FAC Affiliates in the Media: AZRSOL Educates Arizona Readers on Sexual Offense Laws

Studies show that your child is more likely to be placed on the sexual offender registry than to be harmed by someone on it.  At a time when The American Law Institute, all available research and public opinion are recommending reducing registry restrictions, we all should demand the same from our leaders.  Read more of the contribution of AZRSOL’s Vicky Campo to the Arizona Daily Star.

3 thoughts on “FAC Affiliates in the Media: AZRSOL Educates Arizona Readers on Sexual Offense Laws

  • June 13, 2023

    Well done!

  • June 13, 2023

    This is great! We need more journalism that isn’t afraid to tell this truth even as controversial as it may be.

  • June 14, 2023

    Annomyous getting to the truth is a double edged sword. This registry is controversial in many ways. Here you have servants or ministers for good and here many are playing games with the justice system. Branding those after the fact in this vain manner is as unjust as the plea deals to save face in government.. Their is no truth in Government justice head game.

    Many people go on fact and I hope journalist go to any length for truth in this unjust registry scheme. America has been a cover up on many things.Even the scandals today are covered up or glossed over. A person on the registry can’t get justice as truth is a second slight today.

    I give any journalist a big applause if they can uncover this registry scheme in basic truth as this registry is a disgrace to American Justice and those that hold any government position.


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