Eleventh Circuit Smacks Georgia Sheriff Around For Posting ‘Don’t Trick Or Treat Here’ Signs In Sex Offenders’ Yards

[FAC NOTE: This is old news already… well not that old, but we already know this, yet the headline and article was too good to not share.]

from the this-is-the-First-Amendment…-perhaps-you-two-should-get-acquainted dept

In 2018, the sheriff of Butts County, Georgia (no, really), Buford T. Justice Gary Long instructed deputies to ruin the Halloween holiday spirt by planting damning signs in the yards of released sex offenders. The sheriff cited no reason for doing this — not even extremely anecdotal “evidence.” Instead, the signs — which warned trick or treaters away from the homes of certain county residents — appeared to be purely punitive: a way to continue to punish criminals who’d already served their time.


10 thoughts on “Eleventh Circuit Smacks Georgia Sheriff Around For Posting ‘Don’t Trick Or Treat Here’ Signs In Sex Offenders’ Yards

  • February 20, 2022

    I love the use of the term “self-congratulatory”. I believe that assessment was spot on

  • February 20, 2022

    Why does the government act like a bunch of schoolyard bullies trying to get your lunchbox? Geez I’ll never understand the immaturity of our politicians. I have 2 words for them: Grow Up!!


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