Everyone Knows the Election Police Force Is a Failure Except DeSantis

The media has been doing a good job of informing the public about Florida’s attempts to combat voter fraud being no more than political propaganda.

The recurring theme from numerous news sites is that people charged with voter fraud in counties where DeSantis did well in the 2020 election received barely a slap on the hand, while individuals in dark blue urban counties, who were given cards by state officials telling them it was OK to vote, have been aggressively pursued by the election police force.

How many additional articles will it take for the people of Florida to say “enough is enough?”


6 thoughts on “Everyone Knows the Election Police Force Is a Failure Except DeSantis

  • June 23, 2023

    Government is not “of the people” unless we are all allowed to participate. Too many in power are afraid of true democracy.

    • June 23, 2023

      The US never claimed to be a democracy , it’s a democratic republic.. and the SOR is nothing but a toy for desperate politicians that are nothings but losers.

      • June 24, 2023

        No, the USA is a Constitutional Republic, not a democratic republic, which uses democratic ways to elect gov’ts and people. It may sounds like Potato, Potatoe, but there is more to it than just interchanging terms.

        PFRs do have the ability to participate in it even if voting is not one of them (which is wrong IMO, but that is another discussion) by participating in meetings, rallies, etc to influence politics.

  • June 24, 2023

    Articles won’t do it. Voting him out will.

  • June 24, 2023

    Desantis is just as horrible, as Rick Scott was. Typical politicians, like what I say, and don’t think about what I do.

  • June 24, 2023

    I used to be a huge supporter of Ron DeSantis, he did some great things during the “pandemic”. But his lates actions have shown his true colors. But this is a man who signed into Florida law that sex offenders automatically qualify for the death penalty, and not more than a week before he announced his presidential run he signed into Florida law that political officials don’t have to give up their current position when campaigning for other offices; how convenient! He’s been preaching about freedom? Yeah, didn’t Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and other dictators say similar things? Ron DeSantis is nothing more than a pathetic wannabe dictator in my opinion.


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