Ex Post Facto Plus I Oral Arguments


(Weekly Update #209)

Dear Members and Advocates,

I’m going to begin this week’s update with a paraphrase of Justice William Pryor’s observation during oral argument on Does v. Swearingen (Ex Post Facto Plus I) this past week. “Was Rosa Parks too late?”

He posed this hypothetical to counsel for the FDLE when counsel argued that the plaintiffs were too late in bringing their facial challenge to the constitutionality of the sex offender registration laws in Florida. In other words, just because Rosa Parks decided to stand up against segregation decades after the laws had been on the books, was she barred from doing so because she missed her window?

Clearly Justice Pryor was equating the situation and not the populations, but the example he gave and the line of questioning from all three Justices of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals clearly demonstrates that they got it! If you have not already had a chance to listen to the oral arguments, you can (and should) listen to them here.

We are very pleased with how oral arguments went, but want to remind you that while we can be proud of the job plaintiff’s attorneys did on behalf of our population and cautiously optimistic at how things went, we still don’t know how the Court will rule. Until the Order comes out, we won’t know where things go from here. So what are the next steps?

We wait for an order. There is no time-frame for an answer. It can come out in weeks or, as in the case of McGuire (the Alabama case that’s also pending decision from the 11th Circuit), it can take years. Until that happens, it’s status quo. When the order does come out, if it’s favorable the 11th Circuit can reverse the lower court and potentially remand it back to the District Court to be heard on the merits. If that’s the case, we are back to where we were before and just took a year long detour.

The 11th Circuit can also consider the case de novo (Latin for “from the beginning”) and arrive at its own conclusions on the merits. On the other hand, if the Plaintiffs lose and the 11th Circuit decides that the case was properly dismissed based on the statute of limitations, Ex Post Facto I ends (yes, it can be appealed to the Supreme Court but a statute of limitations train is not the vehicle we want to drive there in). The good news is that Ex Post Facto II was already filed with a plaintiff who has absolutely no statute of limitations issues and that has already survived the Motion to Dismiss!

For the moment, let’s remain very positive and hopeful that we continue to have two horses in this race based on what we heard during oral argument. With that, we need to keep the wheels turning and forge ahead… which is an appropriate time to point out that we are very short in our goal for the 2022 Ex Post Facto Sustainer challenge (https://floridaactioncommittee.org/donations/). Please do what you can to help sustain these challenges. Not one penny of the funds collected go to FAC and not one penny go to the attorneys in this case. 100% of all funds donated are applied to litigation costs. For those who have ever been part of a multi-year legal challenge that has included a federal appeal, our 2022 fundraising goal of $25,000 barely covers that but we do what we can do.

Thank you to attorneys Val and Todd, to the plaintiffs, to everyone who has donated to kickstart and sustain this lawsuit, and to the three Justices of the 11th Circuit who gave this case the proper consideration.


The Florida Action Committee


See Calendar of Events – Keep up with Meet-and-Greets in your area, Support groups, Membership Calls, and other events.  For questions, contact membership@floridaactioncommittee.org or call 833-273-7325,Option 1.

Duval Meet-and-Greet in Jacksonville Saturday June 4th  – Click Here for Calendar, and double click on the event to view details and RSVP instructions

Sarasota Meet-and Greet tentatively set for Saturday July 16

Manatee Meet-and Greet tentatively set for Saturday July 30

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Recording of Oral Argument in Ex Post Facto Plus I

The recording of the oral argument that took place this past Friday before a panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in the Ex Post Facto Plus lawsuit (Does v. Swearingen) on appeal from the Southern District of Florida is now available. You can listen to the…read more

Richard Swearingen Retires from FDLE

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OK: Bill aims to eliminate licensing barriers, except for…

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Thank you Stephanie!

Stephanie is a hero. Stephanie is the Plaintiff in the Ex Post Facto Plus II lawsuit. Stephanie is her real name. It’s not “Jane Doe” or some other pseudonym used in this post to protect her anonymity, because she can’t. She is forced to bear the stress of proceeding…read more

One thought on “Ex Post Facto Plus I Oral Arguments

  • May 25, 2022

    I think the example of Rosa Parks is a good example of a law that can’t have a statute of limitations applied to it. Since it was an ongoing enforcement of a law as the 5 day rule and the 3 day rule as is the sor. But what makes the registry much worse is that all Rosa had to to is nothing to keep from breaking the law. Where a registered person has to take action to keep from being imprisoned. If he does nothing in contacting police in going about his necessary business he can be charged with a crime.
    It’s like saying a black person must notify police every time they ride the bus. Isn’t that exponentially worse than being told you have to sit in certain rows or stand when you ride a bus. And she has an option of taking a cab or other transportation and avoid the inconvenience and embarrassment.
    Also what was the punishment for sitting in the wrong seat? Was it imprisonment? When was the segregation law enacted?
    Since they established the illustration let’s put there shoe in the boot and see how it fits.


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