The Dobbs Wire: The War on Sex

The War on Sex, a long-awaited important collection of new essays about the unrelenting attacks on sexual civil liberties will be published March 24th.  A follow-up to the “Sex & Justice” conference in 2012, the book is a call to arms for academics and others to join the fight.  Check out the free preview which includes David Halperin’s introduction, a rich overview of the many battlefronts in this mostly unacknowledged, high-stakes ‘war.’  –Bill Dobbs   


The War on Sex

Editors:  David M. Halperin and Trevor Hoppe 

Duke University Press


Description:  The past fifty years are conventionally understood to have witnessed an uninterrupted expansion of sexual rights and liberties in the United States. This state-of-the-art collection tells a different story: while progress has been made in marriage equality, reproductive rights, access to birth control, and other areas, government and civil society are waging a war on stigmatized sex by means of law, surveillance, and social control. The contributors document the history and operation of sex offender registries and the criminalization of HIV, as well as highly punitive measures against sex work that do more to harm women than to combat human trafficking. They reveal that sex crimes are punished more harshly than other crimes, while new legal and administrative regulations drastically restrict who is permitted to have sex. By examining how the ever-intensifying war on sex affects both privileged and marginalized communities, the essays collected here show why sexual liberation is indispensable to social justice and human rights.


Contributors. Alexis Agathocleous, Elizabeth Bernstein, J. Wallace Borchert, Mary Anne Case, Scott De Orio, David M. Halperin, Amber Hollibaugh, Trevor Hoppe, Hans Tao-Ming Huang, Regina Kunzel, Roger N. Lancaster, Judith Levine, Laura Mansnerus, Owen Daniel McCarter, Erica R. Meiners, R. Noll, Melissa Petro, Carol Queen, Penelope Saunders, Sean Strub, Maurice Tomlinson, Gregory Tomso




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One thought on “The Dobbs Wire: The War on Sex

  • February 19, 2017

    Forced through conpliances, that weren’t even thought up. When I was off probation. You got my address, Now leave me alone. Are the children of Polk Co. Safer? By the hundreds of stolen guns. Allowed by Grady Judd every month.


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