DC Vigil 2025 Conference
The dates have been set for the third annual vigil in Washington, D.C., during which the U.S. Supreme Court will be educated about the significant harm they have caused. The source of that harm is the Court’s decision, Smith v. Doe, which falsely stated that the requirement to register is not punishment and therefore every level of government can pass news laws and apply them retroactively.
You can find more information about the third annual vigil here.
It is not easy for me to say this but in light of the events of this week, I have serious reservations about this event.
For those who get mad at saying it, consider who is saying this. I’ve organized many events from the Florida “Rally in Tally” in 2015 and the first SCOTUS Vigil in 2023. I’ve been harassed and threatened and even falsely accused of crimes in all this time. And yet I stuck with it for all these years. I’m no shrinking violet. But the chaos of this week is far worse than I have imagined it would be.
But this year just hits differently. There are now bills in Congress now, one calling for a national death penalty for many sex offenses, and a nationwide ban on Registered Persons in emergency shelters. The violent extremist group Proud Boys, which tried to disrupt the NARSOL Conference in Houston two years ago, were pardoned & are walking the halls of Congress with the imprimatur of the current President.
The vigilantes that have stalked us for years have adhered to the far-right conspiracies are emboldened by the election of the orange dictator.
So if you are still planning on going, be cautious. You’re walking into a more perilous environment than we did just two years ago.
With Trump in power all the more reason to stand up and be heard! Hiding in fear is what the MAGA crowd wants. Don’t give in. It emboldens them.
[Moderator’s reminder: All, let’s do our best to keep the discussion non-partisan].
And don’t fooled into thinking that all this noise and engagement with immigrants is going to take the spotlight and heat off us.
Once the immigrant situation dies down or subsides from the news, who do you think they’re coming after next? Take a guess. They won’t even bother with internment camps because that is “wasteful” spending. Their “final solution” will be something more akin toe Purge Night.
And for all those who think that would “never happen,” I would say your faith in humanity is too high.
[The Moderator clarifies: our fact-checkers have thus far identified no credible threat of organized mass murder].
I agree with Facts that caution and preparation are more key now than ever. We seem to be following a familiar playbook:
I just wonder if this has any real impact at all? I’m not being negative but curious is the effort getting any results at all? Is it safe? There is no shortage of lunatics out there today.
Can someone post some comments from real expierence and results?
Any results will not be seen immediately. This year and the past two years seeds were being planted that over time we hope will grow. There is planning being done to expand this project some day so that we cannot be ignored.
Parish I wonder that myself. While I’m about 3 hrs from D.C and some from Safer Virginia group our planning on going this year I may even join them. You know many of these sex offenses are all different in situations but all hold the lustful impression of (tempting) offender misuse. Are authorities abusing power? Take a look at the J6 folks if you want to see above. It speaks volume.
Whether induced or entrapped or entangled in all this in one way or another its the coercive effects and methods used. Authorities are trying to protect and at the same time trying to serve the public. Whats uncanny about much of this is the false narrative of a lot of this registry abuse. Take the internet operations vs real time situations. It appears that Authorities lump them all up in one category in a type of covet behavior while at the same times authorities are doing the coveting.
The Court also falsely stated the Recidivism rate was 66%, as I recall, based on a non-peer reviewed study that even the author admited was incorrect. That was the justification used by the conservative wing of the court to take away rights to some American’s that are guaranteed by the constitution.
What makes you think I’m “fooled”? I have been saying for a long time that when the current administration is done with their immigrant roundups and need a new target, we’re next of the chopping block.
Alrerady, there are bills in Congress to make most s*x offenses, even CP offenses, eligible for the Death Penalty. See:
H.R.7957 – No Repeat Child Sex Offenders Act
H.R.7955 – Holding Child Predators Accountable Act
And don’t forget the national ban on emergency shelters for Registered Persons:
H.R.10398 – To prohibit certain sex offenders from entering or using the services of certain emergency shelters, to authorize the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to designate emergency shelters for such sex offenders, and for other purposes.
We can try to say politics isn’t part of what we do but it is. It always has been. We can’t go without acknowledging that fact.
We’ve never had friends in politics, but we have a bigger target on our backs than ever before. And all these folks who want to be gung-ho on this vigil project now, where were you even two years ago when the first vigil was being held? We had only 75 attendees. I could’ve used you folks then, or in 2015 when I was brave enough to take on your oppressor and they had to hide behind a literal smokescreen.
Again, I don’t make warnings lightly. I’ve taken on tough assignments back when most of you wouldn’t even so much as post anonymously on this site. So I would hope that people would listen to someone who has been through hell to advance this cause. This is the one time I truly think this is not a great idea. I hope I’m wrong but I can’t just ignore what I see are massive red flags.
I wasn’t implying you were foolish or anything of the kind. I was stating that the adversity we face has never been higher than it is in this moment of history. If things don’t get stamped out soon, we will soon reach the point of no return. What most don’t get is that this IS a slow-rolling social genocide that the public is onboard with.
We’re basically a stone’s throw away from “Screw the Constitution and lets just start killing people we don’t like” stage.
You have all these extremist and fascist hate groups (proud boys, oath keepers, pedo hunters, moms for liberty, etc) that have been radicalized with fear and safety propaganda that are mobilizing against every move we make. There is no “making nice” with these people because they DO NOT value truth, facts or reality. I’m not going to seek common ground with a counter-movement who’s sole motivation is hatred and resentment
For them, dehumanization is not enough. They want to harm, maim and flat out put us down. I’ve read comments under stories along the lines of “If someone messes with a child, they ought to be ‘put down’ like when a rabid dog bites someone.”
The bully tactics they employ just highlights how messed up the world has become. All of this is tailor-made for a media that will always be making a nickel at our expense.
So yes, even though we do still have freedom to assemble and protest, sitting on those steps in this current atmosphere of radicalized hate would be a vulnerable group of sitting ducks. Even if the message is intended for SCOTUS, the instigators will show up and strut like a rooster.
Sex offenders who claim any vigilante showing up at their home will be leaving in a body bag should not cower now when being brave is needed more than ever.
Who is cowering?
There is a difference between a lone wolf vigilante and state sponsored vigilante violence, by the way.
Pam Bondi has been notified about this Washington, DC gathering of sex offenders so appropriate security measures may be taken.
[Moderator’s note: this statement has not been fact-checked].
Your comment: Pam Bondi has been notified about this Washington, DC gathering of sex offenders so appropriate security measures may be taken. Maybe she needs a copy of the letter that was sent and also a invitation to listen.
Good then maybe we can educate Ms. Bondi on the realities of the registry.
I’m sure that old dog will refuse to learn new tricks.
Sex offenders educating the attorney general and supreme court? (Big laugh – predators teaching lawyers LOL LOL LOL)
Maybe sex offenders should be teaching grown men the meaning of the word jailbait.
Derek The DC VIGIL Planning team is composed of people who were at the originally dc vigil and were also there last year for the virtual vigil. We have never given up hope for this idea and plan to make it bigger and better each year.
Derek now I don’t know you but I’ve fallen several times yet I pick myself up. We all have free will. While I have my doubts that going to D.C. would change things it seems other advocates want to try and get some action going. Hey more power to the lady and her group if they can do it. If it helps all on the registry.
Now this lady out in Calif wants to do this vigil trek for her
advocacy group hoping that it may do some good for many. Each one of these offender ordeals are different even mine own. I grant you that some on the internet had hundreds of porno, some may have talked suggestive to the decoy or teen. Whatever the point may be some feel that this D.C. thing is a good move but I have doubts. Sure many are still slaves to this registry. Over throw the slavery than the war is half over or compromise if that’s possible.
Saddles, the DC vigil may not significantly increase SCOTUS’s awareness, nor are they likely to reverse there position. But if we don’t ask, the answer is always no. After much effort, in 2023 felons in my state were given back the vote if they weren’t physically incarcerated. It took over a year to get the very judgmental clerk of my county to change her website to precisely reflect the registration law. Her original version could easily have had a chilling effect on those who read it. Now it directly reflects the voter registration site of the secretary of state.
BTW Janice and ACSOL in California have made progress in that state. Because of ignorance and social attitudes, SOs can’t expect huge improvements, but every little step forward helps.
I organized the first DC vigil in 2023. I organized nearly a dozen protests, including one in FloriDUH, between 2015 and 2023.
In my opinion, our movement was too slow to embrace these public events. They didn’t support them when society was more open to our message. Where was this support in 2023 or before?
I still think we should organize a national reboot against the registry. If no one registers can they lock us all up? I think that will bring attention to the matter.
@Let’s go to war
So, you really don’t think they would lock us up? They would not even bat an eye to lock us up in a heartbeat. And no judge is going to release us because it is right in the statues that if you fail to register, you are going to jail, and possible prison, for a long time.
We do not have to be pushovers, and this is taking forever, but we have to do it legally and correctly so as to make it stick, so they can’t change their minds and send us back on the registry. I am not getting any younger and I figure I will most likely die on the registry, due to health issues. If I stop commenting on here, you will know I am either locked up or dead. (Or maybe both because if I die, I can’t register so they might dig me up and re-arrest me for failure to register).
What was FALSELY stated was more like 80%.
Ed you are right and I have considered how the registry is being dished out in several unfair ways. I have decided about going to D.C. As a matter of fact [name redacted] e-mailed me from WAR last week and she and her friend are driving up from Saint Louis. I’m sure Janice has her plans of action as well as other advocates. Just hope this year we can make a lot of difference. The main thing I’m sure many can see in much of this registry is the unfairness to many involved in this registry issue and of course the injustice and the human demoralization is just as bad as this registry ruse. Even people coming out of prison have this lifetime registry held over their heads.
Any caravans from Florida going? Any planned groups traveling together?
We wont have a caravan this year but are planning on looking into for next year. There are quite a few going from florida. If you have any questions please reach out.
Alert: I read an article that FDLE is arresting SO on dating sites. There is something very unconstitutional about it. Especially for those that have their cases already closed and have completed their sentences.
But even-though you may have good intentions of just meeting a very special companion , do not put yourselves on dating sites to avoid the trouble. I don’t know if there is an actual law against this. I know the dating sites prohibit SO from joining, but getting arrested for it, may not be constitutional. I’m not a lawyer, don’t know.
We need our own SO dating website!
You know “Pretending” is often associated with hypocrisy. Has much of this sex registry ordeal gotten so bent and twisted out of shape that its even challenges the constitutionality of American law. So where is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness today in American Justice. One wonders if just is covered up in a plea deal or bargain today or buried underneath truth.
Sure many want justice and that’s what this vigil is all about. Are we to dissect the pro’s and con’s of these schemes to understand these inhuman registry ordeals that compound many by this internet scheme. What covetous behavior by mankind to induce on mankind. Is man coveting man today via some internet device with this scheme a part of devilish injustice today.
So what is the unjust reasoning today in this registry action. Is the reasoning to “Pretend” to be someone to induce ( persuade, influence) and enslave another or where is the Sovereign Authority of a biblical understanding or nature come into play. While one may still hold some label like others one should let the facts speak for them. And yes much of this registry is unorthodox in many ways.