FAC Submits Public Records Requests to FDLE and FDE
The Florida Action Committee has submitted Public Records Requests, pursuant to Ch. 119 Sec. 1 of the Florida Statutes and the Florida Constitution to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of Educations.
We submitted these requests to find out the number of registered sexual offenders or sexual predators who have been arrested, charged with or convicted of a sexual offense which occurred on a school or day care property during 2016, including the county in which the sexual crime took place. (This request is for a list of only those who were already registered, not who committed a sexual offense on a school property and subsequently became registered.) and the number of County School Employees of any Florida County, who have been arrested, charged with or convicted of a sexual offense against a student of a School in any Florida County during 2016, including the County in which the sexual crime took place.
The purpose of this request is to see just how many individuals on the registry are entering school grounds to facilitate sex crimes vs. how many school employees are committing sex crimes against students.
This is important to determine whether policies and practices such as the one instituted in Marion County (to erect signs warning registrants to stay off the property) are addressing a legitimate problem. This is also important to determine whether the danger of sexual victimization on school campuses is coming from registrants or school employees themselves.
If Marion County is going to spend seven thousand dollars on signs, plus exponentially more on law enforcement officers visiting each registrant, in person, to notify them of the new policy, there should be a rational relationship to a problem this policy is trying to remedy.
I would kinda like to refraz’e what i said about one is all and all is one, as far as our S.O. status, its not neccesarily true, we are all different people as a whole human being. So we need to watch out for each other, and do what we have learned over this process..and stay away from ” DANGER “…Live Happily !!!!
yep we all have been dying quicker than we normally would have, even regardless what happens, the stress, agravation,presser,it has all put us a little closer to death. But that being said, the sooner something possitive happens, the longer we may live, So let FAC do what they do and we as offenders must not reoffend no matter what. But we already know that right. We are as one and one are all. As far as future SO they are not any part of the years gone past. Someone needs to put the money spent on ” us ” it needs to notice every potential SO what they are facing. And anything else that will help stop this behavior.. I mean like every house, every city, across the UNITED STATES needs to be warned maybe the offence rate will drop!!!!