Do you plan to come to Washington? Please let us know.
As we previously mentioned, FAC plans to participate in an event to be held in Washington, DC in March 2023.
The event is comprised of a two-day conference, to be held on March 4th and 5th, followed by a day of legislative meetings on March 6th and ending with a vigil on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court building on March 7.
We recognize that for those who are required to register, this comprises “three or more days”, which would require registration. Many of you may be unable (or unwilling) to take the additional time off work to go register on top of attending the event. We also recognize that traveling to Washington, D.C. may be cost prohibitive to some. And finally, if we participate in something, we want to make sure that our participation is meaningful and productive.
To help plan appropriately and gauge resources, we need to know how many people from FAC intend to participate in the event and whether we, as a group, should plan to participate in all aspects of the event or just ones that fall within under the “three or more day” window and if the latter, whether more people would prefer to include the conference portion or the vigil portion.
At this time we don’t need formal commitments, but we do need a rough idea of how many people plan to attend. If you plan to attend, please reply in the comments with a number of persons (including yourself) who you plan to attend with and whether you plan to attend the full event, only conference, or only meetings and vigil. Please don’t put your full name in the comment (or as the name you post under, remember, this is not a reservation, just a general idea).
If you don’t plan to attend, there is no reason to indicate so.
(2) My wife and myself representing Iowa… The whole thing
I’ll be there in Washington and willing to help anyway I can. My hope is registrants will be able to attend or have a loved one stand in support of them. Traveling as a registrant is extremely stressful especially if you don’t have connections to a location; which can increase already tight budgets. Will there be opportunities where registrants who are unable to attend at least participate in the legislature portion? I’m just trying to think of ways to get more registrants involved even if their feet aren’t in Washington. United we stand and we will overcome. Never give up and always have faith in the end goal.
Obviously, more participants is the best visually but I feel the most impact will come from the PFR’s families and friends. A family attending to show who this unending punishment really effects could possibly hit home with a few of the legislators.
I have to interject. Now IS the time to take commitments!
What i’ve learned is recruiting is a snowball effect. When you have people committed to go, it is easier to get more folks to commit. I’ve heard many say, “well I won’t go unless a hundred or more show up” to my past events. Well, each person who commits brings us closer to that number.
If folks can’t do 3 days, just do the vigil if nothing else. Drive, hitchhike, ship yourself Fed Ex, walk, Fly, ride a bike, take the bus, or take Amtrak. Trust me, Amtrak is nice, lots of leg room and nicer travelers than the bus. When you come out Union station, boom! You’re already there. Buy a roommette and sleep on the train in luxury (well as luxurious as a rolling closet could be LOL)
But c’mon, you there’s no reason you can’t plan a year in advance to go. I’m saving my pennies to go and I’ll be there, and if I croak befor then you can use my body as a prop for the vigil, then you can just dump my body in Cheasapeake Bay. I wouldn’t be far from my birthplace in Baltimore.
But Gini and I will be there. Maybe if we’re big enough, some of us can make additional plans.
Before I use the Fedex option you mentioned, I have two questions. Will there be snacks and what movies do they offer in route?