Do you plan to come to Washington? Please let us know.

As we previously mentioned, FAC plans to participate in an event to be held in Washington, DC in March 2023.

The event is comprised of a two-day conference, to be held on March 4th and 5th, followed by a day of legislative meetings on March 6th and ending with a vigil on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court building on March 7.

We recognize that for those who are required to register, this comprises “three or more days”, which would require registration. Many of you may be unable (or unwilling) to take the additional time off work to go register on top of attending the event. We also recognize that traveling to Washington, D.C. may be cost prohibitive to some. And finally, if we participate in something, we want to make sure that our participation is meaningful and productive.

To help plan appropriately and gauge resources, we need to know how many people from FAC intend to participate in the event and whether we, as a group, should plan to participate in all aspects of the event or just ones that fall within under the “three or more day” window and if the latter, whether more people would prefer to include the conference portion or the vigil portion.

At this time we don’t need formal commitments, but we do need a rough idea of how many people plan to attend. If you plan to attend, please reply in the comments with a number of persons (including yourself) who you plan to attend with and whether you plan to attend the full event, only conference, or only meetings and vigil. Please don’t put your full name in the comment (or as the name you post under, remember, this is not a reservation, just a general idea).

If you don’t plan to attend, there is no reason to indicate so.


25 thoughts on “Do you plan to come to Washington? Please let us know.

  • March 16, 2022

    I plan to attend all the events. I assume that men can attend as this is a W.A.R. event…women against the registry.

    • March 16, 2022

      Of course. WAR isn’t only women anyways.

      • March 17, 2022

        Thanks, I will plan to be there.

  • March 16, 2022

    March 7 yes, is the plan anyway. Not sure on the rest. 4 days there plus travel time there and back is a lot. Although I get it with meeting the legislators, that is what it is all about, letting them see and hear us. But that day leaves many people out and when it is expensive and time is not on a registrants side often, it would be nice to have a day of conference followed by the vigil. Meet with the legislators after for those that are participating in that.

  • March 16, 2022

    (I should have said that I will attend the entire 4 days.)

  • March 16, 2022

    Detectives in DC’s SOR unit told me they want in-person registration for any visits > 72 hours. For any shorter visits, they want telephonic check-ins.

    And they would already be notified of my visit by my own county’s registration office, which demands registration of any addresses involving “3 or more overnights,” even if less than 3 full days or less than 72 hours.

    It may be that both entities (my own SOR unit and DC’s) are exceeding their respective registration laws. But they are the ones holding the power of arrest.

    Now, multiply that situation by the # of Florida-based attendees and you have a real problem. My spouse, small children and aging parents cannot afford for me to get arrested again.

    I hate to be the spoilsport, but I would not encourage any FL registrant to attend unless our lawyers can get the ~ 72-hour registration requirement— for BOTH ends— clarified in writing (or something equivalent). Think we can get that done in time?

    • March 16, 2022

      You can’t go by what LE says. They may likely say those things (and other pejorative things) to dissuade you from coming to their jurisdiction. You need to read the laws and make a determination for yourself. My read of DC laws says 14 days is the trigger for employment related presence in the district. The only other language states that the registry laws apply to offenders who live or reside, etc. in the district, which is somewhat vague. The terms “lives” and “resides” are not defined, but you can avoid the issue altogether by getting a hotel in VA. It’s not a long drive to DC and VA has much more reasonable laws for those wishing to visit.

      • March 17, 2022


        I concur. When my Dad was Stationed in D.C with the Military, we lived in Virgina and he drove to D.C easily every day.

      • March 17, 2022

        If one plans to stay in Alexandria or Arlington, Va you don’t even need to rent a car, just take the metro into DC. One less expense and you don’t have to fret about things that could happen when driving especially the Beltways notorious traffic.

    • March 16, 2022

      ‘Not Interested’….

      ………Just To Note…In Some Jurisdictions, They Do Not Call Up or Contact ‘Big Brother’ in the other Jurisdiction….It is Up to the ‘Person Forced to Register’ to Make Contact…

      With Regards to FLori-DUH, I am Sure These People Contact Your Destination etc…Most Other Jurisdictions DO NOT DO THIS!….You are on your own…..Now since the Goons in DC know that ‘WE ARE COMING’…watch the F-OUT….

      I am NOT discouraging anyone from going, BUT, Please Be Vigilant….

      I would Love to go..I can afford it….. BUT, I do not want to have to ‘call-in’ to someone I cannot Verify or Validate to Whom I am speaking! (less than 72 hours)…..

      I am NOT being Negative…Peaceful Assembly is a GOOD THING! But there are Risks for Persons Like Ourselves

      Always be Vigilant!

      • March 17, 2022

        Hopefully, there will be some attorneys at the event who will inform LE what can and cannot be enforced. While they cannot speak for everyone their mere presence will put LE on notice that bogarting will not be tolerated nor will illegal acts by LE not have consequences.

      • March 17, 2022

        We must remember that at one time American colonists were the ‘registered citizens’ of the British empire. Had they not had the courage to step out, we would still be doing ‘Hail to the king’. Doing the right thing is not always comfortable, but it is always the right thing. We must let our conscience be our guide.

      • March 17, 2022


        And the majority of us know, realize and understand, that the scenario you are speaking of, is WHY the registry exists. One Simple word sums it up, Control.

        In my opinion (but others will agree) being on the registry is akin to living in Russia. The citizens are lied to, taken advantage of and held down by their own Government. We here in the U.S are forced to pay taxes for numerous services we a banned from using.

    • March 17, 2022


      Take the DC Metro while you are there if you aren’t in walking distance (your definition). It is the easiest & most cost effective thing to ride and get around in from all points of WDC/VA/MD area. There are train lines from VA/MD that get into where the group will be gathering as well as bus lines from all points. Cars will be a hassle and with WDC closed off today as much as it is, I wouldn’t count on it being open much more next spring. Seriously look into making that your mode of trans while there (get either a paper ticket for each train ride, a metro card loaded with fare you can use on the train/bus or keep change on hand to ride the bus). Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.

  • March 16, 2022

    Sorry but I am not stepping out of the state and risking being arrested. The endless registering and un-registering is exhausting. I about puke every 90 days when I have to be photographed and bombarded with questions trying to trip you up.

    And yet none of it is punishment. I will pray for all those who go but I am already hanging on by a thread with health issues, poverty, being refused Government assistance and harassment of me and my family. And now with Nextdoor, I have the self appointed neighborhood patrol watching me, daring me to come outside in my pajamas.
    Sorry for the rant but a few days ago our house got barraged with “Full” baby diapers. Cameras didn’t pick up a thing, they knew the blind spots.

    • March 16, 2022

      I’ll say a prayer for you CJ. It grieves me when people are harassed like this. May God allow you to live in peace with your neighbors, or move the ones who wish you ill out of your life.

      • March 17, 2022


        Thank you Brother

        Rejoice evermore.

        Pray without ceasing.

        In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God
        1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

    • March 17, 2022

      I know some say we should keep religion out of the FAC equation, but God has taught me to not live in fear. As long as I do what is right in the eyes of God, I do not fear. We were not created to fear. If I had let fear rule my spirit, I would never have made a carrier landing. My life is in God’s hands, and I will do that which pleases Him knowing that no matter what He has my back.

    • March 17, 2022


      I don’t blame you for how you feel and completely understand, but you can still participate by making a Registry impact statement as an option. Don’t know if that’s an option for registrants who aren’t able to attend in person, but it’s something to consider.

      In my opinion your neighbors act like teens and they consider you a monster. At least you don’t harass anyone and vandalize property. Sorry that has happened to you and I wish you could live in peace.

  • March 16, 2022

    You know, I was a life time registrant even before I landed in the sunshine state. Any chance to make a change would only benefit me, and others like me, in the long run. Count me in for the whole shebang.


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