FAC President Speaks to UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva Switzerland

Today, our FAC President Gail Colletta addressed the United Nations Human Rights Committee in Geneva Switzerland to call out the United States’ failure to address the inhumane Registry scheme and specifically the practice of allowing states to create Sex Offender Residency Restrictions (SORRs).  Gail had only two-minutes to define the problem and ask the UN to hold the United States accountable for the violation of numerous human rights.

While there is more that needs to be done to abolish the Registry entirely, her presence today ensured that the single issue of housing restrictions will now be included in the UN report to the United States, and that means we are expecting the US to  provide answers in a response to the UN, of actions that will be taken to resolve the violation of human rights caused by the SORRs.

You can see Gail’s presentation video on the FAC Youtube channel, and below is her 2-minute plea to the UN Human Rights Committee to hold the United States accountable.

Good morning, I am Gail Colletta, President of the Florida Action Committee (FAC). My remarks to the Committee will emphasize the sex offender residency restrictions (known as SORRs) and its effects on rendering people homeless.  


United States federal law mandates that each state has its own Sex Offender Registry, which does not limit where registered persons can live. However, states have increasingly been developing SORRs. 


Let me tell you about Ira A., a 71-year-old man diagnosed with cancer while being rendered homeless because of Florida’s SORRs. His doctors wouldn’t operate on him until he had a safe place to recover. Because of the state’s exclusion zones, the county Sheriff’s office rejected Ira’s right to access a rehabilitation center, an assisted living facility, a shelter, even his sister’s home. Ira was tragically killed by a hit and run driver who left him to die on the street. A man that old, sick, and frail should not have been homeless, especially when his family was ready and willing to care for him in their home. Sadly, this is not an isolated story. 


In some cases, SORRS effectively banish registrants from living in entire cities. 


The problems caused by SORRs are particularly severe for registrants reintegrating into society. FAC receives calls from probation officers and treatment providers to assist them in locating housing for registrants. The number of registrants increases annually, as registration is for life in Florida.  


There is no empirical evidence to support that SORRs reduce sexual offending or recidivism. Rather, numerous studies, even by the U.S. Department of Justice, demonstrate that SORRs create barriers to stability and successful reentry.  


In closing, let me emphasize that SORRS — as well as the entire sex offender registry scheme in the U.S. — reflect a colossal failure of policy – a failure, which the US Govt nonetheless continues to promote to other countries to implement. Not only do SORRs cause direct harm without any benefit to public safety, but SORRs breach several enumerated Human Rights Violations as outlined in our shadow report and, it is a cruel and inhumane system of law that forces human beings to live without dignity.  


We ask this Committee to hold the U.S. Government accountable by condemning and eradicating these sex-offender residency restrictions for their consequential, often lifelong impacts on individuals’ rights to receive adequate, humane housing and stability.  


Thank you for your time. 

24 thoughts on “FAC President Speaks to UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva Switzerland

  • October 16, 2023

    Well spoken!

  • October 16, 2023

    I felt teary reading the closing paragraph. It hit me all at once; the totality of it all.
    God Bless you Colette.

  • October 16, 2023

    Awesome!! And it looked like people were paying attention. Gail, Thank you!!!!! Thank you FAC! And much, much, very much thanks to everyone who donated to make this happen! !

  • October 16, 2023

    Marvelous, Gail; so well done; thank you!

  • October 16, 2023

    Thank you

  • October 16, 2023

    I believe Gail is a direct descendent of Wonder Woman. It takes a lot of courage to stand before the United Nations and speak out about a subject that most do not want to discuss.

    Although the U.N has no power to make any country do anything, they have influence as a respected entity. Registered citizens now number closer to one million people. There are 50 states and each one seems to have their own sets of rules. Then in each state, there are counties who also seem to have their own rules or ordinances.
    Let us hope and pray for some relief and that the U.N would take this matter up and face it with the seriousness of life and death. This as told by Gail about the death of Ira due to registry restrictions which seemed to be more important than a man’s life.

    • October 16, 2023

      Jesus Christ is in Control. All Evil shall be Turned to Good. I believe in Jesus Christ and it shall be Done.

      • October 17, 2023

        I have been a Christian since I was a little boy. My faith and my family help me make it through each day. Having said that, God uses people like Gail to speak out for those who do not have a voice and to try and right the wrongs.
        Yes many of US have done wrong in the past we the majority of us just made mistake when we were younger. Regardless, we are being sentence to life on the registry which is just inches away from being probation. Who else that is not on probation has cops coming to their door at all hours of the day and night as they please to harass us even after we did our duties and registered.
        Maybe a judge will eventually end up on the registry and then their eyes might be opened to the horrors we live every single day.

      • October 17, 2023

        Nice thought but I’ll have to disagree. 1 John 5:19 says. ( American Standard Version).
        “ We know that we are of God and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” That being Satan. If the world was now under Jesus control there would not be this evil in the world. That’s why Jesus said to pray for his Kingdom. That Kingdom will remove the instigator of evil and all who follow him.

  • October 16, 2023

    Thanks so much Gail,God bless you !!!

  • October 16, 2023

    Thank you so much, i’ve been a follower since my release in early 2012. I have advanced more than others but I am reminded every time I have to register or add a vehicle. I am fortunate for decent neighbors or unaware neighbors. I live with the thought everyday my life could go to shambles in a heart beat. I can say with my wifes assurance that I am am making more money now than I would have being never charged. I cant say that I would not go back and do something different. Maybe strange to some people.
    God Bless you Colette.

    • October 17, 2023

      I was released in 2021. I was VERY lucky to have at least one family member who was willing and able to help me, and who luckily lived over 1,000ft from a protected area. If things keep progressing in the current direction (business-wise), I too will end up earning more than I did before my incident. However, and even though I also was just released from probation, it isn’t worth the constant stress and anxiety and worry and fear that I feel every second of every day. I very often wake up having panic attacks over this and related situations. I really feel for those who have been dealing with this insanity for 10, 20 and 30+ years.

  • October 16, 2023

    Thank you so much for fighting for us. You are a true hero.

  • October 16, 2023

    Gail, FAC – thank you!! ❤️

  • October 17, 2023

    Pardon my French because I dont speak French but GAIL that is phenomenally the most superb and bad azz two minute argument I have ever heard!!! wow.. You rock!!! I Definity am glad you are on our side. I would hate to be against you on a topic!

  • October 17, 2023

    I have no words……just “THANK YOU”

  • October 17, 2023

    I also think Gail did a superb job in her pointed yet succinct address. When I first read that she was allocated only two minutes, I was a bit disappointed. However, she packed a lot into those two minutes. I have yet to read the “shadow report”. I suspect it is ten pages of similarly powerful persuasion. More importantly, it is in the UN record and available to anyone who cares to read it.

  • October 17, 2023

    Very good Gail. Now the hard part waiting to see what good comes out of it.

  • October 17, 2023

    Strong & True. ‘Thank you Gail’ is an understatement.

  • October 17, 2023

    Now, if they’ll just come to a consensus and act accordingly.

    (not holding my breath).

  • October 17, 2023

    Gail, Thank you, thank you, thank you! Awesome job!

  • October 17, 2023

    Gail, Thank you for such a heartfelt speech. Your time and effort is much appreciated.

  • October 18, 2023

    Fantastic job Gail! You can’t fathom the depth of our gratitude for such a wonderful and succinct summary of a very complex and tragic issue that most of society is blind to or misinformed about.

  • October 22, 2023

    While human rights are good one has to wonder what is right? Sure we can appropriate Gail for speaking up about this issue that involves many “caught up” in this moment of evil abuse but the bottom line is who is being abused.

    Sure mothers are can sound off about their kids getting wrapped up in all this injustice but is this registry more of an inducement by authorities or who’s trying who’s spirit in this abominable way.. These women have no idea about how these registry issues are played out. Cherokee said it best those without sin cast the first stone. This Geneva ordeal has more of a meaning than the D.C ordeal if you ask me.


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