FAC Petition breaks 1,000 signatures!!! Please share it with others and lets get to 2,000!!!

Two days ago we posted a petition on Change.org asking the High Commissioner of Human Rights of the United Nations to investigate the United State’s sex offender registry for human rights violations.

Our ask of the UN was to look into the onerous restrictions and requirements imposed by the registry and the debilitating shame caused by the public notification, and determine whether it violates any of the human rights protections that the United States, as a member of the UN, subscribed to. We think the registry is a colossal human rights violation and we are hoping that an independent arbiter will find the same.

We hope to accomplish several things through this petition. First, we hope the UN will find the public sex offender registration scheme that exists in the US violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. While we don’t expect the UN to impose sanctions on the US, a mere finding would be an extremely persuasive tool for our cause. Second, we want to bring global attention to this crisis. The US is very quick to spotlight human rights abuses abroad, but refuses to recognize the human rights abuses taking place domestically. It is time to get some light to shine on our issue and get support from the rest of the world. Third, the US, through International Megan’s Law (IML) and other programs, is seeking to influence other countries to buy into this failed policy. They send green notices warning receiving countries when we travel there, causing entry to be denied. We want to educate other countries so that we are not persecuted abroad and if things continue to get worse here, we will have the hope of seeking asylum elsewhere.

And finally, we hope that this petition will be cathartic to all those who join it by signing and sharing it with others. Bayard Rustin, an activist who fought for civil rights and was one of the organizers of the March on Washington, said that “when an individual is protesting society’s refusal to acknowledge his dignity as a human being, his very act of protest confers dignity on him.” Through this, we are taking back our dignity!

If you have not already signed our petition or shared it with ten of your friends, please take a step towards reclaiming your dignity or the dignity of someone you care about and sign it now.

You can access the petition here: https://www.change.org/p/public-sex-offender-registration-is-violation-of-universal-declaration-of-human-rights



5 thoughts on “FAC Petition breaks 1,000 signatures!!! Please share it with others and lets get to 2,000!!!

  • November 3, 2022

    I’ve signed, My girlfriend has signed, her parents and sister has signed, my boss has signed, and 16 friends I’ve contacted have pledged to sign.

  • November 3, 2022

    Build on the momentum! Keep this thing going! Keep sharing! Not only with people you know, but also your local media, communities, commentary on other sites, etc..

    Having the UN recognize the registry as a human rights violation would be absolutely damning. It’s the leading edge of a huge shift in public perception and a mass rethinking of the whole thing.

  • November 4, 2022

    Please sign and just as important share this petition! Every effort and voice counts as a straw on the camel’s back!

  • November 4, 2022

    Something you need to remind people is that change.org will ask you to “chip in” to “promote” the petition, but if you oblige, then you are donating to change.org not FAC or any other anti-registry group.


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