FAC Affiliates in the Media: AZRSOL Demolishes “Frightening and High”

John Covert, with our affiliate, Arizonans for Rational Sex Offense Laws (AZRSOL), has published a guest column in the Arizona Capitol Times. In this column, John educates Arizona readers on the myth of “frightening and high,” how a Supreme Court decision perpetuates this myth, and the setbacks that this poor decision has caused.

The Arizona Capitol Times, which has published John’s column, is described as “the nexus between state government and the public…Our coverage influences policy, defines important issues and connects the various communities that make up state government.”

If you agree with the John’s column, consider writing a letter to the editor thanking them for their balanced coverage on this issue.  And thank you, John!


26 thoughts on “FAC Affiliates in the Media: AZRSOL Demolishes “Frightening and High”

  • May 22, 2023

    I think I’ll send a copy of this article to “Judge” Jeanine Piro of Fox News because she has made comments on-air that perpetuate this myth.

  • May 22, 2023

    Great article!

  • May 22, 2023

    the aim of the registry and its other components, has never been to inhibit or prevent recidivism… It’s clearly been evidenced (Overall Data) that its true purpose has only been to secure funding, contracts and re-elections.

    If these would be politicians actually cared about preventative crime or “Recidivism” measures, Theye’d be instituting these psychological rehabilitation programs in elementary, jr high and high schools… yakno, where these sex offenses (and EVERY OTHER CRIME) actually begin to permeate into existence.

    Theyd be able to identify those who are at potential risk that need to be taught the tools to Not Offend at all.

    • May 22, 2023

      Well said!

  • May 22, 2023

    I am glad more news media is posting the facts and truths of false fear and corrupt courts.

  • May 22, 2023

    I sent a copy of this article to every member of the Florida legislature.
    I sent each of them a unique email with no CCs or BCCs.
    I believe that a copy of this well-written and concise article should be sent to every single member of all 50 state legislatures.
    It should also be provided to each US federal legislator.
    I am able to make this happen if one or more people will provide me with a list of email addresses.

    Again, these emails are entirely unique, so they are not spam.
    I have the ability to do this because I am a software developer.

    If you want this done, please start sending me email address lists.

    PS. I posted a similar post on NARSOL, but they didn’t put it up. Maybe they think it’s a wrong idea.

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease. And…advertise, advertise, advertise, they say!

      • May 23, 2023

        The well-written and concise article I am talking about is this one that this thread is about.
        I emailed the contents of this article by John Covert to each and every Florida lawmaker.
        I would like to email it to every lawmaker in this nation. But I need email addresses, and I just don’t have the time to garner them.

    • May 23, 2023

      I would love to help! I will see if I can help get email addresses and or send the article as well!
      Thank you

      • May 23, 2023

        OK, but just be careful not to send one single message with multiple CCs or BCCs. Anything like that will be auto-rejected as spam.

        I have a way to send them so that each email is uniquely generated.

        I can also throw in variables so that parts of the email, such as the greeting, closing line, and subject can be unique to each email.

        Anyway, it would be a big undertaking, but I really feel that this would be a worthwhile project. This article is so well written and very concise! It conveys a great deal of information in a very systematized and readable way.

      • May 23, 2023

        That is what we really could use: people who have the time and ability to collect email addresses.

        We could also use a list of all the email addresses for the members of the U.S. Congress.

    • May 23, 2023

      Thank you for this offer, JJJJ. We will be working on how we can use your skills.

  • May 22, 2023

    How about, the registry is compelled speech and therefore unconstitutional under the first amendment?

  • May 23, 2023

    He mention something that I think we have not touch enough and that carry a lot of persuasive weight. The public assumes that sex offenders are rapist, violent sex, child molesters. and the truth is that the vast majority [citation needed] of sex offenders are on the registry because Public urination, masturbation, Sexting, Online sting operations, sex between teenagers or a 17 year old female and a 23 year old male that are boyfriends.. I think we have to show the public the truth on who are really the so called sex offenders. Is not about letting violent children rapist to commit another crime.. is about most people on the registry do not pose a high risk of reoffending and lot of them so no even have a real minor victim at all and still are treated as the worst child molester. WE need to show the public who are really in the registry and not what the government what them to think.

    • May 23, 2023

      When will people learn????? (sigh!!)

      • May 23, 2023

        Not sticking up for them but I know most of them are on adult sites looking for adults. Then deputies or FDLE agents get online and pretend to be a 14 year old boy/girl and their fake profile says they are 18. After talking to the person, the cops then say something like, “Hey I like you a lot but I have a secret, I am really only 16, or 14” or whatever age under 18.

        Some of the people log out and say “Oh Hell no” but the cops still arrest them just for conversing with the fake underaged person. They get the IP address, make the arrest and figure the person that is caught will end up taking a plea which still puts them on the registry, the news and other hit list.

        • May 23, 2023

          I remember about 20 years ago I was in a chat room and got a private message from someone who claimed to be a young teen. They had seen my profile pic and wanted to hook up. I promptly replied with a very politically correct lecture. (Haha) That cop dropped me like a hot potato and resumed his “hunt”. –(Who are the REAL predators, after all??)

          • May 24, 2023


            I remember about 20 years ago there was a 15 year old boy on a site and he had only a photo from the neck down. He said he was 18. He went to meet a woman who claimed to be 25. When they met, the woman was his own MOM LOL
            His Mom and Dad were divorced and the boy lived with his Dad who was at work at the time.
            My point is, not everyone on those site tell the truth about their age and in this case, neither did.

        • May 24, 2023

          That’s why guys in situations like that need to take it to trial. If I’m out in public talking to a girl who appears to be over the age of consent, and also claims to be over 18, and then after a half hour or so of talking she tells me she’s really 14 and I immediately end the conversation and walk away, how is that a crime?
          If someone is talking to a girl in a chatroom who says she’s 21 and the conversation gets sexual and then she admits to being only 14 and I immediately tell her I’m done talking and log off, there is no crime. If I were to be arrested for something like that, there’s no jury in the world who would convict me.

          • May 24, 2023


            Not to be harsh but you are only partially right. The prosecutors bring out all the big guns to get a prosecution. They will bring in a phycologist who will testify that the mindset of men who go on these sites could care less the age as long as the person is willing. And the tax payers money is no object in the pursuit of winning no matter who gets hurt in the process.
            Meanwhile, felons with non sex offender crimes, have 5 to 20 crimes on their records and keep getting sentenced to anywhere from probation to a few years in prison with early release possible.

        • May 24, 2023


          Of course it’s bait and switch and not a so-called “sting.”

          It’s no different than those random white vans that roll-up trying to unload and fence stolen goods.

    • May 23, 2023

      How perry and pathetic law enforcement is entrapping people into false beliefs. This doesn’t keep society safe. It’s fraud on behalf of law enforcement and is actually unconstitutional and unlawful. In fact it’s actually illegal to entice or entrapment under false pretenses, similar to fake identity laws, faking a death, commiting fraud on customers, and false advertisement to commit fraud on citizens. Florida is out of their mind! Seriously, it is outrageous to believe this is okay. Playing devil’s advocate, would people believe that these people actually want to harm or sexualize or sexually abused minors? Do actually molinora entice men into giving them a location, identity, and provoke a sexual response? (?) (No, minors don’t do this and is abnormal and very rare. ). This is why parenting laws must and shall be extremely strict in every aspect and is how children can be protected for the benefits and structural moral compass of the future, not waisted tax dollars, or abusing authority, or causing more harm that does absolutely no good.

      It’s about enforcing parenting responsibilities and consequencing parents.

      That is the only way to protect society’s best interests for minors.

      • May 24, 2023

        If cops spent as much time and resources investigating real crimes instead of trying to create a criminal situation the public would be much safer.

        • May 24, 2023


          As a former cop, I can assure you, some cops like to go for the easy, low hanging fruit. Most people arrested for a sex offense are non-violent and hang their heads in shame and do not resist arrest. Many of us confess without a fight and are easily convicted. I was never even offered a lawyer and when I asked for one, they threatened to put my story on the news unless I confessed.


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