FAC in the Media: FAC Volunteer Shares His Story, Educates Reporter on Fluorescent Plate Controversy

This article is an example of what can happen when FAC members share their own stories with the media. The reporter interviewed several people but gave the FAC member’s views the most prominence. And the article treated his situation with sensitivity. The news segment subsequently has been shown all over the state.

The FAC member spoke on condition of anonymity. The reporter accepted and put the member’s views out there.


5 thoughts on “FAC in the Media: FAC Volunteer Shares His Story, Educates Reporter on Fluorescent Plate Controversy

  • May 4, 2023

    Funny how ms book never seems to be available for comment on any of her hair brained vindictive ideas , statements or bills.

    • May 4, 2023

      Because when you’re called out on your BS – the smart thing to do is shut up.
      Wonder when Book is up for re-election? Would be nice to know who she is running against next time.

      • May 4, 2023

        Last year, Sen. Book faced a primary opponent but no general
        election opponent.

        Next year, she will be term-limited as state senator.

  • May 4, 2023

    I thought the license plate issue at least was tabled?
    And this article states not only will we get red lettering on the DL’s but change the statue # into the words SEX OFFENDER in red which is not currently on license for offenders.

    The reason the statue is on there in the first place instead of sex offender was because back when they were trying to word it that way, there was push back so they compromised. (My recollection of why they went with the statue)


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