FAC sends letters to Sheriffs asking them to warn scam targets

FAC has sent letters to the Sheriffs of all 67 Counties in Florida, asking them to warn registrants of the scam targeting registrants across Florida and all states.

FAC also calls on the affiliate organizations in each State, encouraging them to send a similar request to the registration offices in their States.

Scams targeting people on the registry have been taking place for years. Law enforcement has done very little to pursue the scammers or warn registrants about the existence of these scams. For that reason, we need to take it upon ourselves to protect each other.

FAC – Letter to Sheriffs re Scam_Redacted


11 thoughts on “FAC sends letters to Sheriffs asking them to warn scam targets

  • September 1, 2022

    Yes I would love to hear their comments as to why we seem to be constantly targeted, but yet they do almost next to nothing if at all.

    • September 4, 2022

      This is one reason why no other country has a publicity accessable registry. Seems everywhere else in the world knew that a public registry who lead to various acts of fraud, harassment, denial of even permitted actions (denial of service at shops, restaurants, anywhere else), threats, and violence. They also came to the conclusion that these things were undesirable. That these were crimes, even when they target a registrant, and a system the encourages and facilities crimes is unwise.

      However, as per usual, America is the only country that is right and everyone else is wrong! See, while the registry encourages, and facilities crime, they can “fix” that by threatening people with cops and jail. You know, the things that we use as the answer to every problem we have ever had? Oh and they never ignore the “whack-a-mole” nature of this issue. Knock one person victimizing a registrant down, another pops up. Almost like this is a totally impossible issue. NO! COPS AND JAIL WILL FIX THIS FOREVER! Just like it has with our totally under control issues of drugs, violence, murder, domestic abuse, property crimes,
      mass shootings, and everything else. Remember when those things were problems in America? Oh such better times we live in now….thanks to cops and jail, the one solution to all problems.

      Also, the police never ignore registrants victimization. Nor is a registrants ever told that nothing can be done because nothing can be proven. Nor are any registrants ever placed in a position were they are too afraid of retaliation, to even go to the police. Sure, other people might be placed in a position were they are too afraid to report crimes, but that never happens with registrants…ever. if it did, we would have a system that not only encourages, and facilities crime while simultaneously discouraging reporting of those crimes! We certainly don’t have that. If you did, you could end up with a system that actually creates more crime than it prevents! That would be much worse if the system were never proven to prevent any crime ever! Hell, then you’d have something who’s only proven results are the crimes it helped create!

      Seems the rest of the world was wrong, and as per usual America is right!

  • September 1, 2022

    Yeah, I filed a report with the sheriff’s office and it was like pulling teeth. When I told them I didn’t want to use my name (for fear of retaliation), they just about lost their minds. Then they told me they “knew who the guy was and we keep telling him to stop, but he just won’t listen…what can you do?”

    • September 1, 2022

      Ben – who told you they know who the person is?

  • September 1, 2022

    That’s great FAC.
    Any response from the sheriff’s from the letters sent concerning travel?

    • September 1, 2022

      Yes, some – when most come in we will do an update

  • September 1, 2022

    It’s not just Florida. I regularly received calls from someone claiming to be law enforcement. Just to advise there’s a warrant out and police are on their way. I told him to please tell them not to break my door down, I’ll leave it unlocked. Of course that’s not what they want, they want MONEY. If only I pay the fine, they’ll call off the warrant. Very nice of them right. I tell them I’ll notify my lawyer and wait for the arresting offices to show up.

  • September 1, 2022

    On another subject of travel. It looks like the European States including the Schengen States will soon be requiring a permit to travel to Europe which will include background checks and criminal records check needed to obtain a permit to travel. No more visa free travel to Europe.

    I would bet that very soon, Registrants will no longer be able to travel freely to Schengen countries as they have for years. That will pretty much wipe out any international travel if that occurs…Quoted below with a website to confirm…

    “The European Commission is proposing to establish a European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) to strengthen security checks on visa-free travelers. The ETIAS will gather information on all those travelling visa-free to the European Union to allow for advance irregular migration and security checks.”


    • September 1, 2022

      If these countries already welcome US travelers after being told they’re registrants, why would a visa program change that in any way?

      I’ve been hearing about this European visa program for years. And I’ve been told they likely will ask on the form whether there have been any felony convictions in the past 10 years. But that doesn’t seem to give them any information that US Angel Watch is already giving them.

      • September 1, 2022

        that US Angel Watch *isn’t already giving them

  • September 9, 2022

    Two spam calls in the last 10 days. Comes over as spam so I don’t answer. From a officer Davenport phone number 727-232-1781. Showings a call from new port richey


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