The Dobbs Wire: News from the U.S. Supreme Court – the court has NOT decided whether it will review Doe v. Snyder, last summer’s ground-breaking decision by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals

The 6th Circuit case (Doe v. Snyder) is a big victory.  The 6th Circuit is the first federal appeals court to rule that parts of a sex offense registration law are punishment, and unconstitutional if they’re applied retroactively.  Michigan’s sex offense registry law was challenged and it was cut back by the 6th Circuit’s decision.  Michigan lost so they’re hoping to undo the damage to their registration law by asking to U.S. Supreme Court to review the 6th Circuit decision.  The Supreme Court discussed the request for review in a private conference last Friday and today we learned the result – the Supreme Court has made NO decision on the request for review.  They did not reject it, they did not grant it.  Instead the Supreme Court asked the Solicitor General for their opinion in the form of a legal brief.   Solicitor General is the lawyer who represents the federal government – the Trump Administration — in Supreme Court matters.  What does it mean?   The Supreme Court did not outright reject the request for review, they apparently have some interest in this case and might still decide to grant review in the near future.  So stay tuned for further action by the Supreme Court.


What about Supreme Court review of this case, good or bad idea?   If the Supreme Court rejects the request for review, the 6th Circuit decision stands and is in effect for Michigan and the other states (Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee) in that federal circuit.  If the Supreme Court agrees to review the case, anything can happen – the Supreme Court could uphold the 6th Circuit’s decision or change it or even uphold the Michigan registration law.  If the Supreme Court grants review, by the time the case is actually heard the one vacant seat on the court is likely to be filled with a Trump administration nomination.  With so much uncertainty, some would prefer the Supreme Court refuse to review the case and just let the 6th Circuit decision alone.  The 6th Circuit decision means that a number of people will be freed from the registry but that is up in the air while the Supreme Court decides what to do.  The 6th Circuit ruling is bold and is already influencing other courts.   –Bill Dobbs, The Dobbs Wire



Here’s what the U.S. Supreme Court had to say this morning, March 27, 2017:



The Acting Solicitor General is invited to file a brief in this case expressing the views of the United States.


3 thoughts on “The Dobbs Wire: News from the U.S. Supreme Court – the court has NOT decided whether it will review Doe v. Snyder, last summer’s ground-breaking decision by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals

  • March 28, 2017

    If they rule against Michigan I think all RSOs and advocates across the country should pen a letter to all concerned (including SCOTUS) about the truth. Including sources and statistics – because if they rule against Michigan it means they are still functioning under bogus information about recidivism etc. How anyone could look at the current state of affairs and not see that it is indeed punishment should have their head examined. Said letter should then be resent at intervals….

    • March 28, 2017

      Agree 110%!!!

  • March 27, 2017

    This move may not be bad by SCOTUS as i think perhaps they will issue a rulling denying MI. as i’m sure they are aware they will have to rule on this one way or another very soon.


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