FAC Receives Donation from FACDL for Internet Identifier Challenge


FACDL Board Member and Past President, James Benjamin, presents FAC President, Gail Colletta, with a contribution towards our challenge.


The Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (FACDL) has made a generous contribution towards the Florida Action Committee’s Internet Identifier Challenge.


Proving that FACDL members care about and are committed to their clients even long after their cases are over, their Board of Directors voted to donate $7,000 to our legal committee with the funds to be used towards protecting the First Amendment rights of registered citizens.


FAC would like to sincerely thank the FACDL as well as attorney Jeanne Baker, who made a presentation to their Board on our behalf, stressing the needs and importance of our cause.


It is our hope that by restoring our first amendment rights on the internet, registered citizens will regain their voice online and use it to, in turn, help others.


3 thoughts on “FAC Receives Donation from FACDL for Internet Identifier Challenge

  • August 16, 2016 at 8:08 pm

    Many thanks to FACDL for helping me overcome my jaded opinion of lawyers! Just like RSO’s, apparently no two lawyers are alike, either.


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