Emily Horowitz’s new book:  From Rage to Reason – A must read for our policy makers

This summer, FAC wrote a post on Horowitz’s new book, From Rage to Reason, describing the narratives used in the book to document the failures of the registry and its accompanying laws.

Having read the book myself, I know that these are stories that need to be read by our policy makers, whether it be city/county commissioners, state legislators in Tallahassee, or members of congress.

Ever so slowly, some of our political leaders are starting to understand the truth. Unfortunately, though, there just are not that many that “get it.”  This book could possibly go a long way in helping our elected officials understand the damage that the registry and the laws that go with it are doing – damages that are not making society safer.



5 thoughts on “Emily Horowitz’s new book:  From Rage to Reason – A must read for our policy makers

  • October 26, 2023

    While I’m sure many don’t know this Emily Horowitz person it seems that this registry scheme is a money scheme at best and a manipulation type of encounter that in many ways is induced by this internet.

    Sure many would rage at being duped into all this by those that suppose to protect others. Are these agents preventing or protecting or doing a type of random pick by enticing others by this sexual coy? At the same time instilling illicit encounters to trap others in all this type of sham.

    Who is hurting who in many of these situations? True Justice is standing up for justice. Law enforcement manipulating others is not protecting. They are assuming at best in a prejudging type of encounter to trap and giving a false narrative at best Guess many law enforcement will have their day in the lake of fire.

  • October 23, 2023

    Can’t find this at my public library. Too expensive to buy.

  • October 20, 2023

    love to read it, but $65 is a bit steep


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