FAC sends letter to Brevard Commissioners in advance of commission meeting

The following is the letter sent to the Commissioners of Brevard County in advance of the commission meeting at which they will consider the ordinance allowing businesses to self-certify as “places where children congregate”.

Letter to Brevard 07252022_2


If you would like to submit your own letter, please send it to membership@floridaactioncommittee.org THIS WEEK!

13 thoughts on “FAC sends letter to Brevard Commissioners in advance of commission meeting

  • July 26, 2022 at 8:04 am

    Beautiful letter Gail, thank you as always!

  • July 26, 2022 at 8:22 am

    Outstanding as always. Thank you FAC volunteers!

  • July 26, 2022 at 8:30 am

    The DOJ (Department of Justice) should step in and end this practice.
    Afterall, the definition of the word justice is : The quality of being fair and reasonable.
    There is nothing fair nor reasonable about this proposal. In fact, it is downright sickening that human beings can be treated this way.

    Traps seem to be set for us to go back to prison even though we are not on probation. As I was on probation at one time, I dare to say I had less chance of going back to prison than I do now. So many pages of new rules, ordinances, laws and codes have been added to trip us up with a free grand prize vacation back behind bars.

    I can imagine whoever came up with this idea has to wear diapers to keep from peeing themself from the joy and satisfaction they gain from making us and our families suffer on a daily basis.

    • July 26, 2022 at 9:24 am

      Dear Cherokee and all others,

      Don’t expect the Department of (In)Justice to do anything. I sent them a package with evidence showing how a corrupt prosecutor used false testimony from a federal agent to indict and sentence me. It took more than a year for them to respond, tacitly acknowledging that my rights to due process were violated but also stating they would not do anything about it because of a lack of resources. Really? The federal government has a lack of resources? They ultimately referred me to legal aid and the American Bar Association. Bottom line, we are on our own.

      • July 26, 2022 at 11:00 am

        To Just saying:

        I am sorry for what happened to you (And all of us). I was not and will not expect them to do anything that is why I stated “should step in”. I know they won’t get involved but it was my thoughts and 2 cents worth that might have bought a piece of gum in 1950.

        I am not going to spread rumors about the “New World Order” but we for sure are living in one of the most corrupt countries on Earth. Whatever the U.S.A does, eventually other countries copy. that holds true for sex offender registries. We basically invented them and countries across the globe have followed. If there is not one already, eventually there will be a World wide registry for offenders.

        • July 26, 2022 at 11:46 am

          Dear Cherokke. Thanks for your kind words. I agree, the DOJ “should” get involved. I have just lost all confidence in fighting. As an illustration, I feel much like an old dog that’s been beaten down and abused. I sometimes think there’s no hope. But I find solace reading your posts and posts from others. I thank God for FAC and all these supportive efforts. A life without hope isn’t worth living.

  • July 26, 2022 at 9:51 am

    Excellent letter!
    (and a very fair warning)

  • July 26, 2022 at 9:59 am

    It is a sad day when the people who are supposed to represent your community care so little about facts and will gladly spend tax payer money on actually causing more harm.

    • July 26, 2022 at 11:16 am

      To: Mp

      People on the city council are usually citizens of the community, taxpayers, live, work, eat, and shop in the surrounding area. They put on their pants and shoes the same as us. And yet, some of them seem to think they have risen to the level of being gods, granting or dismissing people’s dreams.

      I do not remember who said it but, I once heard someone speaking about some shouldn’t be in power because it goes to their heads. Having authority over someone should not be something you get giddy about and puffs up your ego. When your compassion takes a vacation and power overrides your judgement, it is time to step aside and let someone else take the reins.

      Even if you are not a religious person, I listened to a sermon once where the pastor said that he never made an important decision about anything until he was on his knees in much prayer for guidance.

      • July 26, 2022 at 2:07 pm

        Cherokee Jack – so true. I have been involved in local politics and some were in it for the right reasons and other’s not. But the worst part was those that started for the right reason and then over time ,once in office, they change. The ego grows and that is all they care about….feeding their ego if you will.

  • July 26, 2022 at 2:34 pm

    These same commissioners were in receipt of the 14 Media Blitz letters that provided fact after fact that they were taking the wrong and harmful path to solve a problem that did not exist. Apparently their ‘political life’ is more important that truth and facts. This is what happens when self-aggrandizement tyrants get into a position of authority. All they can do is try to hang on to that authority to their benefit. Many voters have had the ‘wool pulled over their eyes’ for years and will believe anything a politician says without verification. It’s a ‘real pain’ but it could be that they will just have to be sued into oblivion. Their arrogance is disgusting. When I speak on 2 August it will be with me biting my tongue and not saying what really needs to be said.

    • July 27, 2022 at 9:02 am

      Go for it, Bob. I watched the video of your last testimony before the council. The guy on the right who kept asking you whether you felt like a victim is a lost cause. You were very forthright in presenting your grievances. However, the councilors not only have no concern for the damage inflicted on registrants and their families, but they relish it. They are also deaf to facts and data. I hope you change your mind and don’t bite your tongue. One can still be civil while speaking stark truth to power, even small-minded power. Good luck.

      • July 27, 2022 at 12:22 pm

        Thanks Ed. I cannot help but believe Tobia has something in his background that he wants hidden. ‘Passing the heat’ is what it is called.


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