FAC Initiates International Human Rights Complaint Against US’s Sex Offender Registry

The Florida Action Committee, Inc. has initiated a Complaint against the United States through the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Complaint alleges the public sex offender registry constitutes cruel and degrading treatment in violation of Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

A petition calling for the High Commissioner to investigate the sex offender registry as a human rights violation accompanies and supplements the Complaint. The petition was started approximately two weeks ago and has collected more than three thousand signatures so far. FAC will continue to encourage individuals to sign the petition, but felt that three thousand signatures is a sufficient base to demonstrate to the United Nations that the registry is a problem.

A copy of FAC’s letter can be found here: FAC Complaint to UN and the petition can be found here.

While FAC took the initiative in starting this petition, it is by no means a FAC project. Every individual forced to register in the United States and every member of their family, friend, employer or citizen concerned about the human rights of others is a party to it.


21 thoughts on “FAC Initiates International Human Rights Complaint Against US’s Sex Offender Registry

  • November 14, 2022

    The registry is a violation of human rights, not only by the person named on the list but their family members. It creates an unsafe environment for children whom the list is supposed to protect. I’m here to say it doesn’t as it has put my own children at risk for violence.
    The sex offender registry is unconstitutional and must be abolished.

    • November 14, 2022


      I do not remember who it was, but someone on F.A.C a few years back wrote that they were on the registry, and they had to home school their children. This was because once the rumor got around the school about the kid’s parent being on the registry, they were mocking the kids and isolating them out for bullying. None of the kids wanted anything to do with the registered parent’s kids and the kids became scared, withdrawn and depressed.
      I am sure staying home and not having any friends is devastating to children. Then, if that were not enough, it was the same in the neighborhood because all the kids there were told to stay away from that family. So, the moral of the story is, the non-punishment registry punishes the kids of a registrant, and it is their fault?

      • November 14, 2022

        Yes, my kids are homeschooled for this very reason. It’s absolutely awful, and affects everyone .

        • November 14, 2022


          So sorry any of us have to go through this daily suffering.

      • November 14, 2022

        This example and countless others show that the registry is nothing more than public shaming and give the police “busy work” like a child in kindergarten…making it appear that they are actually doing something!

        It is just a “feel good” scheme to placate the public with lies which rather than protecting children actually divert attention away from the real danger which is not someone listed (or even a stranger) BUT rather someone the child already knows (and is trusted).

  • November 14, 2022

    God Speed, prayers, hope and perseverance in this journey towards bringing the entire World’s eye-opening event to what has been happening to us and our families for decades, without much if any relief in sight.

    Keep in mind, here is what I found about their session gatherings.

    “The General Assembly meets annually in regular session, intensively from September to December, and resumes in January until all issues on the agenda are addressed”.

    So if that is not brought forth this session, we might not have to be on 2023’s assembly.

  • November 14, 2022

    Just signed.

    I might add public “notification” circumvents actual safety and mental health boundaries along with being an inhuman and unnatural schema that promotes hate, animosity and resentment – not (real world) public safety.

    Online shaming gives the public a false sense of empowerment and law enforcement a false sense of purpose.

  • November 14, 2022

    Dear Gail Colletta,
    First time in a long time, I feel you are on the right track.
    Thoughts and prayers etc. etc.

    Keep the ideas coming.


  • November 14, 2022

    How can we keep track of the United Nations’ process?

  • November 14, 2022

    As always you guys did a great job and you always keep pushing forward. Thank you.

  • November 14, 2022

    So realistically, what is the best possible outcome? The UN says SO laws violate human rights. What is really going to change?

    As SO’s we know reasonable people know it’s a human rights violation. The ROOT PROBLEM is US politicians don’t give a hoot about what the UN thinks and that any concession to the facts of SO issues will most likely work against their re-election which is TRULY THEIR PRIMARY focus.

    When the pressure of re-election becomes about changing the laws to fit the reality of the data or loose your sweet job, THEN things will change. Until then our efforts as well intentioned as they are, will have little significant impact.

    I’m apologize in advance to those who are working the UN issue. It is entirely likely they know something about a strategy I don’t and their efforts are no doubt well intentioned.

    • November 14, 2022

      We can always count on you for a negative comment, DMC.
      The best possible outcome is a sanction. The more realistic outcome is the UN recognizes a human rights violation and it’s a persuasive tool for us to use.

      • November 14, 2022

        That’s what I think the strategy should be. Full court press to get the public to at least question their long-standing beliefs. If you lump this in with Canada’s Supreme Court decision, Michigan’s back and forth, Chester County, Pa’s decision, Steven Whitsett’s recent victory in German court, and pending outcomes for FAC and ACSOL we could have a real pressure cooker on forcing change. Oh yeah and the ALI’s recent suggestions to the model penal code.


        • November 14, 2022

          Just thinking in the abstract, but if the United Nations declared the U.S. registry laws a human rights violation, could American sex offenders seek asylum from the U.N. to avoid complying with the registry laws?

          • November 14, 2022

            It will help in seeking asylum in other countries.

    • November 21, 2022

      There is actually a few very obvious and potential benefits to this..
      Let’s pick the low hanging fruit and say the UN does the bare minimum and recognizes this as a Human rights abuse..
      1) The US is trying to get a seat on the human rights council.Most country’s despise the US arrogance.An added recognition of a human rights offense could help those country’s challenge or block USA from the coveted seat..That may force big changes.
      2) The USA is using USaide bribery,propoganda,and other forms of conmanship to get other country’s involved in the registry scheme.. A UN recognition of human rights violations could be enough to stop other countries from joining the US and it could be the excuse needed to help overturn other country’s support..
      3) We need international support because we won’t get the support we need in America.America has been indoctrinated the same as the Germans were when the Nazis convinced them registrations and camps were good for society then.People GET OUT AND POST POST POST…. Find every friend and loved one you have..make this famous…You have a better chance of positive change from this then you ever will in America courtrooms..

      • November 21, 2022

        To Obvious:

        It is ironic you bring that up because, the U.S has been bashing other countries for decades over their human rights violations, while ignoring their own.

        There is a related verse in the good book that is fitting in this situation that states:
        First take the log out of your own eye, and then you’ll see clearly to take the splinter out of your brother’s or sister’s eye.

  • November 19, 2022

    The sex offender registry is unconstitutional and must be abolished.

  • November 21, 2022

    Hey people..Y’all may already know this but for those that don’t PLEASE, for all that you hold do get out and post this in every news vine,social media site,emails and send send send to every family member ,friend or member on registry you know…WE NEED BIG NUMBERS..
    This can only benifit us..If FAC can help us get the UN to recognize this as a human rights violation we have a chance at big change that will never happen any other way other then revolution..
    1) US wants a coveted seat on the Human Rights council.Most country’s don’t want US to have it because of its hypocrisy. UN says this is a human rights violation those country’s will give us the publicity we couldn’t give ourselves..US will have to correct to avoid humiliation..
    2) US is eager to bribe,force,USaid (taxpayer funded extortion) their way into forcing other countries into adopting registry’s.. UN says it’s a human rights violation and manybof those country’s maybgive the US and well deserved double barrel middle finger..US gov hates Americans but it loves it’s reputation…They may do anything to keep that from tarnishing..
    3) we need international aide to survive and to have any hope. most Americans won’t support Americans anymore then Germans would support fellow Germans in WW2. who sent Germans to the gas Chambers? Germans..Who will do the same to Americans? Americans… Bet..
    4) If nothing changes in America you will need an escape plan from Prison America..Mars is still not an option so Other country’s are the only option..We need them to give us a chance.America has been working very hard to make sure they won’t give us a chance..If America is recognized as a Human Rights violator for what it does to us then other countries may be open to giving us a new life….

  • November 27, 2022

    Why is Hollywood able to insert sexually explicit material into Disney movies? How can they put imagery into our children’s subconscious brain and not be held accountable for this evil programming? Why can Nicki Minaj wear provocative clothing in front of children and have a wardrobe malfunction without being placed on a sex offender registry. There’s too many double standards in American society.

  • February 27, 2023

    Any response yet? I know it’s only been three months and to be respectful of their process you probably can’t start spamming them till next November, but I’d like to know where I can get updates on this particular endeavor.


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