity is illegal?
    Signs don’t stop crimes from happening. The home visits that they are making ‘to remind’ registrants of the stipulation smells of harassment or at the least needing to look busy (i.e. don’t have enough to do). Each registrant can be reminded during their registration sessions, and stipulations are on the registration papers that they have to sign.
    Thanks to FAC for requesting the data. I hope they comply with the request.

  • April 27, 2017

    I’m all for saving money and for not adding more laws that micromanag what laws already exists . Thank you for sharing your plan. Blessings.😊

  • April 27, 2017

    I love it!


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