FAC Letter to HUD Re: Federal Laws that foster homelessness
Federal Law prohibits housing assistance to a household if any member of a household is subject to a state lifetime sex offender registration requirement.
FAC has written a letter to the head of the US Housing and Urban Development, letting her know what that means to families here in Florida, where every registrant is a “lifetime” registrant.
A copy of the letter can be read here.
FAC is writing to these agencies to let them know about a significant problem that nobody else will care enough to let them know about.
When there is nowhere else to go, you end up on the street and ultimately arrested and sent back to prison. Isn’t that the laws end goal anyway? Why do you think we can be arrested for not registering an email address we forgot about that we used in the past but not currently, but it is still active due to no fault of our own.
Someone can wack an old lady in the head and steal her purse and get probation, but we can get sent to prison for 10, 20 or life in prison for a miss-step on registering an email, car tag or a scar on our leg. I mean the public must be notified of the dangerous person who did not register their car tag of the old clunker sitting beside their shed right?
What happened to “The punishment should fit the crime”.
But the registry isn’t punishment, right?
How is denying housing assistance to a registrant not punishment? I personally know someone here in Michigan who served 28 years for a murder, has multiple drug convictions, assaults, yet he gets his disability check every month, food stamps, AND has been getting assistance for section 8 for years. The guy pays ZERO dollars on rent, food, and utilities, but a registrant can’t get the same help?
What is wrong with this picture?
i honestly don’t understand this one, if anyone needs assistance its the people on the registry.
The federal government is shelling out more money to foreign countries and illegal immigrants than its own citizens that may or may not have made a mistake.
I can pay my tax’s to help them but i cannot benefit from their programs??? makes zero sense
To No Hope :
Please list ONE thing about the registry or our situation that makes sense? …………….Yes I hear crickets. The Constitution is after all, just a sheet of paper if it is not going to be adhered to. 🙁
Wrote a letter some time back to the same agency under the prior administration and didn’t get any commitment on their part to change their policies. Perhaps a snail mail letter flood campaign might get their attention….